What a lovely school to be in right? It’s just full of good-for-nothing hooligans we call bullies, people who are bullied, those who actually care and…murder.
Yup, can already imagine what the teachers are gonna tell the parents of this sad little sprawled out experiment gone wrong. ‘Oh we are SO sorry that your daughter was slaughtered and her pupils glued back into their sockets!’ Oh what joy that would be to listen to.
By the way, my name’s Keiko, Keiko Shi. Just like ‘Shi’ is a murderer! Get it?? Hahaha—! Yeah I’m a murder but I absolutely did not; butcher the poor girl or use glue–silly putty–to stick her eyes like googly ones. Look. I only kill bullies. Those who stepped a little too far off their scale. I don’t like it, and I save pity in my heart for those victims who suffered to those…insolent creatures.
I try to keep them out of harms way, but alas, here’s a dead starfish splattered on the floor with crowds of 20+ year olds suffocating it. “MOVE!” The headmaster declares as he shoves all of us out of the way.
I kneel down, pretending to check her pulse–cause why should I really? Her eyes are ripped out like paper in a paper shredder–“…she’s…dead…” I announce in despair, earning gasps and muffled sobs around. A harsh movement knocks me off my knees, “MOVE YOU LITTLE—“ Mr.IDontCareAboutAnyOfYou repeats, even though he literally just ‘moved’–that freak kicked me!–me away.
I dusted myself off, groaning to him, “She’s dead Sir. There was nothing we can actually do anymore.” I muttered, a part of me that had sanity deciding it was better if he didn’t hear me; but oh of course the bad luck of old age is on my side!
“REALLY? YOU THINK YOURE ALL SO GREAT?! SOLVING MURDERS? WELL TOUGH LUCK, GO BACK TO YOUR CLASSES NOW. ALL OF YOU!!!” He screams in that notorious, nasally, noise we identify as a voice. The bell rings to add salt to our burns and we shuffle off to our rooms.
”Hey don’t worry Keiko! It wasn’t your fault. He’s just being his usual moronic self.” My friend laughs and I surpass a chuckle with her, “Thanks Liz, but come on now, we don’t want to be late for class!” I stopped where I was walking and turned to her, smirking with a challenge, “Race ya’!” And with that I sped off, not without snapping a picture on my phone though. I want to think about who killed her. She had no need to die.
Especially like a starfish…
Now our class is literally a campus away, but I decided to give Liz a head start so I could process the beautiful carnage that just took place. The poor thing, she was a younger grade than me, but always so happy and excited to meet me. She done nothing wrong? So what’s knives got against her? And yes, before those: ‘How did you know?????’ Questions, it’s pretty obvious she was stabbed to death since one; she died from lack of blood. And two; the long slash in her arm. However, the party popper eye sockets are new. Perhaps that’s something important.
Soon, the second bell rang, which basically meant: ‘get your lazy arses up where you’re supposed to be or face the consequences’ Heh, like that’s gonna scare a school filled with rioting young adults. Nonetheless, I begin to head over.
“OW!” I exclaim as I fall backwards off balanced. Well. Serves me right for day dreaming about a wonderful mystery killing. I look at the dude, but he just ignores me. “That wasn’t very nice…” I whisper under my breath as I continue to walk across the campus. But then it hit me. Why was he walking that way? There’re no classes or places any of us–other than those bafoons we call teachers–need to be.
I spun around immediately in suspicion but he was gone. I shrugged, I’ll add him to the mental list of suspects I’ve got going on, but I can’t deduce anything for sure yet.