<2 Days Later>
-Cayo’s P.O.V-Ive been replaying the thought in my mind, how stupid of him, first he wrongly accused Keiko of all people being my girlfriend, then called me a homosexual. I have nothing against gays but that doesn’t mean I am one.
I glance down at my phone; 06:20, oh I’m early for once. I contemplated what to do for the hour I had before class before heading upstairs to my first class. No one’s there so I can just mess around. When I get there I notice the door was open by the slightest crack. Didn’t I close it yesterday? Quite sure I did.
Cautiously I took a step forward, my light weight and petite stature was making it easier that I don’t make a noise. The room was still dark. Maybe I hadn’t closed it properLY—! I leant too far back, dropping onto my back. “Wha…t…? What just happened.” Looking up, the door was still as ever.
I swear someone just tried to shank me.
I’m not hallucinating! Other than murdering, my mind is completely stable! That means…it’s still in there. I have no weapon. Should I really go in there? Should I just run? No; I’m just going to fight. Whoever that is won’t see it coming.
I slammed the door shut with all my strength and knelt down. That swipe could’ve scratched my forehead, the person must be at least a head taller than me. Right now I’m just praying that he or she has long legs. I toss myself back a bit and the door bursts open.
Pratibal. He charged out, over my head as I grinned, lucky guess! I smirked and sprinted into the room. “AZHAR.” He snarled, heavier footsteps mushing themselves into the carpet. I stayed tranquil, staring at his lanky body stalking towards me. My mind was racing;
Chest puffed out,
Muscles tensed,
Forehead perspiration.
He’s looking for a fight.
I step back, trying to reason with him. “Samael. Why are you here?” He chuckled darkly, juggling the razor between his slender fingers. What did I even do?! I didn’t even look his direction! “You.” He pointed the tip of the weapon at me, I stood straighter, my back hitting the wall making me try to seem bigger. Not so smart when you’re 5 foot and he’s 6 FOOT. “What did I do?!” I shouted back, he had NO reason to be HERE! “You killed him. The upper year. After Keiko kicked him day before yesterday.” I froze.
”And what proof do you have of that?” I challenged, a sinister expression stamping itself on my face, so is this what it’s all about? “You were the only one around with her at the time.” He answered like a wisenheimer. “So what.” I flung back, “Anyone could’ve coincidentally killed him that day!”
“Who stayed back latest on that day?” Heh, he really thinks he can use that against me? “Me. But too bad, I was arranging books in this here classroom.” “Ah, and you didn’t see the body right down the hall?” Oh shoot. “Why does he matter to you?” I fired back, getting defensive.
”Him? Oh nonono, I don’t care about him.” He said airily nonchalant. “Then who—“ I paused briefly as sudden realisation washed over me, “—Keiko.” He folded his tanned arms, boxcutter sleeping nicely in his shirt pocket. He nodded. “Yes, Cayo. That’s why I’m here.” I didn’t hurt her. She really is something special though.
“Yes, she’s very special.” He crowed, shining with both insanity and pride. I managed to let a sincere smile slip onto my lips, “Oops, did I say that out loud?” a nod; now I was getting bold, “Very well then. Why her? Has someone got a little crus—“ Ooh! Close one, that flying dagger would’ve hit me right in the forehead.
Thank God for quick reflexes!
“Shut. Up.” He growled, I laughed crookedly, letting myself go, “ Make me.” Oh great, now I had the all the glory as a chair flew it’s way to me.
…And now followed by a table.
Gears clicked in my mind, at this rate, and this noise, students and teachers will come pouring in to see the damage. Maybe I can use that to my advantage…I dashed around the class, letting that Hellian to demolish said room. I swear he had so much adrenaline! It was like he never got tired or was always high on glucose or something. I was getting tired, praying for someone to arrive before my knees went weak.
About five minutes of sprinting went down before a knock on the door left me panting in victory. “Who is it…?” I sang breathily, watching Samael’s movements halt completely, him staying still, listening cautiously as golden eyes flicker towards the door and steadied on it.
Oh no. I glanced at Samael in alarm, his eyes bearing the same panic my blue ones swirled with.
It was Keiko.