The two boys unwillingly clamped their mouths shut, throats suddenly becoming dry at the one-word sentence the blue-nette uttered. “Cayo, can I come in?” She knew he was there, and she knew Samael was too. According to the blonde’s plan; they had lured someone up here…just not who they were expecting.
As sweat-absorbent as a oil blotting paper, the youngest reached for the lock on the door handle, twisting it. “Keiko!” He shakily greeted, sliding to block the girl’s vision. “Hi Cayo, what’re you guys doing up here? It’s still early.” She commented, sending a knowing smirk his way.
“I was helping Pratibal (Aoki-san: PrAtIBal) to do his homework—“ he looked over his shoulder convincingly, a smug look replacing the earlier one of distress, “—which he forgot.” Keiko nodded, “Can I join you guys…? Liz isn’t here today and it’s noisy out there…” she ‘shyly’ requested, fiddling with the denim skirt of her blue overalls.
The boy coughed, unsure whether to let her in when there was unfinished business, but a quick shout of agreement from Samael forced the words out of his mouth. That guy really can’t give her up huh. He thought, moving away from the door to let her in.
The class was as it should’ve been, except for one or two out of place chairs, but hey, that was normal. Keiko arched an eyebrow at Samael, his look was more disheveled than she had ever seen, the bandages that had once wound themselves on his hands dangled from them, soaked with the foul odour of sweat.
She said nothing but turned back to Cayo to take in his appearance. It was strikingly similar, with the inclusion of his coat having sweat patches near the armpits and back. “Jesus…what homework did Sammy not do? Gym?” She snorted slightly, blushing lightly as she covered her nose with her palm.
“If it were gym homework, Azhar would need help!” The Indian (Yes, Samael is Indian) taunted, gladly taking in the brief moment of flaring the said Egyptian had. “You two are absolute enemies!” The girl concluded, she giggled to herself before adding on; “Just like the Nazis and Jews!” She looked around the class, noticing how there was no books out at all.
They were definitely cat fighting, she noted.
Just then, the bell rang, dragging her out of her thoughts. “Alright, sorry guys! I’ve gotta ‘rainbow’dash!” She muttered before hugging both and rushing down the stairs. “Well…I’ve got to go. We can finish this lat—“ a soft gasp escaped Cayo’s mouth faster than he could stop it as the cutter poked his Adam’s apple.
You’re lucky she likes you.” The tallest grimaced, pure disgust etching into his features. He pressed it a little further, the tip now making a small red dot in the round, protruding flesh. “Let me go.” The latter exclaimed, clenching his fists tightly, “Or what.” Cayo doesn’t know what happened if he was honest, that taunt just made him…well…snap.
“Or this.” He asserted, reaching inbetween the arms of his enemy and pressing into his eye sockets. Hard. A sharp hiss echoed in the room, sending the eldest flying backwards but his knife jabbing into the victim’s neck slightly. How far did it go? Quite, not nearly half but a dangerous amount to where it hung on where it was stabbed.
Cayo groaned, his white inner shirt and tie being stained by the slight trickle of his own liquid, hands shakily reaching up to the weapon and in one clean motion he pulled it out, blood pouring out more aggressively. He turned to see Samael still clutching his eyes. “You’re a jerk you know. You’re lucky no one is coming into this class anytime soon.” He undid his tie, wrapping it around his neck as a makeshift bandage for the time being, heading towards the door he announced, “I’ll buy you time. Get out of my bloody class in the next 10 minutes.”
He forced his legs to move as fast as they could, jogging over to his class teacher and explained he was messing around with a pair of scissors while doing craft and accidentally cut himself. She bought it and he rushed to the medic.
”OOF—!” Whoever he hit was thrusted onto the floor and even in his current state, the Egyptian deemed it common courtesy to help them up. Then he realised who it was. “Sorry.” “Keiko?!” He shook, heart rate accelerating as he tried to stop the fresh wave of blood pouring out.
”Yeah…our teacher is absent so the relief gave us exit passes.” She smiled, but that smile quickly vanished when she noticed the blood tight grip the taller had on his jugular vein. “Christ Almighty…what happened??” She couldn’t help it, she was excessively caring by nature and as long as that student wasn’t a bully, she swore she wouldn’t raise her fist.
It wasn’t the girl herself Cayo was afraid of. It was her intentions. This little Japanese woman. Who seemed to look more like a teen than a 20 year old; could bring the school’s most feared mafia to his knees. Not only that but she literally had the whole school at her fingertips. Plus she’s trying to solve a murder he committed.
In a daze with blurred vision he was brought back to reality by the petite spy snapping her fingers in front of him. “Cayo? Are you okay? What happened?” Unable to answer, he staggered back, falling over to realise that the girl had brought a chair for him.
”You're bleeding.” She calmly told him, slowly reaching out her hands, waiting for permission. Hazily understanding her request, he nodded painfully, letting her peel off the soaked tie which held the blood like a sponge held water. Dried splotches and cracked crusts scattered his skin, and pale blemishes shone with the wet cells.
”Oh my…Cayo…what happened?” She sighed wearily, shuffling to her own bag and pulling out a pack of anti-septic wipes. Silence became harmonious as she gently picked away the dried crumbs, stopping instantly whenever the boy flinched.
Soon only the fresh blood was left. She dug into her bag again, this time scavenging out a first aid kit. “Ha…ha…” The injured laughed dryly, “…you’ve got the whole hospital…! There…with…you…” she shushed him, lecturing him on how talking would take up too much energy and he might faint.
”Dear could you tilt your head back a bit?” She asked, unconsciously calling him the pet name. Cayo smiled but tilted his head back anyways, letting her apply the cream and wrap it properly, tying the knot at the end. The blonde flexed his neck, testing the security; satisfied with it he thanked her profusely.
”You’re very good with bandages.” He complimented, regaining strength and proper blood flow, Keiko smiled, laughing short and sweet as she explained how she always had to do it for Sammy–Samael–when they were younger since he frequently got into fights and couldn’t re-wrap them by himself.
“Oh! Speaking of which, I gotta go find him, knowing that boy, he must’ve skipped class. Make sure to change those every once in a while! Bye!” And with that she ran off to find the Indian.