I left my mind to think. That girl…she stayed back for the murder of Lystra. Why? I saw her snap a photo on her phone, reckless girl, her flash was on. She’s definitely something different though, she even managed to calm down Samael somehow. The beast seemed to kneel at her feet.
Ah…She’s seen me again. I snickered a bit, raising my sky blue eyes to scan her. Heh, well isn’t she a pretty thing? Short stature, shoulder length aqua waves, a pale and unblemished complexion. I’d be lying to say she wasn’t. She stood in a denim overall dress, with an off-white camisole.
She had knee socks which seemed to be a little bit crusted…Hm…I bring my gaze back up and meet her own ocean blue ones. Oh, she’s noticed my observation. Time to head off! I walk off into the unoccupied hallway, no security cameras, no students and teachers. A pitter-patter is footsteps travel behind me, “You!” She pants, I turn to face her, “Yes?” Hands on her knee-caps and back hunched over like a bridge. ”Wh–who are…who are you..?” She asked, finally regaining her breath.
Wow is she really that lazy??
-Cayo’s (???’s) P.O.V-
“I’m Cayo Azhar. Cayo means ‘Rejoice’ and Azhar means ‘Brilliant’, and you?” She swallowed, preparing herself to spit it out, “Keiko! Keiko Shi, nice to meet you!”
”Nice to meet you too, but…did you need me for something?” I pressed slightly, she stared at me for a moment, contemplating on what to say, “Yeah, weird question, but I feel like you’re following me—haha! That came out so creepy I’m sorry!” She laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck.
“You’re very odd, Keiko.” I stated, watching her every move as her eyes darted at me, going blank for a brief second. “Odd?” I shrugged, she seemed pretty friendly? “Yeah, you managed to calm down the High and Mighty Samael, when he was beating up a person at any time.” “Wait—you were following me?!” Her brows furrowed, puffing her flushed cheeks as she looked up at me. Oh shi— “No? I was just around the area.” I lied. Clearly I was following her. If she ever discovered I killed Lystra, I could loose it all. Should I kill her? I probably should…no…she won’t find out. I left no clues! I cleaned the blood–except for those spilling out–, the weapon–scissors– is safe with me, and my fingerprints are not on the bod— “You came back to the crime scene?” —so she recognised me. “Yeah, I want to find out who killed her. Maybe she argued with someone!” I added, trying to get this…girl off my trail, but she just shook her head.
”No…Lystra was very easy-going. She would have had no reason to argue with someone.” “It’s a possibility” I insisted. She’s good…maybe I should kill her? Not yet though, she intrigues me. I’ll keep her on her toes for now.
-Keiko’s P.O.V-
Cayo. Interesting name, sounds like a sound you’d make if you were to fall or stub your toe or something, like: ‘CA—YO!’ (I think only Malaysians will get this reference) but he seems pretty fun. I stayed silent for a minute, maybe I should ask Liz what’s up with him? Maybe he’s part of a clan or something.
”Hm, if you say so…” I hesistantly agreed, he really does support the idea of the starfish–that’s my mental nickname for her now– arguing with someone. I’m not though. She was very shy and timid, and plus she only joked with people. But I do suppose it’s a possibility. “Hey, Keiko?” I let out a hum of acknowledgement, “Yep?” “What happened to your tights?” Ohh righhhhht! I must’ve spilt glue on them when I was setting up that trap for a new target…darn…I didn’t know the stain would be that obvious!
I was just hot-gluing a small spring to a mini-cleaver as a present for the girl. Boy she was surprised! She had her mouth hanging open and eyes blown to their extremes. A breathtaking sight as the blade dug into her neck–literally–.
“Is it very obvious??” I frowned, trying my absolute best to smoothen out the crisp creases and picked out straggly bits. It was itchy but well I have to deal with it I guess. Suddenly he burst out laughing like a darn hyena. “Nono—! I’m sorry— you’re just—really funny…hah…sorry!” He choked out in between laughs, slowly calming down at the end. I grinned, I like him.
“Keiko!” I heard someone scream, it was a boy of the first year–younger than both of us–“Keiko!” He seems…frightened. I turned to Cayo, who shooed me to talk to him. “Yes are you okay?” He shook his head frantically, tears brimming in his heartbroken eyes. “They…they’ve got my friend!” “Friend?” Cayo interrupted, the petite boy nodded, too worried and afraid to say anymore.
“Bring me to them. Cayo you’re free to tag along if you want.”