“NO! STAY AWAY FROM HER!!” A voice exploded down the hall. No one was around, all students surrounding other parts of the campus. Crack. Aleena’s ghostly pale neck cracked to face her hinderance. “You. Careless, emotionless creature.” She quoted as if it were a line from Shakespeare.
She turned to face Keiko, who was tripping on and off an awake mind. “And what will your wolf in muddied armour bring you once you’re…”–her grip tightened, bringing out a pleasant gasp of strangled breaths–“…dead…?” Her coral irises flashed with deranged praise, sparkling smugness sprinkled on her ghastly features.
Samael tripped in front of her. His unbandaged hands struggling to grab what he could before he fell–that ‘thing’ being Aleena herself–. Keiko slumped to the cold tiles brokenly. Everything hurt. With vision as hazy as the fog in her mind, she forced herself to shut down.
Samael pinned Aleena to the ground by the elbows. The girl didn’t even bother to struggle, she shifted a bit so their eyes met. “SHE is a MURDERER!” She pushed, staring through his golden orbs demandingly. He had to see this right?! What is SOOOO angelic about her?! She was dragged out of her wonders when a short chuckle broke out above her.
“I KNOW she’s what you say she is. You idiot.” He taunted, and that was the truth. Samael was the only one who had known Keiko was a murderer—
“Then just end me.”
And he wanted it to stay that way—.
Shoving a hand into his back pocket, the Indian flung out a blade, the steel was new, the shiny silver soon to be stained with a rustic colour sending thrills through his whole being. A crazed smile stitched its way into his features as he swung his forearms down left and down right, slicing messily jagged through the flesh of her nape.
Ending it.
-Keiko’s P.O.V-
…Wha…? What’s…happening..I look up, I still see black around the edges and feel the throb of pain in my head. Wait—I’m not dead. I’m breathing. HOW?? All I heard before I passed out was…Samael…
Now I can see the artery stained boy.
“Sammy…what…why.” Did he really kill her?! I mean, not like I’m a Goddess or an angel but he KILLED HER?! YES!! “K-Keiko..? She tr-tried to har–m y-you...” “So you killed her?”
A silent, solemn nod.
Woah..I stared at him like ‘The Scream’ painting, mouth open to catch flies and hands cupping my cheeks to block the on coming hellians called migranes. Drip. Huh? Drip. Drop. Drip. I force my eyes–Hell, I didn’t even notice I closed them–open and—NO. NONO…!
With whatever magic that possessed me, I threw myself to Sammy’s side. “Hey…Sammy, no…don’t cry please. It’s okay, don’t cry…” “Sh-she h-h-hur-hurt…” “Shh..hey..I’m alright, you saved me! Please don’t cry, we’re safe, it’s okay…shh…” I cradled the gentle giant in arms carefully, slowly rocking my body back and forth, humming something softly.
He trembled, not from cold nor hunger but fear…”Samael…hey, look at me…” Reluctantly, he did. “I won’t leave you because you killed her. I’m a murderer too remember? But what’s done is done and you’re gonna be okay, I’m gonna make sure of it.” We stayed like that for a moment before he slowly but surely began calming down.
“Come on,” I said, standing up, we were both filthy! “let’s head to the changing rooms, we can freshen up there.”