-Third Person P.O.V-
As more and more people mysteriously ‘vanished’ from the compound, the criminal pair flourished. They got rid of whoever they thought stood in their way; no matter how sickeningly sweet or how adorably annoying. It didn’t matter; they were gone.
Samael knew of Keiko’s ways, but had not known about her partner-ship with the Egyptian. In fact, he started to grow jealous of the boy’s seemingly flirtatious attitude towards her.
It was after school today, he thought, deadly eyes scanning about the empty lab. Keiko was absent and the chocolate skinned Male took his chance:
’Me: Chemistry Lab 10-10 now.
Cayo: Ah. Prat; whatever do you need me there for?
Me: Come find out.’
Two sets of foot tapping could be heard throughout the tranquil campus. The taller of the two’s quickly and restless tapping soon being drained out by the door slamming open. “What do you want?” Cayo asked nonchalantly.
“You like her.”
The statement floated like a helium balloon tied with a washer, there but unable to move. A dark chuckle vibrated through the blonde’s chest, “Oh? Jealous I see.” He taunted, feeling a sense of pride as he saw his nemesis clutching and unclutching his tanned fists.
“No. She’s like my sister. I don’t like her hanging about with twats like you.” Samael snarled venomously. All his primal instincts were shouting at him to lunge forward and re-puncture that idiot’s throat but he refrained reluctantly.
“I see. Well then; yes.” Cayo nodded, “I do adore your little girl very much.” He watched; analysing the growl that slipped past, adding on with an amorous tone–voice dropping low–, “She’s a pretty little thing isn’t she? Alluring, shy, coy. Oh, what a wonder she’s working with me—“ “She’s what..?” That small gasp of insecurity is all the smaller needed to set his plan into action.
“Oh yes! Did she not tell her ‘big brother’ about her playtime with me? How sad.” Denial etched its way into Samael’s features, no way. There was no way she wouldn’t have told him! He’s lying. “You’re lying!” “Wrong there. She’s all mine now. A darling she is, you should see her with that little white outfit, midnight skirt and black stockings all stained in crimson. Oooo—!“
The blue eyed boy said no more. Observing his opponent’s reaction carefully; then a soft, “..m-more..tell me more about..her.” Echoed through the room.
-Cayo’s P.O.V-
I finish off my monolouge about her. Eyes glossed over and mouth parted...wow, he really does have the hots for her.
I grin. Perfect timing for me to engage in my plan. (I know this logically won’t work but please go along with it!) “Sammy..?” I whisper in a sort of sing-song voice—the same type Keiko would often use—. He glanced up at me lazily, still in a trance. My hand slips away into my shallow pockets as I pick out a wet handkerchief and two tablets of cyanide.
“Come.” I smiled dirtily, tying the cloth around my face to block of my nose and mouth. Poor old Sammy took a few long strides over to me at the entrance, gazing blurrily down at me as if waiting first his next command.
“Keiko gave me these, “ —a lie but worth it— I poke as I hold out the white tablets in my left open palm. “It’s sort of like an aspirin, dosage is two so take both, you don’t look so good.” A devilish grin scratches onto my face as he takes them, swallowing them dry.
“And now we wait.” I chuckled, waiting.
It started with the frothing at the mouth, a foamy fountain of white suds and drool sliding down his mouth and chin. What a lovely contrast! Next was the coughing, hacking more like. Samael hunched over on the floor with his knees splayed wide. Vomit. Dulled greens and rusted golds drenched the floor as my lovely opponent choked on whatever else came out of his dark throat.
Awh, that was it? Oh well..
I hopped forward, careful in avoiding the barf puddle. “..please..stop..” he begged, cute. “Oh how adorable! Begging for me? Too bad it’s not enough.” I kicked him backwards, proceeding to step over his splayed out body. “It’ll all be over soon.” I answered the unspoken question eerily softly as I dropped the glass bottle of gasoline on him. My gloves hiding the prints.
Ah, my favourite part. The blood, oozing and pouring like waterfalls out onto the tile floor. Not dead yet. I smirked, stepping to one side and flicking a match. You probably know what happens then.
I exit school satisfied.
Anything for my pretty little thing.