-Third Person P.O.V-
“HELP ME—! PLEASE!” The little girl cried. A looming shadow held onto her hair roughly, threatening to yank it straight out of the scalp they were plugged into. “HEY!” The bluenette shouted, cautiously making sure her voice came out slightly cracked, giving the illusion of weakness.“WHAT.” The bully turned to face her, dropping the girl as he strided over to her; he was significantly taller than the pair, and obviously from an upper grade. “It’s not very nice to bully someone five times smaller than you.” Keiko stood her ground and was adamant on not using violence to solve the situation.
However she was just pushed aside, the eldest turning to Cayo, who had sprinted his way over to the carnage. “Hey, kid. Get your girlfriend outta here ‘Kay?” “First of all. I am NOT his–“ “Hush Princess, don’t want you to hurt yourself do we?” The upper-grader cut her off, snarling and eyes squinting as if trying to frighten her off.
The short girl didn’t budge, nor did she flinch. She crossed her arms over her chest before taking a step closer, just enough so she was right up in his face and left the tense air to form a paper thin barrier between them. “You really are horrid.” She commented, before using her ankle to strike straight upwards in between his forcefully.
The sandy haired male stood in amused silence. That was surely going to leave a mark. “YOU—“ “Come on you two, let’s go get you some ice cream yeah?” She ignored him, placing comforting hands on both the younger years’ shoulders as they gleefully followed her to go get a treat.
“Cayo! Coming?” She shouted back, but the boy just shook his head, urging her to head off as he did so too on a separate path.
<After School>
”Cayo Dear? Could you please neaten the books on the shelf please?” His last teacher asked him politely, recieving a quick nod and thumbs up. Silence. Everyone had left already, except for Cayo of course, who chose to stay back and re-arrange the books. He whistled lowly, laughing inwardly as he remembered the day.
Keiko huh, she’s fierce. He thought to himself, finishing up and tucking what he needed into his rucksack, slinging it over his shoulder and heading out. Along the hallways he was alert, because who knew what lingered there? “Oi. You.” A rumble echoed through, he was the only other person here so the blue eyed boy immediately knew he was being spoken to.
Gazing up through his loosely shaken bangs, his eyes focused on the same elder he saw Keiko destroy earlier. Aged 31–11 years older than him–, and he was definitely from Asia. Pretty well built too, not too muscular but a good deal of hitting the gym, he cataloged. “Oh, it’s you.” Letting a grin play at his lips he chuckled, reminiscing on the brilliant course of action his new friend took.
“Yeah, it’s me. Now I’ve got something to say to you buddy. Tell your chit of a girlfrie—“ “Would you stop calling her that. Do you honestly assume every girl with a guy is considered to be dating? Or is it just that you’re so very lonely on your own?” He smirked at the end, sprinting off to somewhere he knew there were no witnesses for sure. The guy caught up to him quick, arriving just a split second before him.
“Now listen here little boy. You think you’re so brave? Protecting whatever you call that chit. You’re gonna regret it—.” The taller stated, throwing a fist straight at Cayo. It’s true that Cayo was quite fit, and he was also a good fighter. Using both brains and strength, he caught the fist.
“Alright, I’ve had enough of this.” He sighed, using his other hand to slip off the bag and leaving the contents to drop out. He shot a glance at the perpetrator’s neck, not too thick of skin, but it definitely will need quite a bit of force to puncture.
Next he flipped the wrist trapped in his hold, ah, now the skin here was much thinner and it was rather obvious where the veins and arteries lead. “Well well.” He grinned, letting go of the older male’s hand.
Dropping to one knee, he scrambled for his pencil case, scooping out a wooden pencil in a hasty motion, he heard the upper-year yell mockingly, “HAHA, YOU THINK A PENCIL IS GOING TO STOP ME?! YOUVE GOT SOME NERVE KID!” He charged towards the shorter, just like a bull seeing movement.
Cayo counted in his mind, one to ten. And on ten, he lunged forward towards the latter’s legs, pulling them with him as he threw the attacker on the floor. He sat up, dusting himself off quickly and sliding each leg over the outside of the others and holding his wrists out.
The struggling stopped, and the older kid suddenly let out a nervous laugh, “W-woah kid, you’re—“ a visible gulp was swallowed, “—no offense, sorry, I didn’t know you were gay…” Cayo had nothing against homosexuals but he was honestly annoyed beyond the limit at this point.
“I swear to—just, forget it.” He ended before stabbing the pencil as hard as he could into the male’s wrists. The deed was done, and the threat was dead, but now the blonde boy had to clean up. He scavenged for a small bottle that read ‘Hydrogen Peroxide’ (Aoki san 😂) and sprinkled it onto the wounds, rubbing it in as he placed them atop an absorbent cloth before pouring bleach to wash off any fingerprints or anything else. Lastly, he ran to the locker room to change clothes.
”Now time to go home.” He said, and as soon as he arrived at said destination, he burnt the pencil, buried the ashes and hydro-peroxide and bleached his shirt clean of any red splotches.
No Evidence.