Sunday, April 19, 2020
Danny was in surgery five hours yesterday. I stayed long enough to see him out and Cassy is staying tonight with him at Vanderbilt. Cassy and me talked it over, it would seem that she and I are of like mind. The sooner we have somewhere out of the crowded metropolitan area to stay the better. Gary, bless good and faithful Gary, has agreed to come with me and Nadley out to the property while Cassy stays with Danny. Normally Wes would come, I am...I am going to miss him very much. His experience would be welcome at the moment.
Gary does not have as much experience but he has been my best friend since high school. Both of us are skilled with hand tools and both lived in the woods. Between us, we should be able to keep an eye on Nadley as the other one is dropping trees for the cabin. The logs will need to be skinned, but I already have the jig set up to cut the dovetails. The base is laid already.
We did not get much done yesterday evening nor this morning, the damn rain has been relentless. I am growing to hate the month of April. The only thing we did get done was buy the wood stove off the Stanley's. According to the weather channel, tomorrow should be cleared up. I am going up the ridge to see if Danny is alert yet. He was conscious, but delusional last night. Cassy tried to have him listen to my voice but all it did was confuse him. I hope tonight will have better results. I just want to hear my boy's voice again. I just want to hear that one word out of his lips, "Daddy".