Monday, May 11, 2020
How do people commit any sort of crime and then sleep or live? I have been on a razor edge since we pulled up last night. Cassy looked relieved to see us. She told us that on one of her trips up to the ridge, she saw a news notification from WSMV that they were closing off Nashville. There were tears of relief in her eyes when she saw us get out of the truck. She was worried we had not made it out before Nashville was quarantined.
I am so tired. Gary told me not to worry but I stayed up watching the road all night long. It was not until sunrise when some other living person roused that I was able to let my eyes close for a few until after breakfast. Cassy went to town and spent every bit of our money on groceries and plants. The pickings were slim but at this point, we will take anything. I wish I could have gone with her and I am sure the powers to be have more important matters than chasing me, but I am still coping.
Gary and I got a good start on the walls. With two men working and the logs cut already, it is going quickly. Hot work now, nearly mid-May but it is going to be even hotter in the camper if we cannot get some more breathing room. Right now I guess we will just need to be thankful that we have clean water, food in our belly, and friends to help out.