Tuesday, May 12, 2020
I thought I would be through with meetings after the government closed my tech company but it would seem I was wrong. Running a house in the midst of a social meltdown seems as hard a task as any and without some coordination, we are doomed to failure. All of us, even little Nadley, sat down in the cool of the morning, to discuss what each would be responsible for and about rationing of the stocks of food. The local food mart made it clear to Cassy that they did not know when the next shipment of food would be in. It would seem that most of the major hubs are closed as of right now, so we are on our own. Nadley does not understand, but the rest of us understand the gravity of the situation, even Danny. At the last report, almost one hundred thousand Americans have already died. It is too overwhelming for our country to handle.
Gary and I will be constructing the house, hopefully, in another two days, the cabin will have the walls up. Cassy and Danny, who is holding up well enough and I am so proud of him, will be helping with the general feeding and keeping count of our stocks. All of us will help with our laundry, it is very labor-intensive doing it by hand. Gary is helping me remember the basics of trapping, and we are all foraging for eatable plants.
Thankfully, with the prudent planning last month, we do have some power through a small solar grid but I feel as though we now have a target on our backs. It is a matter of time before the grid fails and then we have something others want. Gary, Cassy, and I have agreed on a three-point watch at night. It is the only way we can sleep soundly. How could the world have come to this? If someone does try something, could one of us kill for our family? I hope to never find out.