Friday, April 24, 2020
The last two days have been busy. Danny is finally awake, in fact, two days cognitive. He is asleep every few hours still but he seems to be there mentally. I am getting worried about how stable he is going to be as far as mood goes. When he woke on Wednesday, it took the better part of a day to explain and then re-explain what has happened over the last two weeks. With tears streaming down my face, I explained over and over to my twelve-year-old that he no longer had a leg. He still does not know of his Uncle Wes. One thing to absorb at a time, he is too close to the edge at the moment. One more little nudge could push him over the brink.
Things elsewhere are not getting any better either. MERS is spreading quickly in NYC and there are now scattered reports in Atlanta, Denver, Chicago, and even in Memphis, but those seem to be scared rumors or I hope so. They are running scared right now. Mayor De Blasio has declared a state of emergency and is requesting help from the state and the governor has announced an executive order to close down portions of NYC and to close nonessential traffic in and out of NYC. I think they are too late. Death has its wings in the wind and it has come for us finally. The question remaining is how many of us will live to starve another day?