Thursday, June 3, 2020
Ugh, sleep beckons, but I need to write to keep some sanity and to keep events straight that has happened since Tuesday. That night, on Cassy's watch, three people decided to pay us a visit near dawn. I guess they were hungry or whatever. It doesn't matter now. One is dead and the other is tied and gagged in the corner of the cabin where we can keep an eye on both him and Cassy. After I was woke by the first sharp crack of the rifle in the early morning darkness, followed by the quick succession of more fire, I came out of my bed and through the door, straight into the arms of the prisoner that is now in our custody. Afterward, we found Cassy crying over the body, slowly reloading the rifle. She is distraught. We have her on a 24 hr suicide watch. Gary and I have been rotating out, barely getting any sleep.
I don't know what we will do with the young man we have. What if he has a little one that whatever he was after was depending on. What if it was food or clothing? Maybe searching for some goats milk because the mother has been lost to this disease. But along those same lines, what if our guest is carrying this deadly and silent killer right into our midst. Maybe it would be better to take him out and quietly slit his throat for the good of us all. We just don't have enough people to do this at the moment. Cassy is doing better and soon I will be able to sleep. But if we lose one of us to this disease because of our guest, I don't think any watch will prevent the loss of her.