Thursday, April 16, 2020, A day I will never push from my memory, unfortunately.
Danny is there, barely. We made the decision after consulting with doctors to pull him off life support. It was hard but he has been intubated for almost a week and completely unresponsive. The chances of him coming out of this without mental impairment are low and he has muscular damage in his right leg due to blood flow reduction. The doctor said this was all very commonplace with severe acute cases of RMSF. Then he failed to respond to stimuli, so the decision was to pull him from the ventilator. His breathing continued and the doctor left it to us whether to hook him back up.
Cassy and I took a long walk, so long, through that hospital. Both of us had tears but we decided to let fate decide. So now we wait, beside a bed and in a regular room. The death watch has begun for our eldest and it would seem the death watch for the world has begun too. The first case of MERS has been reported in NYC and it has me terrified. The numbers overseas continue to climb and I have not heard from Wes. Typically my brother would have sent an email, phone call, or hell, even a text, but nothing.
If Danny, by some miracle of the universe, makes it. We will still have a long road to recovery. The doctor already said the leg must be taken but the sooner we can get out of this hospital the better. If things turn sour as they have in other parts of the world, then this hospital will be a tomb in a week or two.
God, another seizure, this might be it. I just want it over one way or another.