I think it is Friday, April 15, 2020 but I will not swear to it.
I have been up all night with that final thought and it took me most of the day to work up the nerve to walk up the ridge to call my wife. They will be checking his brain activity in the morning and then we will need to make a call. They think his fever may have got to high and even if he does come out of this, they do not know what we will be looking at. If there is a God, he is feeling in a cruel humor as of late and not taking request. I do not expect I will see Danny again but I will be leaving here at midnight to head back to Nashville to be with Cassy when the time comes to make that decision. No one should have to make that call on their own. I can not even count the number of times I have cried this evening.
On a brighter note, I met some of the neighbors in my random wanderings through our acreage today. I need to write their names down so I will not forget them, the Stanley's. We got to talking and I mentioned I was in the market for a wood stove. They have one for sale. If I don't write down their names, I will not remember. At least in here, I can come back and find out when all this is over with, where I can find this and get it checked off the list.
How do you say goodbye to a child? Better yet, how do you explain to the other child how to say goodbye?