This idea came to me today as I thought of the current state of affairs around the world and certain events in my own life. I am from the country, a small rural county that has not been that affected by Covid-19, but preceding this whole pandemic by a week my wife suffered a car accident that has temporarily disabled her. One bad event preceding another. Had we not had our house and land paid for, this would have been a death stroke for the family. So, hence was born the premise of the new work. A diary, following someone under a similar pandemic, that causes an economic and civil breakdown. It will be written like a diary, with as little grammatical corrections as possible and it will follow our protagonist as things progressively get worse. If you have ideas or would like to see events change, by all means, message, leave comments and I will gladly include them. I am going to try to do these entries on a daily basis and see where it goes.
Diary Entry #1 Tuesday, April 7, 2020
I am so excited! I get to stay on my new piece of land for the first time tonight. We have put a camper there, right in the middle of the 20 acres, beside the creek. I am not sure how I will sleep without the noise of the city but maybe I will be able to use the iPhone for some white noise in the background. It has been to many years since I have heard the night noises of the country and my children have never spent the night outside the walls of a house. Maybe the background noise will help them sleep too. My wife is worried about mosquitoes and snakes and here I am ready just not to have to worry about another human being within a mile of us.
My boss does not want me to go this weekend. There is some kind of trouble brewing overseas with a new viral infection of some kind but I just tuned him out. We do, after all, live in the most advanced nation in the world, just through some antibiotics at it or something. I mean, why should I care.
I have made sure my parents are taken care of in the nursing home and off we go. Nervous, Gilligans Island, no phones, no lights, no motor cars....well no ac at least. But best of luck to us.