Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Nadley is extremely sleepy because of having a bunch of fun in the woods, meeting new people and she was amazed that the heater will be able to cook on just like a campfire. Cassy looked exhausted, she is beating her self up for the decision we made to change places today. Danny did not have anything to say when I got there.
I keep asking the nurses why Danny will not wake up? Is everything normal? Will he wake up soon?
Now I know why Cassy is tired all the time. I am glad that she is getting to go home and get some sleep and some real food too. I am wondering if anything is going to change only time will tell. Now that I am here I can talk to Danny and wonder if he can hear me, I hope so.
Cassy went hope fear struck me now that I am alone with him. I think he can hear me because when I spoke I saw Danny twitching his eyelids. Will he wake up for me tonight I hope so.
Note: This diary entry was written by my lovely wife Lucy and edited by my daughter Rose.