Tuesday, May 18, 2020
Day two of no power. This time Gary went into town to do some shopping around. We are in need of some light building supplies. Nothing too much, just some screws, nails, maybe a few more hammers, and it seems that was readily available but it came with a hitch. It seems without any communications, and without an end in sight, the local hardware store is not accepting paper money anymore. I think it is more the owners are running short on other supplies. Food mainly from the list of acceptable trade. We are down a dozen of eggs and a half-pound of sugar, but considering it got us the list of our wanted supplies, I guess we should not complain. The eggs will be replaceable. The sugar will not last forever. We had five pounds of it and now we are down to three. The store is almost depleted and the mayor of the county is talking about sending an envoy to the neighboring county to see about news and trade. I think it is too risky. This MERS is deadly on a level that humanity has not seen in centuries. Best not to risk bringing it here.
We have started the tedious task of splitting logs the old fashion way for the roof. The shake that is going to be the shingles should be replaceable and something that is easily made. The world is changing and we will need to change with it. So far, our county and town are staying together, but the food is just running out in the store. When people start running out, that is when I do not want to leave our land anymore. With the addition of chickens and now, two goats (that trade cost us dearly, but it should pay us back), and our crops, we will be prime meat for desperate people. No matter how much I like them, desperate people quickly become dead ones. That has already been proven true.