Hux: “Lord Snoke, the ship is hurtling towards the surface. I have a squadron of Tie Bombers in pursuit. Once it crashes, we will reduce it to dust.”
Snoke: “Excellent Admiral, is there more?”
Hux: “Yes My Lord. We intercepted a message. The message itself was encrypted, but the source was not. I have already taken the liberty of launching a probe.”
Snoke: “What system?”
Hux: “Yavin My Lord.”
Snoke: “Yavin. Intriguing. Update me immediately on the probes arrival.”
Hux: “As you wish My Lord.”
Hux paused.
Hux: “One more thing My Lord.”
Snoke: “Yes?”
Hux: “The remnants of the Imperial Fleet have arrived.”
Snoke: “I sense most of it Admiral. I sense a few stragglers. I will deal with them personally. Thank you Admiral, your work so far.......pleases me.”
The holo went off and Hux sat back in his chair. Now that Kylo was out of the way, his path to power laid before him like a freshly paved road.
Hux: “Prepare my shuttle, I want to see that ship destroyed.”
Flash to the Rogue Shadow spinning towards the surface at an alarming rate.
Galen: “Juuuuuunoooooo!!”
Juno: “I know, I know! I’m working on it!”
As she began flipping switches and firing thrusters. She pulled hard on the controls. The spin slowed a little.
Juno: “I could use some help!”
Galen and Mara looked at each other and nodded. The ship broke through the clouds. The spin slowed at the same rate as its decent did. It landed safely on the sandy surface. Galen and Mara scrambled out of the ship.
Mara: “We need to hurry.” She said as she pointed at the sky. A dozen small spots could be seen in the sky, and they were quickly growing bigger.
Galen: “I’ll project the field, you project the image.”
Move to Hux’s shuttle.
Hux: “My Lord, I am overseeing the destruction of this ship personally.”
Snoke: “Such initiative. Patch through the live image.”
The image switches from Hux to the wreckage of the Rogue Shadow. Soon the bombers are seen swooping over and unloading bombs onto the location.
Snoke: “Order another pass. I want them to come back empty.”
Hux: “Yes My Lord.”
The bombers circle back around. When the smoke clears only bits and pieces remained. A message comes in for Hux.
Hux: “My Lord, there is news on the probe.”
Snoke: “Go on.”
Hux: “It was destroyed shortly after arriving at Yavin. But not before sending this image.”
An image of an X-Wing firing cannons at the probe appeared on the holo.
Snoke: “Order all ships to move to Yavin and prepare for battle. Today the resistance ends. Hux, I want all available personnel, ship, and walkers headed there. All but unit 66, send them to investigate the wreckage.”
Hux: “Of course My Lord.”