In orbit around Drumond Kaas, the group on the Rogue Shadow try to decide what to do next.
Juno: “What happened down there?” She asked, seeing the puzzled look on Galen’s face.
Galen: “For years we’ve been sending Grey padawans to Dromund Kaas for training. It’s been abandoned for hundreds of years, forgotten by the galaxy.” He paused and looked at Mara. “There were a dozen Acolytes and the Emperors Hand.”
Mara: “How is that possible? There is no Emperor.”
Juno: “Do you think Kylo Ren declared himself Emperor?”
Galen: “ I sense something much bigger then him involved in this. Mara, weren’t you the last Emperor’s Hand under Palpatine?”
Mara: “Yes, it was a position of great power. Only those strong with the Force and an unquestioning loyalty to the Emperor were appointed to the post.” she turned away. “ I did many horrible things in the name of the Empire, until I met Luke.”
After a moment of silence.
Galen: “Ironic. We all turned on the Empire. Now we plot to save the Resistance.”
A little more silence.
Mara: “Well, I have to tend to Jaicen and Jaina. They need brought back to balance.”
Mara walked to the back of the ship where her twins were located. Leaving Juno and Galen alone.
Juno: “Where to now?”
Galen: “We should investigate further. Let’s go to Korriban.”