The cargo door opens on the transport. A lone figure steps out, his dusky hair streaked with gray. His brown beard neatly trimmed, and dressed in a gray robe. He stepped down the ramp and was greeted by a very happy Wookie.
Luke: “Hi Chewy.” Luke grunted out. “ Ok, ok Chewy, that’s enough, I can’t breath.”
Chewy let him go and grumbled an I’m sorry and rubbed his head.
Leia was patiently standing by, waiting on the Wookie. When he moved she went to Luke and hugged him.
Leia: “I though I lost you.”
Luke:”We came into this universe together, we will go out together.” after a pause. “I have so much to tell you.” They break off the hug. Luke looks her in the eyes, hands on her shoulders and continues. “I’m sorry about Han. I can’t help but think that if I was here...”
Leia: “No, don’t blame yourself. I always sensed his idolization of our father, and never really did anything but send him away.”
Luke began looking around for anything else to talk about, his eyes rested on Rey.
Luke: “Have you talked to Rey yet?”
Leia: “No, we’ve been kinda busy.” She said with a smirk on her face. Luke returned the smile.
Luke: “I guess so. Before things get crazy I have something I need to share with her.”
The three started walking to the command center, when C-3PO walks through the door.
C-3PO: “Master Luke, it is you!” There is so much to update you on since you left Sir. First, Master Solo was...”
Luke: “3PO, I know.” He said as he passed by him in the door way. Luke placed a hand on C-3PO’s shoulder. “I have much to tell you.”
Cut to the command center as Poe comes through the door.
Poe: “Sorry I’m late. General Skywalker, it’s an honor to meet you.”
Luke smiled and shook Poe’s hand.
Luke: “The honor is mine. I’ve heard good things about you.”
Rey: “Can we just get to the point on how you’re alive?! I’m completely confused.”
Luke: “Rey, I’m sorry , I know you feel betrayed, lied to. I hope you’ll listen to what I have to say. Give me a chance to tell you what happened. Can you have an open mind?”
Rey’s glare softened a little and she nodded.
Luke: “After the collapse of the New Jedi Order, I was not right in the head. I went, first to visit an old friend. I left my family with him as I went on a pilgrimage to heal my soul. First I had to understand the dark side, I went to Dromund Kaas, to the ancient Sith temple there. I felt the darkness try to take control of me, it failed. I learned much and a year of watching holocrons went by fast. I learned the location of the Sith home world, Korriban. When I arrived there, I was disturbed at what I saw. There was a Sith academy, and construction everywhere. According to my research it was supposed to be a graveyard. Full of tombs and temples dedicated to long dead Sith. Instead there was an army of Sith training under my old friends apprentice, Snoke. I was looking for the teachings of a Jedi from ancient times that used both the Dark and the Light side, in balance. I found the information I needed on Revan, and that he exiled himself to Ahch-To. I got into my X-Wing and was spotted. I took heavy damage as I entered hyper-space. When I exited I had no control and crashed into Ahch-To. I sent a distress signal and coordinates to Mara, who sent it to my friend. He came with his wife and left me that Imperial transport. I stayed there for years, learning about the Jedi and there origin. The Je’daii, the predecessors to our order, believed in a balance of the force. For millennia they live in peace on Tython, until a Force Hound from the Infinite Empire crash landed on the planet. That event caused an imbalance on the planet, which led to a civil war, one that we still fight today. I went back to Ossus, where my friend and family was. We studied the books and holocrons found on Ahch-To. Little did I know at the time, I didn’t get all of them. My friend was dark leaning ever since Snoke went to the dark side, during the ensuing battle on Ossus his daughter went missing. He has spent the last years looking for her, straining his relationship with his wife. I left for Tython, to learn the true origin of the Je’daii. Mara came out quite often and our friend began training the Padowans in the balance. I returned to Ossus after a few years. I stayed and helped with the training, but I felt a calling to Dagobah.”
He turned and looked at Rey.
Luke: “That’s when I was notified by R-2 about you. I was in Master Yoda’s hut and used the Force to send an image of myself to Ahch-To, that’s why you couldn’t sense the Force being with me. I tossed the light saber aside because I learned the Force is all you need. When I shut that image down I made sure it created a great disturbance within the Force to draw out our enemies. It was a cruel way to learn of who you are, Rey, but it was worth it. I know the answer to the question you have asked your entire life.”
Leia: “I’m sorry, truly I am. But this will have to wait. Several craft have just entered orbit.”