Back on Dromund Kaas a lone mysterious figure approaches the Sith temple. A dozen acolytes rush to meet him on the steps of the temple, their red sabers ablaze. As they approached the gray robed figure the hum of their sabers began to crack and pop. They took one more step and they went out. They stood there for a moment, puzzled. A few even slapped their hilt with the palm of their hands, hoping to reignite them. The figure walked into the midst of them. They encircled him, still clutching their useless hilts. The figure slowly pulls back his hood, revealing cold gray eyes and shaved head.
Acolyte 1: “You! You are supposed to be a myth!”
Acolyte 2: “Who is he?!”
Acolyte 1: “Star Killer!”
Star Killer: “You know who I’m here for. Give them to me and you can live.”
They all moved against him, and they were all lifted into the air. Legs kicking and hands at their throats. One by one Star Killer went and stood in front of them. The first three had an audible snap before they fell lifeless to the ground. The fourth one was different.
Star Killer: “You, there’s something different with you. A little light in the darkness.”
He only found two more worth saving. They followed him into the temple, former Sith slaves saved, and eager to prove their worth.
As they walked the halls he learned their names, Jalen, Courat, and Zebia. They knew were the twins where and warned him of the Dark Lord that ran the temple. He was known as the Emperor’s Hand. They traveled the halls until they came to a large gallery, where three figures stood. Star Killer turned to his three new allies and said,
Star Killer: “Leave.” the three looked at him.” Leave, if you value your new freedom and your lives, leave now. I’ll join you shortly.”
As they headed back down the hall three light sabers can be heard firing up behind Star Killer. He rolled his eyes and turned around.
Emperor’s Hand: “Arm yourself fool, or die like a slug by the Emperor’s Hand!”
Star Killer: “Give me the twins, or die.”
Emperor’s Hand: “They are my apprentices now. This temple helped break their will and made them easier to convert to the dark side.And it will do the same to you, I sense the darkness in you. Embrace it, take control with the true power of the Force.”
Star Killer: “This temple helped you?”
The sabers went out, the twins were lifted into the air as the temple began to shake.
Emperor’s Hand: “Wha....What is happening?!”
Star Killer: “You face Vader’s apprentice, the starter of the Rebellion. Now the Master of the Grey. You will no longer bring slaves here to convert to your dark ways. Darkness is not the way, balance must be brought to the Force. The wars must end!”
With the last sentence chunks of the temple began to fall. The Emperor’s Hand force pushed as many away as he could, but soon he was overwhelmed and was crushed by the temple he cherished.
Star Killer floated the twins outside and met the other three there.
Star Killer: “Juno, tell Mara I have her kids. Also found three new friends. We are ready to be picked up.”
Juno: “Copy that Galen, heading to your position now.”
Scene ends with the Rogue Shadow landing on the surface.