Lando: “More Mandalorians arriving.”
Leia: “What’s the count now?”
Lando: “Nearly a hundred ships and a few hundred soldiers.”
Lando pauses to look at a screen and hit a few buttons.
Lando: “Add the Free Trade Federation, the Hutt Cartel, pirates, and smugglers, we have quite a few escort ships and a bunch of light freighters, and fighters added to what we brought. Also, the news of the last Jedi still being alive is getting us a lot of promises of help. Though much of it has yet to materialize.”
Leia: “Any word from the Mon Calamari?”
Lando: “None.”
At that point about two dozen X-wings entered from hyper-space.
Wedge Antilles: “Base this is Rogue Leader of Rogue Squadron reporting for duty.”
Luke was walking into the command center when that came over the air. He looked at Leia while a smile spread over his face.
Luke: “Wedge, is that you?”
Wedge: “Luke? So you are alive!”
Luke: “Sure am, can’t wait to see you. You coming to the surface?”
Lando: “Running out of dock space up here, so that would be good.”
Luke: “See you soon Wedge.”
Move forward to Wedge walking into the command center and being met by Luke. They clasp hands as Poe stands waiting.
Wedge: “And who’s this?”
Wedge said as he shook Poe’s hand.
Luke: “ Wedge Antilles, meet Poe Dameron.”
Wedge & Poe: “I’ve heard of you.”
The three stood there smiling for a moment. Then they started talking about maneuvers, shots, and battles.
Leia: “I hate to break up the love fest, but I have a message from Lando.”
She nodded toward the holo and they all moved to it.
Lando: “I’ve got a fleet of ships approaching, they’re nothing I’ve ever seen before. When I hail them they say they will only talk to Luke.”
Luke: “Let’s see them.”
On an adjoining halo came an image of about thirty Hapan Nova-Class Battle Cruisers along with about a hundred troop transports.
Luke: “He’s here. Patch the General through.”
General Kota: “Master Skywalker, Galen said you have a fleet.”
Luke: “Yes, and it grows larger with each passing moment.”
Kota: “All I see are relics and bandits.”
Luke: “Well then it’s good you’re here.”
Kota: “Hmph. Indeed. Requesting permission to land.”
Luke: “Granted.”
The troop transports moved forward as well as Kota’s ship.
Kota: “General Callrisian, please station my ships where you need them, they will follow your orders.”
Lando: “Of course , thank you General.”
Later Kota walks into the command center. He is a giants of a man. Gray hair and beard, with scars on his face. His stature took command of the room.
Kota: “Well, this feels familiar.”
Kota smiled.
Kota: “Leia, I sense you here. Where are you little girl?”
Leia: “You blind old man, surely you know I’m no longer a little girl.”
Kota: “When you’re as old as I am everyone is a little girl, even Luke.”
She walked up to him, he smiled.
Kota: “There you are, give an old friend a hug.”
She did, after the embrace he whispered to her.
Kota: “I’m not here because of a promise Galen made Luke. I’m here because of a promise I made to your father. I mean Bail.”
Leia: “That’s an old promise.”
Kota: “One I intend to keep.”
He rubbed her head, like he did long ago, when the Rebellion began. He then scanned the room, seeing more with the force then he ever did with his eyes.
Kota: “So what’s the plan?”
Luke: “Moving right along.”