Hux sits in his chair on the bridge of the Finalizer, impatiently drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair. His team has been trying to crack the last transmission from the Falcon before it jumped to hyperspace.
The doors slide open and Kylo Ren enters.
Kylo: “Status Update.”
Hux ignored him.
Kylo: “General, don’t make me repeat myself!”
Hux: “Admiral.”
After a pause.
Hux: “I am no longer a general, the new emperor made me the admiral of this fleet.”
Kylo: “There is no emperor, I am the Supreme Leader!”
Hux: “ You are just like you grand father, the desire to lead, but failing miserably.”
Before Kylo could respond, a side door opens and several Imperial Guards walk in and take position along the walk way. The admiral and all others in the room stand in reverence to the figure walking into the room. The cloaked figure stops in front of Hux and exchanges a few words, then they both turn and face Kylo. The figure reaches up and pulls back the hood, revealing his identity.
Snoke: “Who gave you the title Supreme Leader?”
Kylo: “ You!...........You died!” he stammered with sweat forming on his brow. Snoke uses the force to toss Kylo across the room.
Snoke: “You’re making a deadly habit of being wrong.”
Now Kylo is being lifted into the air and drawn toward Snoke, until he is inches from his face.
Snoke: “Your treachery was predictable. Your ties to your mother palatable. I used it, and you, to draw out the resistance and Skywalker. My plan is complete, and your usefulness is at an end.”
Snoke motioned to Hux to come forward.
Snoke: “These shackles once held your grandfather, they will now hold you.”
Snoke lifts the shackles from Hux’s hands and they float over and clasps around Kylo’s wrists. Snoke releases his grasp and Kylo falls to the ground like a limp rag doll.
Snoke: “Take him away.”
Four imperial guards haul Kylo away.
Snoke: “Admiral Hux, you will find coordinates for Korriban in the navigation system. Set course and move the fleet there. I have a surprise waiting for the traitor.”
Hux: “What about the resistance My Lord?”
Snoke: “Once we crack the last transmission we will hunt the down. Now set course!”
Hux: “At once My Lord.”
Hux bowed and Snoke gave him his leave.
The fleet enters hyperspace.