Snoke and his prisoner, Kylo Ren descend to the surface of Korriban in a shuttle. The once abandoned planet was alive once again. Construction was underway everywhere. The academy was up and running. Actually had been since Snoke stepped into the power vacuum created by Palpatines fall. The shuttle landed on a pad that extended from his newly finished palace. The doors to the palace opened and the red clad Imperial Guard marched out and took position along the platform from the rear bay door on the shuttle to the door to the palace. Snoke exited with his prisoner following behind. Kylo looked around, it became immediately obvious that Snoke abandoned the ancient Sith practice of one and only one. Instead he adopted a Jedi idea of taking all and training them, even if by force.
The door closed and they stood in a giant pavilion, surrounded by Imperial Guards. Snoke force drug Kylo up to his side.
Snoke: “As you can see I have abandoned the Rule of One. I have been forming this Sith army for forty years. Do not misunderstand me, some still die. But those were weak, and have no place in the New Empire. Palpatine failed, because he put his faith in a Skywalker. I will not make the same mistake.”
The last few words were not out of his mouth when a door opened and a large figure came through the door. He wore a black robe that seemed to ooze darkness. When he walked into the light Kylo sucked in a deep breath.
Darth Maul: “Master.”
Snoke: “You seem shocked Solo. It’s true, we were both sliced at the waist, but my former master learned long ago that the force is more powerful then death.”
Snoke moved in close to Kylo, putting his face inches away from Kylo’s.
Snoke: “You cut me in half the wrong way.” he breathed into Kylo’s face.
Snoke then looked at Darth Maul and motioned for him to come close.
Snoke: “He is yours now. Your apprentice to break or kill, your decision.”
Darth Maul: “Yes master.”
The Imperial Guard to Kylo’s right shoved him towards Darth Maul. Kylo feigned a fall and took Darth Maul’s twin blade staff from his hip by use of the force. Quickly he was on his feet, poised to fight. Darth Maul took it back from him, yanking it from his hands with the force, and choked him at the same time. Kylo hung in the air, grasping at his throat and kicking his feet.
Darth Maul slowly walked up to him.
Darth Maul: “This one has spirit!” He proclaimed to the Emperor and his guards. “I can’t wait to break it.”