The remaining members of the resistance begin to scavenge what’s left of the base on Yavin IV. In the decades since the Republic abandoned it , scrappers came through and took nearly every weapon, vehicle, and ship. There were a few damaged X-Wings, Y-Wings, and a B-Wing left behind. The mood was dark. They spread out and explored the base. Some one got the power back on, lights and computers clicked to life.
Leia: “R-2, get the com relay up. Poe, see if there’s anything to be done with those ships. I need some one to check the Med Bay.”
Finn: “ I’ll go.”
Leia: “Time is of the essence everyone. We must move quickly.”
Rey was fiddling with a door control that was locked down. A look of concentration was replaced with a smile of triumph when the door slid up and open. She peeked in and saw a few skeletons near the door. Beyond where several powered down astro-mech droids.
Rey: “I found something that may help.”
Leia and Chewy came around the corner and looked in as Rey was bringing up the first droid.
Leia: “Power them up,” She said looking at Chewy. He growled his acknowledgement and got to work.
Leia headed back to the command center to check on R-2’s progress. Finn intercepted her with an update on the med bay.
Finn: “Med Bay is fully stocked, droids are there with a few skeletons. I can’t get the droids to power up.”
Leia: Pointing to Rey and Chewies location. “Head down there and tell Chewy, swap places with him.”
Finn started down the corridor, Leia yelled after him, “Tell them once he’s done to get the wounded there.”
Poe and a few others are crawling all over the few ships in the bay. It was not good. Most of them needed parts, he sent a couple of people to look for them in the maintenance pool, he wasn’t holding his breath. As he climbed down the ladder from the X-Wing he was looking at, a sound caused him to smile. The B-Wing fired up and brought cheers from the four men in the bay and BB-8. C-3PO and Leia saw it through the window in the command center. A faint smile crossed her lips as another astro-mech rolled into the command center. The one Rey got working brought up the internal communications.
Leia over the intercom: “Good work so far everyone. Let’s meet in the tactical room in one hour.”
R-2 began to chirp and whirl happily.
C-3PO: “Com link established, and it seems we have an incoming message.”
Leia moved to the up-link and stood in anticipation of the help she hoped to receive. The light from the hologram lit up her face. Her eyes go wide as she gasps.
Leia: “How? I felt you.... You died.”
Luke: “ And yet, I did not.”
R-2 rocked back and forth chirping happily.
Luke: “Hey R-2. Leia, tell me I’m not the only one to answer your distress call.”
Leia: “You are, and I hope I’m not dreaming.”
Luke: “I’ll explain everything when I get there.”
The transmission ended and Leia sighed deeply as she leaned against a console.