Scene opens with chaos on Yavin 4. With the sensors barely online, they picked up several ships. But they are not able to identify them. Leia has ordered communications to be planet side only, to help disguise their location.
Leia: “Any of those other ships operational yet?”
Poe: “Not yet.”
Leia: “Great.”
Luke: “Chewy, Finn, grab a couple of people and get the Falcon up. Poe, hop in that B-Wing. Rey, come with me.”
Leia smiled and turned away to get the bases defenses up. It was good to have him back. Luke and Rey headed to the ship bay.
Luke: “I need you to meditate on these ships. To find out what’s wrong and fix it.”
Rey looked at Luke like he was crazy.
Rey: “This can be done?”
Luke: “Theoretically.”
Rey glared at him.
Luke: “Look, I’ve seen it done once.”
Rey dropped the scowl. But still stared at him, waiting for clarification.
Luke: “By your father.”
Rey looked at him, mouth open, stunned.
Luke clapped his hands a couple times to snap her out of it.
Luke: “Chop, chop. Get to it.”
Luke hung around until he saw parts float into the air. He then boarded his shuttle to join Poe and Chewy. Once he caught up they ascended and left the atmosphere. What they saw shocked them. Before them was the Sundered Heart, Promise, Redemption, Valiant, Courage, Fidelity, and Another Chance. Another Chance, along with her escort ships, Fidelity and Courage, are the last of the Alderaan ships. Scanners detected hundreds of fighters and escort ships, including Z-95s, A-Wings, and Correllian Scouts.
Luke: “Chewy, you seeing this?”
Chewy roared back his acknowledgement.
Poe: “These are relics, they belong in a museum,”
Over the com came a familiar voice.
Lando: “To the Falcon and it’s escort. This is General Calrissian of the Republic. We have come in response to the distress call from Leia.”
Luke: “Lando, this is Luke Sk......”
Lando: “He’s dead. Who are you really?”
Luke: “Lando, listen to my voice. It is me.”
Lando: “Well you do sound like him kid, I’ll give you that.”
Luke: “Chewy, patch him in to Leigh, I have a call I need to make.”