Juno: “Buckle up, it’s going to get bumpy.”
She said before she put the ship in a sharp nose dive. The Tie Fighters followed close behind. Twenty First Order Dread Naughts and twice as many Destroyers launched all their fighters. They converged on the Rogue Shadow like bees. Thousands of them, as Juno dodged their attacks, Galen and Mara used the Force to push a few together, causing bright flashes of light as they exploded.
Juno: “We have an incoming call.”
Galen: “Never fails.” He grunted as he snapped a Tie Fighters wings off.
Juno: “It’s Luke.”
Mara: “Accept.” She said as she hit the button on the holo.
Luke: “Mara, it’s great to see you. How are the kids?”
Before Mara could answer Galen interrupts.
Galen: “Kinda busy right now Luke!”
Luke: “Galen, I need you to keep your promise.”
Galen: “Uh huh.” He grunted as he stopped a laser blast from hitting the window. “What promise was that?” He let the blast go as they cleared its path. It hit a Tie Fighter behind them.
Luke: “We have a fleet. You said, you and General Kota would bring Ossus into the war if we could get a fleet.”
Galen: “Sorry Luke, dealing with a big problem right now.” He struggled to get the words out as he and Mara deflected several shots. “One that I bet you will be dealing with soon enough. As by now they’ve locked onto your signal.”
Luke: “What do you mean?”
Mara: “We’ve located the New Order fleet.”
Luke: “You what?!”
Mara: “Well, it wasn’t on purpose!”
Just then several Imperial Destroyers, frigates, and escorts entered from hyper-space.
Juno: “Uh oh. Uhhhhhh, our trouble just got bigger.”
Luke: “There’s something else you should know. It’s about your daughter.”
Juno: “Shields are down!”
Galen lost his focus.
Galen: “What about our daughter.” He said looking at Juno.
Transmission was lost.
Juno: “We’re hit!!”
Scene closes with the Rogue Shadow spiraling out of control towards Korriban,