CHAPTER THIRTEEN752Please respect copyright.PENANAZyEn4nY9Rr
(Seth’s PoV)
Without a fight, I’ve managed to tuck her into bed once again. There was no denying the tiredness she felt and after crying like that, she needed to regain her strength.
It seems that she’s currently living with the hefty sum of money her parents’t left her and the money her brother had gave in her own account, which Liz’s parents didn’t use when she was living with them. And I smiled at the thought that even though she went through hell, there were people who actually cared for her and gave her kindness and love.
She also said that when she turns 18, her family business which is currently being run by their trusted lawyer, would become hers.But she would received money monthly from the business’s sales. And that made me think what her age is.
She was graduating this year so that would make her 18. But she said it would still be a long wait and she wouldn’t have it any other way because she didn’t want to run it. That meant that she’s not 17.
Shaking the thought out of my head, her age doesn’t matter anyway. I still love her.
I froze in place as realization hit me.
I love Ashantee Avery.
That’s why my day feels empty when I’m not talking to her. Why my life was more colorful when I met her. Why I always wanted to be there for her. Why I was ready to kill anyone who makes her afraid. And why I was soothing her now that she was scared. Why I am here now besides here.
Faults and all, I love her.
It has been five days since Ashantee shared her past to me and ever since that we’ve only gotten closer to each other. The police said it would be better if she stayed at one of her friends’s house for a while as they watch over her place in case the person who has been watching her comes back.
And she’s staying with me. Surprisingly, we quickly found a rhythm that worked for both of us. She would cook the food, which may I add is a must-taste, and I would wash the dishes. We got use to the presence of each other that it wasn’t even hard to adjust to the new surrounding.
“Wake up, sleepy head!” Ashantee shook me gently and I stood up from the couch. “Are you really sure that its okay to sleep in the couch? I mean- I could sleep in it, after all I’m shorter and smaller than you.”
I laughed at her. “It’s okay. Never mind that, I’m hungry. Let’s eat now. You don’t want to be late, do you?”
I would drive her to school every morning. At first, her friends were so shocked that Ashantee had to clap many times before she got their attention. And after class or after her practice, I would come to pick her up. I’ve met all her friends and I would watch her in Drama club, hockey and gymnastics.
I’ve introduced her to my aunts and uncle. And all of them were happy for me. Ashantee fit in my family like it was her own. There was no awkwardness, no shyness. Everyone acted like she was a part of the family since the start.
But only Liz knew that she was staying at my place. But we didn’t told her why. And she looked like she came to her conclusion because every time she would see us together, she would give us a goofy smile.
Ashantee’s time were consumed with the Hockey training for the championship and the Drama practice for the play combined with the Gymnastics, she rarely had a day that she didn’t have an after-class date.
But I’ve noticed something changed in her. There were no shadow in her eyes anymore. No underlying darkness that would consume her at times. All there was left was a twinkle of joy and life.
Especially when the police called and they apprehended the man who was lurking around her. Apparently, he saw her at one of her games and fell in love with her. So, he started to follow her home. Watch her in her house and he also followed us in our date.
But now that he was in custody, we were on our way to Ashantee’s house so she could return to her house. There was an emptiness inside of me when I realized that she would be leaving my house and we wouldn’t be having our midnight jokes anymore.
I would miss the sight of her in my bed. The sight of her inside my kitchen, cooking food that smells so temptingly delicious. I would miss her presence in my little apartment.
I stopped in front of her house I opened the door of her side. Giving a hand, I helped her out of the car.
“Would you like to come in?” She asked in her sweet voice.
She led the way and opened the door. Her house was simple. To the right was an arch towards the living room and to the left was the stairs. The hallway probably led to the kitchen and bathroom.
I sat in the living room and she went to the kitchen, which had an open door from the living room. I could see her preparing juice and sandwiches.
“Thank you, for everything.” She said once she sat on the sofa next to me.
I smiled at her and held her cheeks in my hands. “I’ll do anything for you, Ashantee.”
She looked up at my eyes. The air was suddenly constricted and I couldn’t breathe properly as I was pulled in by her blue eyes. My heart started to race and before I could think of my actions, my head dropped to hers and my lips met hers.
There was a moment of shocked before she started to return my kiss. Her hands flew to my head where they disentangled my hair and I pulled her closer to me by dropping slowly to the sofa and pulling her above me.
Without breaking the kiss, I rotated the two of us until she was under me and I deepened the kiss. It felt like eternity. My heart was racing faster by each seconds that passed. And I could feel her heart. Beating in sync with mine.
Everything vanished around us. She was the only thing I could hear. The only thing I could feel. Her sweet addicting taste only grew stronger at each seconds.
Suddenly, her cellphone rung and in my shocked I dropped to the floor. Ashantee’s wind chime laugh filled the air as she looked down on my, probably foolish, appearance.
She reached her phone and I sat back down on the sofa. I pulled her towards me and she leaned on me as she talked to whoever it was on the phone.
“Yes, Sarah. He’s with me.” She said as she looked pointedly at me.
“Sarah?” I mouthed.
She nodded. “Do you want to talk to him?” There was a pause as Sarah answered. “I’ll give the phone to him.” She replied with a chuckle.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?” I moved the phone away from my ear as Sarah shouted. Ashantee laughed at me and took a sandwich.
“Chill, cous. Lower the volume.”
“You know I love Ashantee with all my heart and I love seeing you two together but you promise me that you’ll pick me up from the rink today.”
I frowned at her. “I didn’t forget, Sarah. Chill.”
I looked at the wall clock and my eyes budged in shock. 6 P.M. Sarah’s practice ended at exactly 4. No wonder she was so mad. Apologizing to her, I ended the call and gave Ashantee a kiss on her cheeks before excusing myself to pick my Godzilla-of-a-cousin up from the rink.