CHAPTER FOUR834Please respect copyright.PENANAQGMJ7YO2BK
(Ashantee’s PoV)
“Our leading man would be Jackson.” Mrs. Sullivan announced. A chorus of congratulations and claps filled the room. Our adviser waited for everyone to calm down before continuing. “And our leading lady would be none other than. . . Avery.”
I gasped. I got the lead role. Oh my gosh! I jumped up and down in joy and hugged Jone Jackson, my leading man. We both jumped up and down, full of energy like we haven’t been training for the past hours. Cheers and claps filled the room.
I retreated from the hug and every member of the drama club came to hug me. After all the commotion, Mrs. Sullivan decided that we were done for the day. Liz, who was sitting on the bench, ran towards me and enveloped me in a bear hug.
“I knew you could do it!” She screeched. “You’re going to be so perfect for the role.”
Laughing, I slowly removed her arms around me. “Thank you for your undying support, Liz.”
“Tell me I’m the best while you’re at it.” She said with a smile that reached the moon.
“You’re the best best friend I could ever have!” I shouted.
She jumped up and down and I couldn’t helped joining her. I know every girls in the drama club worked hard to get the role but somehow it landed to me and I was so proud of myself. I turned to look at my best friend, her red hair was curly and long, and due to the training of the Hockey she was lean and healthy. Her green eyes was shining with pride as she looked at me.
“Easy there, tiger.” I said with a laugh. “Anyway, wait for me here. I’ll change quickly. I swear I smell like a week-old sock.”
She wrinkled her nose at me and shoed me towards the changing room. I threw my bag on the bench and search for my phone. I found it on the left pocket and I quickly dialed a number that I have memorized like the back of my hand.
“Hey! Thank you for calling but I am currently unavailable. Though you can leave a message after the beep!” His quirky voice said. Oh gosh, how I really miss him.
I could feel my chest closing in on my heart. Suffocating it. Making it hard to beat. I sucked in my breath and calmed my heart. There was no use being hurt. It was all done and in the past. But I couldn’t helped missing him.
I waited for the beep before I spoke, “Hey, guess what? I got the lead role for a big play we would be performing by January 06. How I wish you could come and see.”
I wanted to say more. But I ended the call and threw it at my bag. Quickly, I stripped of my shirt and wore a new one. Then, I took my coat from the stand and wore it too. After it, I met Liz at the school door where her car was already waiting for me.
I climbed into the passenger seat. “So, where do you want to eat?”
“There’s this newly opened family diner just down the road. Wanna try it?” She replied as she started the car out of the driveway.
It didn’t took us five minutes to reached it. We quickly rushed inside the diner and welcomed the heat. Giggling at ourselves, we ordered.
“Good evening, may I take your order?” The lady on the counter asked with a jolly voice.
“Hot chocolate, cheese burger and extra large fries, please.” Liz ordered.
“I want hot chocolate too, then a triple meat burger and extra large fries.”
“Would that be paid together or separate?” She asked.
“Together.” I answered with a smile and paid for our food.
After getting our order, we sat on one of the booths at the side. Liz quickly devoured her burger and was starting on her fries before I could even eat half of mine. I laughed at her.
“Don’t laugh,” She chastised me, with mouth full of fries. “I got hungry watching you practice.”
“That’s why I treated you to burger.”
There was a moment of comfortable silence between us as we eat. When she suddenly leaned in to me to whisper.
“A yummy man just entered.” She announced, looking pointedly at the door.
I didn’t bother to look. “Yeah, right. With your out-of-this-world-type I wouldn’t count on it.”
“No! I’m serious.” She pushed. “Wait! He’s coming here! Act natural.”
I laughed at her. I was natural. I didn’t need to act because I wasn’t even interested. But Liz’s description of natural was funny. She kept on glancing up at the man and pretending to drink her hot chocolate straight, which was quite impossible because like I said it was hot.
A shadow fell on our table and before I could look up, I heard a husky voice spoke.
Liz eyes budged and if she would have been really drinking she would have spit it towards me. I looked up and saw the face that didn’t left my mind since yesterday.
“Seth!” I greeted. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh!” Liz shouted in recognition. “Could this be the man who gave you a ride yesterday?”
We both nodded. “Wow! Shantee, your description of him didn’t do him justice.” She said as she gave him a look from head to toe. “He’s way, way more handsome than what you said.”
I blushed at my friend’s obvious flirting and Seth rubbed the back of his neck and looked down the floor with interest. I hit my best friend in the arm and she feign a hurt look on her face.
“But it’s true!” She pouted.
I rolled my eyes at her. It was true that Seth was beyond handsome. With his white blonde hair, that was a bit curly, reached his nape and his mesmerizing, spell-binding amber eyes added with his knee-weakening smile. His long legs hugged by his jeans and his well-sculpted body was obvious in his blue shirt.
“Anyway, would you like to join us?” I asked, out of the blue.
He shook his head. “Thank you for the offer but I’m expecting company.”
Just then, someone ran towards him and jumped to hug him. He had to take a step back to accommodate the weight and I saw a familiar girl hugging him. Slowly and gently, he removed her arms around him and gave us an apologetic smile.
“Sorry about that. I guess I’ll see you girls later.”
His company turned towards us and I realized that it was Sarah. The pretty goalkeeper of the Razorsharks, good-looks must have run in the genes. I opened my mouth to greet her when she suddenly shrieked.
Liz and I jumped up from our seat and Seth made a gesture to cover his ears. Everyone on the diner turned to look at us and Seth had to apologized to each of them while Sarah just stared at me.
“You’re Ashantee Avery!” She screamed.
I nodded, unsure of what to say.
“I’m a big fan!” She suddenly jumped in the open space besides me and kept on talking. “I can’t believe I’m talking to you! Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.”
I laughed nervously. “You speak like I’m someone famous.”
“But you are!” She replied, aghast that I didn’t knew my fame.”
“Sarah, you’re embarrassing me.” Seth interjected.
Sarah turned towards her cousin. Eyes flaring in anger. “Why didn’t you told me you know her!”
Seth looked uncomfortable being under his cousin’s angry glare. “We just met yesterday, Sarah.”
“Oh,” She made an oval shape with her mouth before turning towards me again, all anger vanished in a flash. “Anyway! I really am your biggest fan!”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Liz scolded. “I’m also here !”
Sarah turned towards her and gave her a toothy grin. “Of course, Elizabeth McGurry. The goalkeeper of the DevilSaints!”
And just like that, we all fell into conversation and the cousins ended up joining us anyway. I didn’t knew how long we were talking and I’ve lost track of what we’ve talked about.
“Sarah, Seth guess what?” Liz asked. The two looked at her questioningly. “Shantee landed a leading role in a play!”
Seth and Sarah’s eyes landed on me and they both congratulated me and clapped at my success.
“I didn’t knew you had other club activities!” Sarah said.
“I like being busy.” I replied with an edgy laugh and hoped that no one noticed it.
“So, when is it?” She asked then turned to her cousin. “Seth! We have to watch it!”
“It’s this January 06. But that can be change. Depends on the prep time and all.”
We’ve continue talking for half an hour before parting ways. Seth would be dropping Sarah off and I was hitching a ride with Liz, as always.
I waved at her and watched her car vanish from my sight before I turned towards the house. The lights inside were on, betraying the emptiness. I slowly pushed the gate open and walked up the porch. I reached for my key and opened the door.
“I’m home.” I said even though I know no one would answer.