CHAPTER EIGHT872Please respect copyright.PENANAAzKoMsfLbm
(Ashantee’s PoV)
It has been eight days since Seth last contacted me. And I couldn’t explain the sadness I felt about it. Like my day wasn’t complete without hearing his warm husky voice or reading one of his quirky texts. I felt devoid off all emotion.
Except for sadness and fear.
Sadness because of our lost communication and fear because for the past days, since the incident at the window, I kept feeling like someone was watching me. Often times, I would see a shadow peeking from any window in the house. Like it was looking for me.
Liz and my friends noticed my obvious discomfort but they didn’t pushed it. I didn’t know how to talk about it because just thinking about it makes me so scared that I would end up being frozen in place. I’ve reported it to the police but since they didn’t found any evidence of people lurking around me, they couldn’t open a case.
But I couldn’t have mistaken the feeling of being watched.
I made my way towards my school. Looking at my back once in a while. I’ve reached the school without seeing any signs of someone following me and I was very thankful for it.
Liz greeted me at my locker and we walked towards homeroom together. She kept on stealing glances at me and I found it hard to ignore.
“What is it, Liz? Is there something on my face?” I asked with a laugh.
She shook her head me. “Shantee, you know you can trust me with your problems right?”
My eyes went wide at her. Then, I tried to avoid eye contact as she stared at me. “I’m not pushing you to tell me. But, look at you! You’ve been losing weight and I don’t think that’s healthy, anymore Shantee. And you’ve been gathering black bags under your eyes.”
“I’m alright, Liz.” I said and hoped that she didn’t noticed the lack of conviction in that one sentence.
She gave me a deep sigh but didn’t pushed the topic anymore. I felt bad for making her worry but I just couldn’t say it. Because I was afraid that if I talk about it with her, I was admitting to myself that it was real.
The day past by with a blur. My friends’s kept giving me worried glances. I guess it wasn’t just Liz that noticed the difference in me. Good thing that they didn’t jumped on me and questioned me because I wasn’t sure I’ll be able to survive them attacking me all at once.
I was with the girls walking down the hallway to their cars since we would be spending the day together. But when we reached near the door, we heard girls shrieking in delight and a bunch whispering excitedly with each other.
We looked at each other, frown on each of our face, we forced our way out the door. Before I could get out the door, I heard my friends joining in the noise. My frown deepened and when I finally got out, I couldn’t stop the gasped that escape my throat.
In front of us was a black Lexus. His Lexus. He was leaning against it, one denim clad leg crossed over the other. He was typing away on his phone like he wasn’t seeing the commotion around him. He was wearing a gray turtle neck and it only heighten his handsomeness more.
I looked around and noticed that every girl was eyeing him. Even the Queen B and her minions. But he wasn’t giving them any satisfaction of looking their way. Besides me, Liz cleared her throat loud enough that had him looking up at us.
His eyes wandered the crowd for a few seconds before they landed on me. As soon as our eyes met, he gave me a smile that reached the moon and the shrieking got louder. He put his phone on his jean pocket and stood straight.
“Ashantee!” He called, and all eyes landed towards me.
My friends pushed me nearer him with a giggle. “What are you doing here?” I asked with a blush.
“Well, since we haven’t had contact for days I thought that it’s fine to spend the day today together.”
My friends giggled and shrieked that made me blush me. “How’d you know I don’t have club activities today?”
Seth gave a funny look at Liz and I raised my brow at her. She looked the other way around while whistling. “Well,” Seth started as he rubbed the back of his neck, a habit of him whenever he was nervous and I found it quite cute. “I had to forced the information out of your best friend.”
I raised a brow at him and tsked at Liz. “Well, if it was Liz I bet she gave it to you in a heart beat.”
Seth laughed. His knee-weakening laugh and girls around us swooned. He then reached a hand at me and smiled, “Shall we?”
I looked at my friends and before I could even ask, they nodded their head feverishly. I gave a hand to Seth and with a smile that reach both of my ears, “We shall.”
He opened the door for me and climbed into it. He then jogged towards the other side and climbed into the driver seat. With a soft roar, the car came to life and he maneuvered us out of the jam-packed parking lot.
“So, where are you taking me?” I asked and I couldn’t help the joy I was feeling inside.
He laughed and it sent addicting shivers over me. “It’s a secret. Doesn’t it work like that?”
“So, it’s a date?” I asked before I could stop myself. My hand flew to my mouth and I looked out at the window. Unable to face him. My face was hot as all the blood rushed to my cheeks and my heart was about to jump out of my heart.
“It is.” He agreed.
Okay, my heart stopped jumping. Honestly, it stopped beating. And I turned to look at Seth and he had this boyish smile on his face and I couldn’t help but smile, too.
“Just give me a clue.” I pressed.
He pretended to think for a while. “It’s where all fun things are found.”
“The rink!?” I asked without any second thought.
He chuckled at me. “Not everyone can find happiness inside the rink, Ashantee.”
“Oh,” My mouth made an oval shape. He’s right. So, I thought for I don’t know how long. When suddenly he came to a stop. I frowned at him as he got out of the car and open my door for me. I got out and saw the amusement park in front of us.
“Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed.
He laughed. “I take that you like it?”
I nodded at him and gave him a wide smile that I bet I looked like a fool. “Absolutely! I haven’t been to an amusement park before.”
“Really?” He asked.
“Really.” I answered and pulled him towards the long line at the ticket booth. “Hurry, Seth!