The combined Imperial fleet exits from hyper-space.
Hux: “Well, it looks like the resistance scum may have some fight left after all.”
Hux walked up to the window.
Hux: “Launch all Tie Fighters and Interceptors. Order all ships to raise shields and prepare to fire. I need a full scan of what we are facing.
Back in the command center.
Lando: “Their here , and they are early. Is plan A ready?”
Leia: “No, we need more time!”
Lando: “Why does this always happen?”
Radio silence was his answer.
Lando: “Plan B it is.”
Land flips a switch.
Lando: “Everyone, they need more time on the surface. Load Plan B.”
Radar starts to show blips.
Lando: “Launch first wave of fighters. Trade Federation, fall to the rear and prepare to launch. I need all escorts and light frigates to get ready to engage any landing craft. This is going to be tight.” After a pause. “May the Force be with you.”
In the command center people are running every where. Rey walks in the door with a smile on her face that quickly falls away.
Rey: “They’re here aren’t they?”
Leia: “Yes, yes they are. And they are early.”
Kota: “Well, it wouldn’t have been polite to keep us waiting.”
He said walking in behind her.
Rey looked up and saw Kota for the first time.
Leia: “Rey, this General Rahm Kota.”
Rey: “Kota? I thought you were a myth. If he’s real, then so is Star Killer?”
Leia began to say something but Kota motioned her to be silent.
Kota: “I sense a great power in you Rey. I only felt this power once before, and it frightened me...”
Rey cuts him off.
Rey: “Why does everyone say that?”
Luke, Poe, and Wedge come in another entrance.
Luke: “Let him finish.”
Kota: “At first. His raw power was frightening, but his natural being is a balance of the Force. It’s true form, the Force in perfect harmony. Star Killer saved my life."
Rey: “You sense that in me?”
Kota: “I sense a Marek in you. You are Galen’s daughter.”
On board the Falcon, Chewy, Finn, and the crew lead a rag tag group of smugglers and pirates in the upper atmosphere of Yavin 4. They are waiting for the carriers to approach the surface. Pieces of fighters and A-Wings began to fall to the surface.
Finn: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
Chewy growled because he heard that once before.
Over the com: “Guess they are here.”
Finn: “Maintain radio silence.”
Just above them a chaotic dance of A-Wings and Tie Fighters ensued. Just when the A-Wings were almost overwhelmed a second wave came. Kota’s Nova-Class ships also began to engage. Their heavy canons where expertly used. Knocking out several enemy fighters. An Imperial Tie Carrier drew to close and was blown to pieces.
Hux: “What the hell are those.”
Intelligence Officer: “Hapan Nova Class Battle Cruisers. Highly maneuverable with high fire power.”
Hux: “Move us in range and engage those ships before we have no fighters left.”
The Imperial frigates and escorts were the first to engage. Two Nova Cruisers took heavy damage and the group began to with draw as the Star Destroyers got with in range. As they withdrew several frigates and escorts were left with shattered hulls.
Lando: “On my mark.”
The Sundered Heart and Redemption moved to the front of the fleet. As the Star Destroyer moved forward, chasing the Novas, they opened fire with heavy laser canons. The Destroyer slowed a little as the new threat came to view. Suddenly, the Novas parted.
Lando: “Fire!”
Both the Sundered Heart and Redemption launched two giant blue torpedoes each. They ripped through the Star Destroyer and traveled beyond, hitting another Star Destroyer. The first one started to drift towards Yavin 3 and vanished in the Gas Giants atmosphere. The second ship stalled, causing a third one to crash into it. Both ships exploded in a ball of fire.
In the command center cheers erupted. Plan B was supersized over charged Ion torpedoes. They don’t have many, but hopefully enough to buy some time.
Luke: “Did you get those ships fixed?”
The smile returned to her face.
Rey: “Yes, it worked!”
Luke: “Of course it did.”
Luke, Poe, Wedge, and Rey headed to the ship bay.
Luke: “Poe, you have a ship.”
Poe: “Indeed I do.”
Hux: “My Lord, we have taken casualties.”
Snoke: “I am aware. Now is not the time to cower. Push forward with the full might of this fleet. I am enroute with the stragglers.
The Imperial fleet recovered from it’s initial shock and began to press the attack. The resistance held the line but lost several A-Wings, cruisers, and a few Novas. The Valiant’s engines are disabled and the Fidelity won’t respond. A wave of Z-95s rushed to meet the enemy and slowed their advance.
Lando: “We could use Plan A!”
Leia: “Working on it.”
Lando: “Work faster!”
Leia: “We’ve got help coming up.”
In the bay X-Wings and Y-Wings fire up.
Wedge: “Who’s going to fly the B-Wing? “
Rose: “I can fly it.”
Rey: “Rose, what are you doing out of med bay?”
Rose: “Trying to not let you guys get me killed.”
The Sundered Heart fired two more torpedoes that ripped through another Star Destroyer, causing it to implode. At the same time Hutt Cartels Navy was taking heavy losses. Just as Snoke arrived, Lando gave the order.
Lando: “Tell the Federation to launch!”
At this moment thousands of drones flew from the two Federation Capitol ships. They engaged the Tie Fighters, almost wiping them out.
Hux: “Target those Federation Ships.”
As the Dreadnoughts and Destroyers advanced, the drones began to attack. By the time they were able to engage the Federation ships they left a dozen Destroyers and two Dreadnoughts behind. They were either disabled or in pieces. The Resistance didn’t escape unscathed . The Valiant and Fidelity were finished off, but most of the crew made it to the escape pods before the ships fell apart. Courage sacrificed itself to save Another Chance. Redemption and Promise were hanging on by a thread. The Hutt Cartel retreated.
Lando: “It’s getting ugly up here. We lost the Trade Federation and the Hutts left.
Leia: “We’ve got an idea for Plan A. Reinforcements enroute.”
From behind the Imperial fleet came the Mandelorians. They began attacking the support ships and cruisers. Quickly wiping them out. At the same time Rogue Squadron attacks and takes on the remaining enemy fighters.
Luke: “Rey, I need you to follow me.”
The two wondered down the halls to a large room with several engineers working.
Rey: “What is this place?”
Luke: “You’ve heard of the Battle of Yavin?”
Rey: “Yes, the destruction of the Death Star was the turning point in the war.”
Luke: “Did you know that was the back up plan?”
Rey: “It was?”
Luke: “You know we had stolen the plans for the Death Star. Which includes the weapon systems.”
Rey: “You mean you have a Planet Buster here?”
Luke: “You’re inside it. One problem. It doesn’t work.”
Rey: “Well isn’t that just great.”
Luke: “I need you to fix it. Do like you did with the ships.”
Rey: “I’ll try.”
Luke: “There is no try, there is do.”