"Lets refresh our memory"
The white lions an dan Tine's gang are now at small cafe in alley near the university. No matter the situation is , be it celebrations or the end of an activity , they will gather at a bar to hang out. It's a little special today because the midterm exam is just over , so all bars are fully packed. And so , we had to miserably drag ourselves to a milk cafe instead
Looking at the bright side , this quite nice. Its not crowded. We're actually the only one here , so we ordered snacks and drinks and enjoyed our conversation to our heart's content on the rooftop. The workers here are also very kind , they let us request the songs we want to listen to
"Refresh memory , my ass. Our secrets will be exposed." Ohm is right , but the others disagree. They are like the idea
"Its interesting. We're gonna be seniors next semester. Let's take a trip down memory lane."
"You're talking like a geezer."
"Will you do it or not?"
"Heck yeah!"
Its a game we like to play whenever we throw the White Lion's party. We'll share stories of ourselves and other with each other. It's like our bonding activity
"Let's start with the first time we met."
The past memory is revealed again in the form of an amusing narration told by each guy , from one person to the next. You'll get exposed by the others when it's your turn
This game takes a while. We tell stories and sip the milk until our tummies hurt. When it's Tine's and my turn , all eyes are on us
"Where did you meet?" Man shoots a question like a bullet , and Tine answers confidently
"Easy peasy. At Silpakorn."
"First kiss?"
"None of your business" Man is unabashed. He bits his nail and makes an annoying face "Answer. If you want to quit this game , you have to down the taro milk. Where's your pride?"
"In the room." Since Tine hesitates , i volunteer to answer to save his face , but Troublemaker's cheeks redden
"Which room?"
They take turn asking without fail. They're the best at sticking their nose in someone else's business. No one on earth can beat them
"Tine's room. I kissed him because he was whining."
"You don't have to go into details fuckhead." The chic guy smacks my arms. It hurts to the bone. I know he's blushing , but his strength is something else
"What's one truth that the other doesn't know?"
They throw us another question. Tine is still silent , not replying , so i have to be the one sharing my feelings with my friends. No , i want Mister Teepakorn to know about this the most
"When i finally got to meet Tine again , i was so happy that i cried."
"Really?" Tine scratches his head. He rolls his big , round eyes a little as if trying to imagine it "I remember you being so fucking cold."
"I was acting cool , just a little bit."
"Not a bit. You said you'd been adoring me for a long time. Why were you playing hard to get when i asked for your help?"
"Who would've agreed to help that easily when you said you liked girls? Plus , if i'd yielded too fast , you would've been all cocky. It feel nice having your crush chase after you , you know."
"Urgghhhh , you're totally nuts."
"The first song you listened to together." Fong cuts in with a new question
"Scrubb song , close." I shaek my head a little buffalo's answer and correct it
"its answer , Tine."
"Answer ? Wasn't it Close?"
"Answer was the first song they performed at Silpakorn when they , and we were together."
"Your memory is good."
"I remember everything about you."
"We'll get diabetes from this sweetness. Moving on." Boss is the one asking this time "What was your worst fight?"
"Tine was flirting with a girl." I answer quickly. The little guy gets flustered and argues right away , his face stern
"I wasn't flirting. She smiled at me so i just smiled back."
"You replied to her comments on IG and liked her photos. Is that what you call just smiled?"
"What about you?"326Please respect copyright.PENANADV2WwRva0m
"Calm down , dudes , or else you two will end up hating each other." The heated fight is stopped , preventing the war of nerves just in time
We change to other games , have fun , laugh , and roast each other until it's finally midnight. Since we're the only group on the rooftop , when i carry the cake with lighted candles and stop before Tine , the guys sing Happy Birthday at the top of their lungs
"Happy birthday to you..."
No guitar , only our voices and hands clapping. The moment the candles are blown out , I hear Tine sob unstoppably. So freaking cute. HE's so happy that he cries
The guys give him their presents. Some are wrapped , some aren't. The worst one is fermented pork with sticky rice. This is yet another memory we will never ever forget
By the time we finally part and go home , its almost 2 am. When we're at our room , we take a shower together to save time. He even steals my clothes to wear. Once im done , i settle myself on the sofa to watch the little guy unwrap his presents excitedly
"Holy fuck , Man bought me condoms. What a perverted piece of shit." I laugh at the sight of condoms. My friend is excessive. Its like he bought every box on the shelf , left none for no one. THat's why his present box is so big , huh?
"Well thats the Man we know."
"Ohm is way better. Look...this how a rich dude spends his money." He unwraps another present. Its the limited edition Scrubb's shirt
"You look happy."
"Of course i am. My mom doubled my allowance and your mom bought me new shoes."
"Chang Dao slippers?"
"Dont underestimate her. They're worth ten thousand."
"What did you do to make her spend that much?"
"I used my second voice. Hello...test...Hello , test"
"Im gonna use this method on my birthday."
"You monstrous voice wont make her waver." he says , unwrapping the next present. Besides the guys present , there are some from his junior and senior cheerleaders. It might take all night to unwrap all
I let him focus on the present for quite some time before i find the right moment to speak
"When will you go to bed?"
"Im not sleepy. I wanna unwrap the presents."
"You can do that tomorrow."
"No" He looks down avoiding my eyes
"You weren't this energetic last year."
"How can you compare two different years?"
"Tine" I call out his name softly , so quietly the sound barely comes out of my throat "Look at me." At that second , Troublemaker puts down the present and looks up , finally meeting my eyes.
"What is it?"
"Give me the real answer. Why dont you wanna go to bed?"
"Im....waiting for your present."
"Hey , you know what? If you hadn't prepare anything , you should've at least said you wish me or something. A card like last year would've been enough." he grumbles , sulking. The chic image he's trying to maintain is all gone. He pouts so hard his lips look weird. I wanna bit him
"I actually planned to sing for you days , but i couldn't find the right timing?"
"Oh , why?"
"You said you wanted to die on the first day and knocked out on my lap. I thought of doing it the next day , but then you showed me your messed up guitar skill. When could i have done it?"
"Sad as fuck."
"Sarawat , can you sing for me now? I wanna hear it...." Im always a fool for him. How can i stand it when he begs me so cutely? I would fall down if i was standing. Damn me.
"I'll go get the guitar."
"No! I'll do it." He runs away to fetch the guitar in the bedroom before i can say anything. We ofter use our own guitars , mine is Martine , and Tine's is Tekamine so im wondering which one the little guy will bring
There it is! As expected , the guitar in his hands is the legendary Troublemaker
Looking back several years ago , it was my first guitar before i changed to use the other one. I still loved and felt attached to this guitar , though , so i gave it up to Tine and engraved his name on it not so long after Phi Dim let him join our club
"Here , im waiting." He hands his favorite guitar to me. I take it and think of the chords of the song i've practice
Before i start , there are lots of things i want to say
"Answer is the first song that led us to each other at Silpakorn."
A dull , ordinary day was changed to something completely different
"And close is the song that made us move closer to each other , then i remembered the song smile as your face , unable to shake it off."
"And Together at frshy nigh. Even though i didnt know you were there , we got to listen to the song together with thousands of people."
If the senior hadn't been injured. I wouldn't have had a chance to play guitar that night or meet Tine again. Even though he showed up just to ask for my help , i have no regrets. Even if he didnt love me or have feelings for me...
The fact that we got to meet again was more than enough
"Deep led us to another Scrubb live show. It was like a dream. Every song is us in different moment , and now..."
I stop speaking and turn my attention to the guitar chords
"The soft sunlight in the morning sends warmth to half of the world once again
Like when the rain stops , everyone must be happy right?
Im still looking for the answer in my heart
Walking to pick up a book , the same old one in this familiar day
Turning back to the old pages , the old stories , repeatedly so"
Both our lives are similar to the song Morning. We sang it together a long time ago. And exchanged presents. But its not the only reason why i decided to sing it again on his brithday
Its the meaning of the song that tells our story. The time we look back to the past , to the present , and the future we look forward to , to be old together
"No matter how long , i will remember..."
I turn to look into his eyes and watch him smile happily. When we reach the chorus , Tine starts moving his lips , singing with me
"All those times , no mater how long its been
That we've been through together
I can still remember , never forget
Good times and bad , they've led us here
No matter how long , we remain connected
We still have each other , never leave
Trying to make this day a good day for us."
We're absorbed in the melody floating in the air for a long while. No matter how many times i play this song , its still meaningful. I cant imagine how hurt id feel if we never got to sing it together again
"Thanks , i fucking love this present." Tine's voice is muffled. He's trying to suppress his emotions
I cant control my feelings either. My body moves quickly as my heart wishes. I lean down to kiss the person in front of me out of the blue
He's stunned for a second before closing his eyes , kissing me back adorably
Tine is cute. He's cute no matter what he does. We're not as naive as before. We've grown up and learned many things. Something that will never change , however , is when our bodies touch , its still full of lust and desire
Our kiss was just on the mouth that made our thoughts run wild. It was like we were fourteen again. Our second kiss and the next ones got deeper and deeper
I slowly put my tongue through his parted lips , and the little guy cooperates so well. He opens his mouth and turns his face up to receive my kiss more perfectly , eyes closes , giving in to the deep , sweet kiss that we dont wish to break apart
Hundreds of fireworks go off in my head. My vision turns white. The moment we pull back , only one thing pops in my head
"Tine , should we go to the bed."
"Um" He looks down , voice muffled
"I was about to say that."
Who dies first? You guess it!