These are all the songs i can think of to play for the chic troublemaker each day.
Troublemaker is busy doing a project with his friends in the faculty. I went there to give him food one day and saw him lying down on the floor like a dog. I felt so sorry for him. We take fever courses now that when we were freshmen , but we got loads of projects. Today is not different
I hear the rattle of the doorknob and turn to look at someone who just got here. The zero energy little guy stands by the door , his shoulders drooping. Bye the time he's finally dragged himself to the sofa , i've almost counted to hundred to cheer for him
"Im beat , Sarawat. Waaah , those fucking mosquitos bit me." He whines as soon as he's rested a bit. I stroke his head to soothe him
"Chill out. Have you eaten?"
"Yeah , but a full stomach cant chase away exhaustion."
"It'll be better."
"I wanna die."
"You've been saying that for a year. Tell me what you want."
"I don't wanna take a shower."
"I wanna stay like this for a while." Tine leans his back against the sofa , resting his head on the edge like he's looking at ceiling , eyes closed. All i see is his tired expression
"Sleep on my lap"
"Dont complain that your legs feel numb." He slowly , quietly lies down on my lap. Troublemaker can be a real pain , but he also needs my attention. Its cute for me either way
Say bye to the songs i prepared to sing. I'll do it later , not wanting to disturb him
Do you believe it? I cant bring myself to wake him up at last and carry him to the bedroom , just to listen to him grumble the next morning that i should've woken him up to shower , as always.
Tine feel asleep out of exhaustion on the first day
Today is my chance. I've parted with my friends. Boss is in love and trying to hit on a girl , so the guys are there to support him. What will come out of it depends on the two
I arrive at out room after Tine. Judging from what he texted me , i guess he's been here for hours now
"Tine." He's not in the living room. He's out on the balcony , playing his beloved Takamine "What's gotten into you?"
This is the complete opposite to how he was yesterday.
"Im doing a music video. Cool , right?"
"Me? Yeah."
"Get out of my face , you shit."
"None of your business. I haven't played Troublemaker for ages. I fucking missed him. I was afraid he'd cry and say i abandoned him" He's both cute and annoying. How can i not love him?
"Remember the chords?"
"Sawrawat , my memory isnt that bad."
"Show me."
"Bring a chair here. Im ready to perform." Whoa , he always fails when he get confident. But dont say anything. I go back inside to grab a chair and sit with him on the balcony
There's no star tonight , but luckily we have lights. The weather is nice , not unbearably hot. Otherwise Tine wouldn't come out and sit here.
"Im going to play Scrubb song" He says brightly with a smile "Let's get started , Mister Sarawat.... Its sunny day."
Holy shit. I dont know if its coincidental or what inspired him to sing a song on my list. All right , even if im not the one singing it for him , the result is the same we get to play sing Scrubb song together
Crap , there's some technical mistake. The song is here , but the chords seem to be gone.
"Wait a minute , let me do it over. It was a warm up."
"Huh , you messed up even if it was just a warm up."
"Thats why it was a warm up. Im serious now. Look at this genius face."
"Im looking."
"Starting now."
"Hurry up."
No surprise. He's messing up every single chord , but i acknowledge his effort , so i listen to him playing the guitar and singing until the end. The first thing he says after that is full of confidence
"Speechless huh? Im a genius."
"What a genius. It was all messed up , but yeah. A genius , indeed."
"Quit flattering me."
How can we fall in love with someone over and over? Its a simple question many sought and answer for. I was one of them when i was younger and more inexperienced. I found my own answer.
His cheerfulness , his contagious positive energy , his smile is distressing days , his shoothing pat on my shoulder during difficult times. All of that made me fall in love with him
But now , my answer has changed. The only reason why i still love someone and will never stop loving him is... Tine
Just who he is
He might not always be so bright. He can sometimes be unreasonable and pessimistic , but he's still Tine. He's the only reason , no need for any supportive answer
"Sarawat , just didn't forget that the day after tomorrow is my birthday , right?" After a long silence , Tine finally starts a conversation. I didnt expect him to bring this up.
"I didn't."
"I talked to the guys and we wanted to celebrate at the bar. Are you okay with that?"
"Why wouldn't i be?"
"Well , we celebrated my birthday alone last year. Im afraid you'll feel hurt."
"You're overthinking."
"If there's no problem , you can bring your friends to join us."
"Um." I reply and grab his guitar. I play whatever song i can think of before getting to the point "Is there something you want this year?"
Tine goes rigid , his eyes widening , his pink lips parted as if he can't believe his ears
"You're not gonna surprise me?"
"Its pointless now."
"Will you give it to me if i ask?"
"tell me first." I acting like a sugar daddy.
"I want yummy snacks , cold juice , some good songs to listen to before going to bed , a movie to watch together , and a ticket for Scrubb's concert next month."
"Isn't that too much?" His eyes are sparkling. Fucking greedy!
"I'll ask for only one thing , then."
"I want you to celebrate every birthday with me from no on. That's all."