Good morning to a bright Saturday , where the atmosphere is just right. Birds are chirping outside the window. I shift on my bed , push away the blanket , and stretch. Ha... i've been longing for something simple and normal like this for ages
Just imagine...waking up to the sound of nature , enjoying the smell of freshly made coffee , sipping it on the balcony. Im exhilarated just thinking about it
I'mma kick your ass , you damn wife. You fucking ruined my imagination.
My dreams just went bye bye. What's left is the body of my lover , and his heavy leg is resting on my waist. It fucking hurts. I cant breathe. Plus . he's mumbling a song so charmingly with no sign of stopping
This is so you , the master of snoring. Are you practicing to break the word recrd or something?
"Green , sleep properly"
"" I wanna kick him out the window , but in reality , i can only whsiper and lift his leg off as gently as i can
I don't want to disturb him because afraid he'll whine like a baby if i wake him up. Listening to him chew in his sleep is a way better choice.
MY routine on weekdays is nothing interesting. If i don't go buy food at a supermarket , i'll stya in and play games. But Green? We need to see if he's gonna come up with some weird activity once he wakes up. He's obsessed with creating content on Youtube these day
Sunshine & Daisy is the name of the channel. Its undoubtedly inspired by my band Sunshine & Daisies & Butter Mellow
Im Mr Sunshine and he's Mr Daisy , the co founders of the famous Yotuube channel that has 168 subscribers. Urgh! It's been active for three months now , but the video with most views only has 1334 views. I think Green might have watched it almost 1.200 times himself. I feel so fucking bad for him
How disheartening. I get up and head to the bathroom , as usual. My life in the morning is comfortable. I can find something to eat in the fridge before my damn wife wakes up. Good thing that there's some almost expired bread and bit of strawberry jam. My meal is ready
"Baaaabe." The sound from hell reverberates before i can even grab a piece of bread
"What?" I shout to him from outside the room. A moment later , Green leans his face against the door edge , looking at me drowsily. He should go back to bed if he's still sleepy , or might as well not get up at all
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"So that you can cause a ruckus? Hell no."
"Im about to get mad at you , babe. Do you know..."
"I don't" I answer immediately
"Phi Dim , i havent finished my sentence , why did you cut in like that?" I love messing with him. Think of it as a punishment for constantly giving me a headache
"What did you want to say?"
"I dreamed that you cursed me."
"Oh , how did you know that?" I say with straight face. He points at me and mumbles something. You piece of shit , are you cursing back at me?
" Go wash up before getting back at me. We'll have breakfast together."
"I'kk have shrimp porridge , babe." He bobbles his head , beaming. Argh cute as fuck
"We don't have that. There's only bread , will it do?"
"All right , i want whole wheat bread."
"We ran out of it. Just eat this." So picky. Good for him that i've stopped treating him aggressively like before. I guess karma is really because the slave is Dim Dissatat
"Okay , babe. I'll record video to upload on Youtube after we've finished breakfast. More importantly , we're going on picnic today. Yeah...."
"Huh?" Im so shocked i drop a piece of bread on the floor "Are you kidding me?"
Why didn't he tell me beforehand? I planned to stay in today. Green is now occupied with cooking something in the kitchen. I didnt think he'd go as far as to go on picnic outside
Why didnt he tell me beforehand? I planned to stay in today. Green is now occupied with cooking something in the kitchen. I didnt think he'd go as far as to go on a picnic outside
"Im not kidding. Look outside , babe. The weather is nice. Our picnic is gonna be romantic."
"Did you watch the weather forecast?"
"Trust me , its gonna be so bright."
"You're the most untrustworthy being."'
"Will you go with me or not?"
"As if ic an say no" To be honest , i can never say no to him. Im willing to do anything he wants if its not too much. And he's been energetic these days , always wanting to do something. What a super productive life. However , he does everything but anything useful
It takes Green forever and a day to shower. I almost fall asleep as i wait for him to choose the clothes , go through his beauty routine , and shower himself with this weird scent perfume
"You made all of this for me. Im moved." He wipes and invisible teardrop of his face when he sees a plate full of bread with jam
"Yeah , i made all of this for you."
'You must love me a lot."
"Nah , its gonna expire tomorrow. You need to have it all."
"What...?" Hey! If you kick me , imma smack you right in the face
I've grown used to this. We mess with each other every morning. On the days we have class , we dont wait to greet each other first. Green usually leaves with his best friends while i leave bit later. We both have time to live our own lives , and time to spend together on weekends so we wont grow apart
But we've stuck together for a while now because he has activities until the beginning of the next month
"Phi Dim let me set up the camera first."
"Uh , you should do the dishes before that."
"Give me a second." After wolfing every last bit of bread , he rushed out to set up the camera. Have you seen a Japanese housewife getting up to grind coffee beans in the morning , going on with their slow living? Green wants to be just like that
What's my job? Oh , i clean up after him taking care of everything he's left on the counter. Is this really the life of president of music lover club? What a paaaaainnn
We prepare a few things for our picnic. Just some fruits other would pack oranges or apples , but this punk packs dragon fruit and longans. He's not only creative about the fruits but also the basket , its covered in colorful cloth like a spirit house. Our snacks are candies from the club , and the lunchboxes are pretty good , freshly made mushy rice with protein from fish bones
We've put everything into the basket. I fold the mustard yellow mat we bought on sale and carry my favorite guitar with me because Green insists
Its not easy being a youtuber. Green odes nothing except for the recording part. Im the one editing videos and adding background music. He said i had to write a new song to avoid copyright issues. Honestly , its hard for me to compose a good song , but im the best a writing a mantra to chase away Green spirit.
"Are you done?" I ask him to check if everything is ready
"YEah. Oh , wait a sec..." His phone rings. I dont know who 's calling , but my damn wifey's eyes sprakle
"Tiiiiiineee....." There you go. Not many people can make him so happy with just a call
I can only watch him. We'll go after he's done. I'm gonna wait here with a mat in one arm
"You wanna go shopping with me? Waaah , but Phi Dim and i are going on picnic today. Wanna join us?" I almost throw everything away. How can he invite someone else? I'mma slap him
He seems to sense my feelings , so he glances up to ask for my opinion. his voice softens down when he sees me glaring
"You don't wanna bother us? Okay , let's go together next time."
He finally hang up. Great. Good for Tine , he doesn't have to peel the longans with us , otherwise Sarawat would come to lash me for sure
"Are we going now?"
"Yeah , yeah." I'll call it a day if he keeps wasting time
We have a picnic at a beautiful garden downtown. The heat is no joke 34 C. We're sweating under a tree. I'm on my second cola can now but still feeling hot as fuck
"Sing me a song , babe." Green syas cheerfully after we've had some of the fish
"What song?"
"Any song."
"All right , i think this song belongs to you." I grab the guitar beside me and place my fingers on the strings , looking all professional and super cool
"I'm excited." Green shifts on the mat in excitement and claps , waiting for me to sing
"I'll sing it from my heart."
"Die , just die already..."
"Urrrrrgh. Phi Dim , you're cursing at me again."
"I'm not cursing you , i mean every word."
"This is not romantic at all. I want to have a moment like when Sarawat sang a song for Tine." He says and purses his lips with jealousy
"Very well then...Someone who makes us dream , someone who make us happy."
"'re the best."
I feel sudden coolness on my head and glance up at the tree. I'm afraid it'll. be bird poop , but it's worse and even more unexpected....
"Babe , it's raining."
Holy shit , what!? I was wondering why it felt weirdly stuffy today. So it was about to rain huh? Hahahahahaha , fuck my life. Arrrrggh!
I told Green to check the weather forecast , but that prick told me to trust him. Hell on earth has disguised itself in the form of Green , and he happens to be my lover
"Get our stuff , Phi Dim."
"You get up so i can fold the mat."
No time to waste. My right hand picks up the guitar , while my left hands rolls the mat real fast. Green uses the power of his hands to scoop up the camera, dragon fruits , and snacks and put them into the basket. We're both soaked. There's no time for sweet moments , we run off the car for dear life
We slam the car door shut. Im in the driver's seat and my damn wifey is hugging the basket next to me , looking like shit. Even our underwear is wet
"How is it? Sunshine and Daisy , huh?"
Here's our bright Saturday . Bright my ass!
"The weather forecast was wrong. Im gonna report their mistake."
"Forget it , Green. Now i wanna sing a song for you. Wanna hear it?"
"Of course , i want to. A song in the rain is kinda nice as well."
"Listen carefully."
"Why the fuck did we leave the room so fast..."
"Phi Dim , i did wrong.... im sooooorry."
"I dont forgive you!"
That's a wrap for Sunshine & Daisy.