old post about episode 11
Getting Kiznaiver asks made me go get this back from my drafts because I wrote it after Episode 11 aired and never posted because I was ashamed at how much I talked about that episode hahaha
I’m sorry, I just can’t seem to shut up about all the juxtapositions this episode;-;
Like, look at the way Katsuhira tries to confirm every conclusion he comes to, first with Chidori and then with everyone.
Despite all the thinking he does, he makes sure to leave some room for doubt in case he has misunderstood something.
But not with Noriko.
When he tells her his conclusion, he isn’t asking her to confirm it.
He even interrupts her when she explains that he is wrong because he convinced that he isn’t. He is confident that he isn’t (!!).
Because Noriko exists inside him just like he found himself in her, and thus Katsuhira believes he can understand her heart;-;
Another contrast I really liked was this:
Notice that at up to this point, we have always been shown Noriko either with Katsuhira or with Asuka and the others. Always, every single time.
Except when she talks about connecting to others through pain:
Then we are shown Noriko with three random kids, and those three are the ones huddled together. Noriko is just an observer.
I love it because Noriko’s line does fit with that group because she most likely wasn’t that close to them on a normal basis. But it wouldn’t fit Katsuhira, Asuka, and the other four because they were actual friends. They had a strong bond with each other that went far beyond the experiment.