The Dreadnoughts pushed the attack as the Star Destroyers fired on the Mandalorian Fleet. The Mandalorians took heavy casualties before they descended to the surface. Most of the ships Lando brought were destroyed or disabled. Only the Sundered Heart and Another Chance remained. One Nova remained and the Rogue Squadron had some losses, not much hope remained.
Hux: “Hail Another Chance.”
Lando: “General Calrissian of the Resistance. Whom am I speaking to?”
Hux: “Admiral Hux of the New Empire. I demand your surrender.”
Lando: “Terms.”
Hux: “You will stand trial for treason against Emperor Snoke. All ships, arms, and personnel will be turned over to us. With your surrender the war ends. We will not hunt down and arrest your families.”
Lando: “You understand I have superiors. I will relay the message and demands.”
Hux: “You have thirty minutes.”
Leia: “Thirty minutes? That should be enough time.”
Lando: “I have ordered all unnecessary personnel to abandon ship. I hope they don’t get shot down.”
Leia: “Have Rogue Squadron escort them to the atmosphere, The Mandalorians can guide them in from there.”
Leia: “Luke! I need a progress report.”
Luke: “Checking now.”
Luke walked in on Rey. She sat cross legged on the floor, parts swirled in the air around her. Some pieces began going into place. One of the terminals came up.
Luke: “Getting close.”
Hux: “Put out the order to get the landing parties ready. Have them launch in five minutes.”
Bridge Officer: “Even if they surrender sir?”
Hux: “They’ve had 25 minutes to surrender. They would have done it by now.”
Leia: “Kota, from what Luke tells me, it’s time.”
Kota: “I’ll make the call then.”
He walked to the holo, hit a few buttons. Then Snoke’s image appeared.
Snoke: “Ah, General Kota. You were almost out of time. Since you are calling me it is time to end this, yes?”
Kota: “Yes.”
The image on the screen began to flicker and change.
Proxy: “Good Master Kota. I wasn’t sure how long I could keep this up.”
Kota: “Stay in character. You, X2, and Kenobi need to get here as fast as you can.”
Proxy: “Leaving now.”
Hux noticed Snokes shuttle heading to the surface.
Hux: “Who is on that shuttle?!”
Snoke appears on the screen with two Imperial Guards in the background.
Hux: “My Lord.”
Snoke: “I have received a message from Leia Solo. She wishes to negotiate her surrender to me. Well done Admiral. We Will be unstoppable because of your actions today.”
The screen went blank. Hux was pleased with the news. He sat in his chair reveling in his fortune. He sat up suddenly.
Hux: “Scan Snoke’s ship for life forms.”
Bridge Officer: “Two.”
Hux: “Two? Are you sure?”
Bridge Officer: “Yes sir.”
Hux: “Prepare to open fire on that ship and any ship that stands against us!”
The Bridge Officer looked confused.
Hux: “It’s not Snoke!” After a pause. “Launch the landing party and the Tie Bombers. Open fire!”
As the transports began to drop towards the surface of the planet, Another Chance and Sundered Heart began to take damage. Anakin Kenobi, piloting Snokes shuttle, put it in a deep dive and zoomed past the Falcon.
Kenobi: “Here they come!”
Finn: “We’ve got them, head to the rendezvous point.”
The remaining crew on the Sundered Heart abandoned ship as the hull broke apart.
Another Chance was able to take out another Star Destroyer before the shields failed.
Lando: “Abandon ship. It’s lost. We have lost.”
Hux: “As this ship falls so to does the Resistance. I will be the Emperor.”
Bridge Officer: “Sir, reports of transports under fire from a fleet just inside the atmosphere.”
Hux: “Send a couple of Destroyers in to clean that up.”
Resistance Captain: “General Calrissian, we must go!”
Lando: “The failure is mine. I stay with the ship.”
There was resolve in Lando’s eyes.
Captain: “Then I stay too.”
The crew came back to the bridge, Lando smiled.
Lando: “We are all crazy. Fire all remaining torpedoes.”
Twelve torpedoes sailed towards the Imperial Fleet. A dreadnought had a hole ripped through it. One torpedo barely missed the Finalizer and struck Snokes Star Destroyer sending it spinning into another one. They both exploded.
Lando sat back in his chair. He was calm. There was nothing else he could do. All other weapon systems were down. The crew, surrounded by fire and equipment sparking everywhere, waited for the death they knew would be coming.
Hux: “Take down that ship!”
The Imperial Fleet moved on Another Chance’s position. Firing heavy lasers as the advanced. The remaining Nova moved to intercept. It unloaded a volley on the closest ship to Another Chance, causing it to explode. A large chunk of that ship headed straight for Another Chance. The pilot of the Nova saw it and sacrificed his ship to save Another chance.
A very large ship enters from hyper-space. On the hull was etched, in very large letters, Akbars Revenge. Out of the bays rolled out hundreds of ARC-170 fighters. They immediately engaged the Destroyers. Akbars Revenge put itself in the path between the Imperial forces and Another Chance.
Admiral Ecton: “General Calrissian, this is Admiral Ecton, be prepared to evacuate to me ship.
As the crew cheered, Lando breathed a sigh of relief. The Mon Calamari have arrived.
Rey: “It’s done.”
Leia: “Really? Then there is hope.”
Rey, Luke, and Leia head to the Planet Buster. Engineers were already getting it fired up.
Leia: “Ready for your first target?”
Engineer: “Yes ma’am”
Leia: “The Finalizer.”
Hux: “No! No! No!” He yelled as reinforcements arrived. “Bring us around. We will still win this day!”
The Finalizer turned broad side to have the most canons possible face Akbars Revenge.
Hux and Leia: “Fire!”
At that moment a bright yellow beam came from the surface of Yavin 4, ripping the Finalizer in half. The Imperial fleet was in chaos. Another, similar beam emanated from Akbar’s Revenge. The dreadnoughts began exploding, one by one. Soon the fleet was decimated.
In the air above Yavin 4 the Falcon and its fleet were shooting down transports and battling Tie Bombers.
Darth Maul: “We’ve lost contact with the Finalizer.”
Storm Trooper: “Probably just atmospheric interference Lord.”
Darth Maul: “Put us down in that clearing. Now!”
The transport out ran its Tie Bomber escorts and landed as the Bombers exploded, taken out by the defenders. The doors opened and fifty Storm Troopers as well as fifty Sith Acolytes poured out. Only seven troop carriers out of the 300 that were launched made it to the surface.
The two Destroyers sent by Hux managed to drop some At-Sts and At-Ats before the Planet Buster took them down. As luck would have it, all four Sith Lords made it.
As the Destroyers crashed to the ground, Rogue Squadron swooped in and helped the Falcon’s squad wipe out the Tie Bombers.
The Storm Troopers took up position around the carriers. 1500 Troopers, 1500 Acolytes, 4 Sith Lords, 12 At-Ats and 41 At-Sts are what was left of the Imperial forces.
The four Lords met in the middle to come up with a plan. Before a word could be said, they came under fire from the tree line. It was an ambush, set by the Mandalorians.
1504 red light sabers lit and the Acolytes charged into the woods. Rey, Luke, X2, Kenobi, and Kota were commanding about a thousand Mandalorian soldiers. Hundreds of Storm Troopers fell during the first few moments of the ambush. The tides turned once the At-Ats and At-Sts got involved. The Mandalorians fought back and took out a couple of At-Sts. Once the Acolytes got in their midst they fell back and disappeared into the woods.
It was quiet for a moment. Then a lone figure walked out of the woods, dressed in a Gray robe. He stopped about twenty feet in front of the four Lords. He pulled back his hood.
Darth Krayt: “You! You’re supposed to be dead!”
Luke: “I keep hearing that.”
Luke tossed Darth Krayt into a hull of a carrier, putting a human shaped dent in it. The other three braced for battle and were so focused on him, that they didn’t notice Rey, X2, and Kenobi walk up behind him.
Darth Maul: “Attack!”
The yell of the Acolytes was drowned out by explosions as the Falcons Squad and Rogue Squadron started picking off At-Ats and At-Sts. The Mandalarians reengaged. Kota then led out the 100 Gray to face victory or eternity. One of the Grays, running into battle, tossed Rey a light saber. Rey lit it and smiled at the golden light that emanated from it. She charged into battle.
Darth Krayt got up and faced Luke, his old master. Krayt charged, saber held high. Luke stood still, arms crossed, hands in sleeves. He dodged at the last second and gave Krayt a kidney punch with the Force that brought Krayt to his knees. They battled like this as the larger battle raged around them.
Although they were out numbered, the odds began to even for the Resistance. For every one they lost they took three of the enemy with them.
The last At-At came crashing down, but the remaining 20 At-Sts made it to the forest, where they began to take a heavy toll on the Resistance. Mandalorians refused to retreat, they began firing torpedoes at the At-Sts. This tactic was beginning to have success but kept them to busy to help the Grays.
Luke was making Krayt look like an angry child. As his anger grew he became reckless. Trying anything to hit Luke. Rey was carving her way through the Acolytes when she was stopped dead in her tracks.
Darth Maul: “Aren’t you a pretty little thing.” he said as he lit his saber staff. “Let’s change that.”
Rey charged and the duel began, not far away from where Luke and Krayt fought. Luke chanced a look at the sounds of clashing sabers. He was concerned for Rey, he never had the chance to train her on the light sabers proper use, and Maul was an expert. Luke turned and saw Krayt approaching and threw him again. Luke turned back to watch Rey get knocked off her feet by Maul who was raising his staff for the final blow.
Luke: “No!” he yelled as he threw Darth Maul into the woods using the Force. Rey looked at him, her eyes wide, pointing behind Luke. Luke turned as a red saber protruded between his shoulders.
Rey: “Luke!”
Darth Krayt withdrew his blade, and Luke fell to his knees.
Darth Krayt: “Your head will look good on my wall.”
He raised his saber to strike, but it went out. He looked at the hilt of his saber, puzzled. Both he and Rey watched Luke vanish, his empty robes fall limp to the ground. Rey looked up and saw the Rogue Shadow fly over.
On the Rogue Shadow
Mara: “Luke! Nooo!” she screamed as tears ran down her face. Her kids at her side were in shock. She looked at Juno.
Mara: “Get us close and let us out.”
Juno looked at Galen, he nodded.
The ship hovered over the waxing battle and the three jumped out. Landing close to Krayt.
Darth Krayt: “Ah, the widow and his children. It must be my lucky day to kill off the Skywalkers.”
Mara: “Not quite.” She grumbled as she force choked Krayt. Jacen hit him with Force lightning. Jaina was mad, she loved her father and this thing took him from her. She grabbed his ankles with the force and pulled. Krayt’s head fell to the ground and rolled to her feet.
Jaina: “Your head is to ugly for a wall.”
She kicked it into a group of Acolytes that were battling a couple Grays. This distracted them long enough for the Grays to overcome them. Mara, Jacen, and Jaina walked into the fray, wiping out every Acolyte they came in contact with.
The Rogue Shadow touches down in the ship bay. Leia greats them, she already knows about Luke.
Galen: “Juno, you stay here with Leia. Ben, you’re with me.”
Before the could leave, Ben reaches out to Leia.
Ben: “I’m sorry, I was blind.”
Leia embraces her son.
Leia: “That crazy nerf herder did bring you back to me.” Tears ran down her cheeks as she looked at her son. “Go, the galaxy needs you.”
Zebia: “What about us?”
Galen: “Stay here and protect these two with your lives.”
Both men ran to the door. They both looked back at their loved ones and left.
Lumiya stood on a small hill, with dead bodies piled up around her. When her saber went out she began frying her enemies with lightning. Soon, no one was around her. Then a lone figure approached.
X2: “You’ve been a naughty girl,”
Lumiya: “So the slug has come out from it’s rock to die.”
X2: “Hardly.” He tossed her off her pile of corpses.
Lumiya stood up and shot lightning at X2, it went around him. He walked to the pile of bodies.
X2: “These people had families, had a future.” The bodies began to rise. “You took that from them. Now they will take it from you.” With the last word he Force pushed the bodies at her. Severed bones pierced her body and pinned her to a massive tree. She coughed up blood as X2 approached.
X2: “Your story ends here.” He lifted a large boulder and pushed it to her, smashing her head against the trunk of the tree.
The three former Acolytes stood together whispering. Juno walked up to them.
Juno: “What’s going on?”
Jalen: “Thinking of a way to end the war.”
Leia: “That’s what we are doing.”
Courant: “For the wrong side!”
The three drew their sabers and attacked. Leia force pushed two of them away, but Jalen was ready to strike down Juno. Leia move in front of the blow and died. Only her clothes were left on the floor. Juno ran for cover and drew her blaster. Her first shot struck Jalen in the chest and killed him. The other two were on their way back.
Ben and Galen stopped as they approached the remnants of the battle. They looked at each other.
Galen: “Go back, I trust you. If they are both dead, avenge us both.”
Ben: “Find your daughter, while I refind myself.”
Galen’s anger seethed as he thought of life with out the woman he loved. He progressed into battle, leaving shattered hulls of At-Sts in his wake. Every Acolyte suffered at his hands. He came across Asajj Ventriss torturing a female Mandalorian soldier. She blasted her with another bolt of lightning.
Asajj: “Your pain is delicious. How many more ways can I make you suffer?” She lifted the soldier and dropped her to the ground. “Mmm, delightful.”
Suddenly Asajj is lifted into the air, shook violently and tossed hundred of feet into the forest.
After checking the soldier Galen advances.
Galen: “Your fear empowers me.”
Asajj: “You, you! It can not be!”
Galen tore a tree from the ground and slammed it into her, pinning her to the ground.
Galen: “Once you’re gone there will only be one left.”
The female Mandalorian soldier now stood next to Galen. Her armor shattered and beaten, blood dripping from her nose and wounds. She lifted her rifle and blew Asajj’s head off.
Ben rushed into the command center. He saw the pile of clothes and knew his mother was gone. He looked up and saw Zebia and Courant closing in on Juno.
Ben: “You murderers!”
The two turned to see Ben there. They rushed him. Ben had his hands full with these two. Galen just healed his soul, he hadn’t fully recovered yet. They were on him and he was in trouble.
Suddenly, they were gone. A familiar voice came to him.
Rey: “Need a hand?”
Juno sat up and saw her daughter for the first time in years.
Ben: “Why would you help me?”
Rey: “I sense a change in you.”
The two lit their golden sabers and rushed their enemy. The battle was quick.
Juno rushed out, she wanted to embrace her daughter. Rey looked confused.
Ben: “Rey, this is Juno Eclipse, your mother.”
Rey: “My mother?”
Anakin walked through the woods, looking for survivors. Behind him there was a loud thud. As he spun around his saber was yanked from his belt.
Darth Maul lit the saber and commented on it’s golden light.
Dath Maul: “Interesting.”
He then looked at Anakin.
Darth Maul: “There is something familiar about you. Have we faced off before?”
Kenobi: “Not me, but my father.”
Darth Maul got a toothy grin.
Darth Maul: “Kenobi.”
Darth Maul circled closer to his adversary.
Darth Maul: “It appears vengeance is mine!” He lunged at Anikan, but was frozen mid-swing.
Galen: “That’s not much of a fair fight.” He said as he walked towards Anakin. Darth Maul’s eyes followed Galen.
Galen: “Here, take this.”
Anakin took the saber from Galen and lit it. The blade was green. He looked at Galen, puzzled.
Galen: “It was your fathers.”
Galen sat on a fallen tree and dropped Darth Maul to the ground. Anakin waited for him to stand.
Darth Maul: “Such honor, like your father. It was his weakness, and yours too.”
Darth Maul attacked, having the upper hand at first. Anakin was being backed up with each stroke. He ducked a blow that took some hair off his head and rolled away,instantly leaping up to the top of a hill. Darth Maul charged at him and knocked trees down around Anakin, to box him in. Anakin sent all the trees down the hill. Darth Maul leaped over them and engaged Anakin. Anakin raked the tip of his saber across the chest of Darth Maul. Darth Maul reeled and hit Anakin in the head with the hilt of his saber, knocking Anakin to his knees. Darth Maul lifted his saber for the death blow.
Darth Maul: “Vengeance is mine!”
Suddenly a green blade appeared from his lower spine.
Anakin: “I am not my father.” He said looking into Darth Mauls eyes. He then pulled the saber up, cleaving him in two from his navel up past his skull.