"Date Twenty-four, June, Two-Thousand Seven-hundred and Nine. A Thursday. Inquisition Document Number Seven Four Two Two Eight One Dash B. Incident of the Domes. It would appear that some strange force that we are as of now unaware of is purposefully sabotaging our defenses. The means of this are still unknown. A division of our elite are being dispatched to the city we believe might be next based on a pattern of the outermost cities falling victim. There is no connection, that we are aware of at this time. The captain of this expedition is... is... Spruce, who is it again? I need it for my log."
"The Division Captain... I believe is Steven. Also stop talking out loud when you use the typewriter."
"Shut up. Ahem... the captain of the expedition to the predicted city is Steven by train and with elites Shawn and Dawn. We expect results within the next week."
Down the track the train would go, chugging along, several aboard.
"Dawn and Erin Cabin Three, Stevenson and Raven Cabin Four, Marcelle and Adam Cabin Five, Revan and myself Cabin Six, Francis Cabin Seven for obvious reasons. Zedd and Arghast Cabin Eight, Jehkal and Ranger Cabin Nine, then for the last time, hopefully, Shawn and Ellie who will hopefully not kill each other in Cabin Ten."
"Because you collapse the bunk bed every time because you like being on top."
"No because unlike Mom I'm not proud Francis."
That night...
"So... roommates again... eh?"
"You're not going to try and kill me this time are you?"
"No, surprisingly not... I'm fine with it."
"Whoa, what's come over you?"
"I'm fine with it because I want to ask you more without my teammates butting in."
"Oh... yeah, that Zedd guy seems like a real winner."
"You have no idea. He's the biggest jerk to even his own partners. Anyway, I want to know more about why you guys do what you do. I have to say I'm curious about it, surprisingly."
"Oh uh, alright, sure."
"Well, what would you like to know."
"I want to know your story. I don't care what you say, most people are selfish assholes. Something had to have happened to make you see things differently."
"I guess, while I can't defend everyones actions, I can at least do what I can. My sister and I never really knew our parents. The Church needed people and, well, we were drafted for the Mission of God. To this day I don't know if they're even alive really. Because I never knew a real family, I've just made it my business to do what I can for others."
"So that's why you're so you. Huh... alright then. You already heard my lovely typical sob story."
"Yet you work for the Church, which is one thing I don't get. You hate people, yet you fight for them."
"Hmph, maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to throw my own life away. Not everyone can just kill themselves by their own hands you know."
"Does it really matter? My own teammates said the weak would die, I know I'm weak."
"Heh... what a cliché overused in all stories reasoning you have."
"Shut up, life isn't a book you know."
"No because life is driven by fate. We make our own paths, even if they do seem that way. Oh and one more thing, in response to your typical sob cliché outcome you came up with on your life, let me fire a cliché response back at you that will make your eyes roll probably, Ellie. You're not weak, I personally think you're a strong willed woman for doing what you do, I give a damn you know."
"Ha, you're right, I am rolling my eyes."
"Told ya. What did they say back in the day, L.O.L. I think it was? Well, there's that, L.O.L."
"Ha... ha... ha..."
The room jerking and rumbling, Shawn flying back against the wall slamming the back of his head against a shelf, "FUUUUU-" and then Ellie crashing into him shrieking, the bunk bed falling over atop them both with the dresser slamming into the bed, pictures falling off the wall with flowers, a yell heard, "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! MY TURKEY GRAVY MASHED POTATO DINNER. HRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. WHO THE FUCK DARES!?"
"Darkling on the track!!!"
The door opening, "SHAWN, ELLIE, GET- whoa!!"
"HELP!!" came a shout from the next room, "MY BED FELL ON ME!!"
"Dammit, it happened here too."
"Kids, stay put, we'll handle this!"
Rushing off with Dawn and Erin quickly running into the room, shouting, "Shawn!?"
Running forward, quickly grabbing and pulling the dresser back with the bed falling aside, Shawn would be visible with a cut on his left arm, both wrapped around Ellie with his upper back and head arched over her, blood flowing down, having protected her from the impact of the bed frame, though that said, her legs also bleeding having kept the dresser from smashing through via pure force, both collapsing to their sides sighing.
"What the heck happened?"
"The Conductor was found dead with a Darkling Slash across his throat."
"What!? No way! But the Light Shielding!!"
"That's just it... there was no sign of forced entry, whatever or whoever it was did it from inside the train."