“If you were faced with following orders or your own heart, neither being necessarily right or wrong, what would you do? I had often asked myself this in the line of duty… on this, this final mission to save my friend, I would figure that answer out at long last. What happened next I would never forget.”
Rushing along the tracks, the entire crew of the train: Shawn, Dawn, Stevenson, Erin, Raven, Marcelle, Adam, Ranger, Steven, Francis, and Revan, all in this for the sole purpose of survival. Through the forest they’d run, heading straight at the mountain, a shout back from Steven, “Everyone be ready. This is probably going to lead us to a Hive, the one responsible for all of the latest attacks!”
“How will we respond sir!?”
“We kill, pure and simple. The humans are to be taken alive IF possible.”
“Leave Ellie and Zedd to me!! I have a score to settle with that bastard!”
“Are you up to it for certain Shawn?”
“I’ve been training for this! Ellie is my friend and I will take her back from him!”
“Alright, the rest of us will deal with everything else. We sent a wire and in about a day an army is going to march on the mountains. I guarantee that’s where we’ll find a Hive all things considered!”
“A good guess. Up ahead, it’s a cave!”
Straight ahead, the mountainside, above that, a cave, “Yeah though I have a feeling I know where they actually are heading. Follow the rails into the mountains!”
It wasn’t long though, straight ahead, the group would run along the tracks heading right into the mountains along the flat ground, many upon many miles having been trained for such large distances… not a single soul around them with nightfall approaching…
Still rushing, Steven at the head of the group, on and on, their target ahead, a massive tunnel in the mountainside with the tracks running inside, “In the olden days, these tunnels were built for shelter from possible terrorist bombings or nuclear war. They’d make a perfect place for the Darkling!”
“Then once we’re inside, we’re in enemy territory?”
“I don’t care, let’s do this!”
Five, four, three, two, and then, right inside they had gone with one second remaining, their speed doubled following the tracks, a dim glow ahead not visible from the outside, growing brighter and brighter until right ahead-
A vast room, many tracks all around along with a swarm of darkness, shrieking high pitched heard all around,shock flooding their faces, all the darkness moving on the level below, the entire floor covered with Darkling. Ahead of them, a train with dozens of cars attached, all passenger and storage, Steven’s growl audible, “It all makes sense. That’s how they’ve done it.”
“They’ve been using the rails to transport their own from city to city… the Darkling humans infiltrate and deactivate the natural light systems, letting those things get in and cause massive damage without leaving a trace.”
“This is top scale, there must be hundreds of abandoned outposts like this!”
“Hundreds of old rail systems all leading to various cities, all connected to each other… this is not good. Forget finding those two, we need to report this back to the Church immediately. We’re facing a full scale invasion here!”
The flapping of fabric, above dropping into the middle of the group, Shawn’s eyes lit up to see a hooded figure wearing a ring, “Thank goodness, reinforcements. I am Special Agent Rickie with-”
“Guh-!” came the figure’s shriek, split clean in half from the waist collapsing on the ground, “B-bastards!” came her growl flames erupting from her quickly followed by a shout from another, “INTRUDERS!!!”
Revan slamming his sword down, looking forward, “So much for surprise,” he muttered holding a spherical device and with a grunt and a toss, a bright light exploded forth, shrieks heard below with Darkling scrambling back, quickly bolting for the tunnels, some continuing towards the group only to burst into flames. Steven and Francis quick to toss several more, completely lighting the room up with only a few humanoid Darkling remaining.
“These things won’t last for long, we need to-”
The sound of the engine, clicking and clacking along with it, the box cars and passenger cars shutting up as the train lurched, slowly chugging forward, shock flooding Steven’s face, “They’re departing, dammit!”
Francis, glancing down, seeing dozens of humanoid Darkling rushing, “GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, Revan, Dawn, Shawn, you are the fastest, run along the ledge and board that bitch, we’ll hold the line!”
“But Franc-”
Skidding down the side, he’d quickly lurch off to battle, followed by all but Steven, Revan, Dawn, and Shawn, Steven turning to look, nodding, “Do it right, I know you three are all we’ll need to send.”
“Thank you, Steven,” came the murmur of Shawn, all bolting quickly along the side as he too dropped down, a final glance back seeing all of them engage the human Darkling, looking back forward with the train moving, closer and closer, a slow turn putting them right in line to jump on as only eight cars remained to pull out.
“Shawn, Dawn, jump!”
All yelling leaping and jumping, crashing down atop the cars, pulling out quickly inside the tunnel, having landed on the fifth, darkness overshadowing them only for a short bit before they were out in the sunlight once more.
“Dammit, there must be, twenty cars ahead of us!”
“Shawn, Revan, we need to stop this thing before it gets to its destination wherever that might be!”
“I hear ya.”
Quickly running along the top, leaping to the next car, the five continued quick, knowing their time was short for come the night, there would be no stopping the legion of Darkling in the cars below them. Clanking, clonking, dropping and rolling, though not before long… leaping out from between two cars ahead, dropping down, the muscular Arghast, shades on his face, chuckling, “Hold it there meat sacks. If you wish to get ahead, you must fir-GYAHADAODN!!!!”
Grunting, Shawn having bolted slamming a light dagger into his gut, looking him in the face, “You’re not the target so I haven’t time for you, OUT OF THE WAY!” Slashing up he’d roar, bursting into flames with the wind taking him, flying back and over through disappearing beyond the cars in seconds, leaving Revan and Dawn looking shocked.
“Is he ever this seri-”
“We need to keep moving guys!”
“Why do that?”
Leaping up and dropping down, cloaks flapping, a blank faced Ellie and a serious faced Zedd, smirking.
“Ah, Shawn, good to see you, what was it, not even a day!? You recovered fast, didn’t you?”
Ellie glancing to him then with a look down, Zedd continuing with a chuckle.
“So, you’re here to stop us eh? Heh, foolish. Do you want to know what our main target is at the end? That’s right, your home!!”
“You won’t get away with this Zedd… I swear it, we will end this and you here and now!”
“HA!! Two injured men and a little girl are going to stop US!? You jest, SURELY! Ellie, let’s get them, NOW!”
Both rushing forward, Zedd with his staff and Ellie with twin daggers, both heading at the three, Shawn glancing back and nodding, pulling out a short sword and rushing ahead with the other two, Dawn and Revan both blocking Zedd’s staff with longswords, both quick to be forced back as Zedd pulled back, swinging down again, laughing, meanwhile Ellie swinging both weapons, blocking and parrying Shawn’s sword to swing with the other dagger, slicing his chest, slicing his shoulder, then his face, grunting, one more swing as a foot quickly swept him from behind, Zedd’s, sending Shawn falling back, Ellie quickly up and atop him, double daggers to his throat.
“HA!! He’s so determined that he left his back wide open!”
Blocking both their strikes, swinging wide, Zedd quick to advance and push both, swinging at their feet and heads, both Dawn and Revan only able to back away blocking due to his fast strikes.
Ellie’s blades pressed, her cold eyes locked with Shawn’s, “Ellie, please, you’re not like him!”
“I’m sorry Shawn, this is just who I am-”
“You’re not a murderer Ellie, through and through, you’re a human!!”
“Tch… Shawn, I have to follow orders-”
“Orders from people who just put you down, people who don’t give a damn!? Ellie, it’s your life, not there’s, you need to decide, here and now!”
Her eyes aglow, looking to Shawn, then ahead to Zedd with his back to her, though head slightly turned, “What’s going on back there Ellie, I told you to do it!”
Looking ahead into his eyes, his right leg flying slamming into Revan’s gut, sending him back collapsing, Dawn quickly backing away getting by Revan, groaning from the pain from the kick, the two left on their own with Zedd half stepping to have his left face them and his right to Ellie and Shawn.
“So it all comes down to this then eh? You pick a bunch of humans over your own kind? HA! You’re a nobody bitch, at least not now. If we succeed with this mission, we’ll be the biggest names in our history going forward. None of our kind will ever surpass our legend! Come on Ellie, you know what I’m saying is the truth, there’s no denying it. Come on, finish that nobody and we can do this together sis!”
“I… but- I just-”
“Ellie… whatever you do, I won’t hold it against you… I’ve seen your heart, I know that these are your people,”
“If you won’t do it then I’ll fucking do this for you!” came Zedd’s bark, staff raised rushing forward, ready to slam it down and settle this, only for a grunt to fly out of his mouth, “GYAH, ELLIE- NAAAAAA-”
A dagger in his torso, stumbling back and then a yell, flying off the car disappearing below, shock filling Revan’s face and a smile on Dawn’s, a smile from Shawn as well, standing above with her hand held out. A swift nod and a strong clap, his hand clasping hers and with a tug, pulling him up to his feet, “Shawn… I...”
“No time, you two can kiss and makeup later, right now we need to figure out how to stop this train.”
“Jehkal was supposed to be up ahead guarding the command box at the front. You guys arrived just in time, there are only three of us capable of defending this thing in the daylight.”
“Regardless this train is full of Darkling, we need to derail this mother and send it into oblivion.”
“It’s a coal engine. I don’t know how you would but if you have any explosives, you could always-”
“-set them ahead of the train and let it blow.”
Two screams, Dawn flying over to the left and Revan to the right, to crash into the sands below them, Shawn shouting quick, “DAWN!!!” Both standing ready, Shawn with his longsword, Ellie with her remaining dagger, Zedd slamming down with the staff growling, black liquid leaving his torso, “Ellie, I must say, I never pictured you as a traitor but its over. There’s no way to stop this train now!”
Shawn stepping forward, eyes aglow with rage, arm out, “Ellie… please… can I count on you to stop the train?”
“Shawn, in your condition you can’t face my brother alone.”
“I promise… I will get the job done-”
“You’re going to kill me!? HAHAHAHAHA!!! On another open note, Ellie you’re such a disgrace! Siding with the humans!? Pathetic! You’ve fallen in love with this one haven’t you?!”
“I don’t know enough to say love or what but he is the first person I can definitely call a friend, the first one to actually give a damn about me!”
“Weak HUMAN emotions!!! You are no human!”
“You’re wrong Zedd. She may not have the body of a human but she has the heart of one!”
“Then she can die just like one!”
“Shawn… I don’t know what there is for me after all this is done but I owe you this last one. Dawn, Revan, the cabin should be unguarded! We’ll deal with Zedd!”
“Wait what!?” came Zedd’s roar, looking back to see two figures bolting up and atop the cars, ropes now flying back above Zedd and then over Shawn and Ellie, both Dawn & Revan with a nod before bolting.
“Oh no you don’t, you’re not going-”
“Hey Zedd, do you think you honestly have time to deal with my sister and our teacher?”
“Tch, I’ll get them soon enough. Ellie, how could you betray your own people like this!? You were one of the few able to evolve into a human form, a secret weapon of the Darkling!!”
“Well you and I are both still imperfect. We need rings or bracelets blessed with our power to even exist in the light My heart was imperfect as a Darkling, I see what the humans have compared to our own, a bunch of brutes who live only to destroy!”
“How dare you!?”
“We were blessed with human forms brother which gave us what they call humanity. It’s evolution to think beyond instinct like the rest of our kind. You’re still just a beast that hasn’t changed!”
“If I’m just a simple beast then my instinct should be superior Ellie, think about it! Unlike you, I haven’t any pathetic emotions to hold me back!”
“It’s because of those emotions that I she is stronger. Yeah, instinct might make you better at fighting but emotion and caring for others will make you fight harder. We both have the determination to take you down, Zedd!”
“Hmph… so be it. Then let this be the final battle! If you fail to take me here, then your entire way of living will be obliterated by the hordes within the bowels of this train!”
“So be it Zedd, no mercy!”
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this Golden-boy. I’m going to wipe that smirk right off your fucking face!!”
Running on ahead, Dawn and Revan glancing back about a dozen cars, seeing movement from the three finally going at it, worry spreading through Dawn, “I hope they’ll be alright-”
“We have our own problems to worry about, look ahead!”
A quick shot glance ahead to see another standing, Jehkal, hood blowing over his face with his brown trench coat flapping away, Dawn muttering, “Why do bad guys always wear edgy looking clothes?!”
“Save that for later, right now we need to stop this guy!”
“So, Zedd couldn’t even hold off three humans and his own sister? Pitiful. I guess I have no choice.”
“.. Dawn, I’ll hold him. Stop the damn train somehow, anyhow.”
“Can you definitely take him?”
“Yes now go!”
Turning left and with a quick leap off the edge, grabbing upon the sides with the window blowing far stronger in her face, looking ahead to the front a mere three cars away, Revan running forward at Jehkal, slamming their blades against the others, clashing with the clacking of their metal, moving back away with Dawn leaping from window to window, seconds passing and finally with a final flip, arriving at the front of the coal train looking around, “Alright so… how does one stop a train on a collision course with a massive city?”
Look down, her eyes filling with shock, the panel smashed and the lever broken clean off, “Crap!”
Leaping back, sword swinging and a swift dodge, tackle forward; the clanging of the metal on the roof and then flying off the side with Shawn flying back and rolling across the next car, Zedd standing with Ellie to his back swinging her dagger left, right, up, thrust forward and right swipe. A swing of the staff right into her arm, then a sweep at her feet sending her flying back and crashing to the ground.
Rolling right barely dodging the staff drilling down, leaving a big dent in the roof with a quick spring kick out, “OOF-” came the grunt of Zedd, back flipping back, his laughter hitting the air with Shawn and Ellie quick to get back up.
“This is great, hahaha, I haven’t had a fight like this in a long time!”
“Zedd, you can’t beat the both of us!!”
“Of course I can, you’re still making this just too easy! I know how to turn it up a notch though, haha, HRRRRAAAAAA-”
Launching forward slamming the staff right into Ellie and then his head flying forward, slamming into hers right as she’d block, twirling with a kick to the gut taking her down. Collapsing with a grunt, a smashing sound could be heard, glass shattering, smoke drifting off along with glass dust, “BURN BITCH!!!”
Leaping forward round house kicking, Zedd with a quick leap dodged, Shawn standing in front of Ellie now casting a shadow over her smoking body, Zedd laughing, “I broke her ring, she’s as good as dead in the daylight!”
“Shawn, you have to stop him, forget about me!”
“Enter cliché ending where boy attempts to save the girl,” he muttered, “Although this case-”
Flapping, his jacket coming off, turning round handing it off over her head, hood out around her head, “I’m not doing it just to save you, for once, I just want to kick this guy’s ass and resort to violence!”
“There’s no way you can beat him though!”
“Never said I had to, you’ll see.”
Echoing tapping and launching ahead, Shawn with a flip crashing down on the roof of the train, looking right ahead to Zedd, glaring, “Round two dirt bag; I’m doing this for everyone you people have hurt, including your sister… plus I just really want to beat your face in! I’ve wanted to do this for forever!!”
“Awww, so you do think about me.”
“Dawn, update me, NOW!!!”
“I, I can’t shut this thing off!”
“What do you mean you can’t shut the train down!?”
“He smashed the friggen panel that controls it. I can’t do a damn thing!”
“Well think of something!! Jehkal is FYUUUU-”
Rolling, the sound of metal being crackled via walk, Revan now in her view with Jehkal in front of her.
“Shut up and let me work! Wait… something on the tracks up ahead!!”
“What?! Wait a minute, that’s-!”
Rolling across once again, Shawn, breathing heavily, Zedd’s laugh ringing in his ears, cuts across both their faces and across their bodies, “HA!! This is where it ends Shawn. You’ve fought well I shall admit but this,this is just, honestly I find it laughable.”
“Huh… heck, you know me Zedd, or at least you should, I’m too stubborn to quit.”
“Too stubborn to quit but how about too stubborn to die!?”
Quickly appearing right in front of Shawn in the blink of an eye and then the punch, straight to the jaw sending him groaning flying back crashing alongside Ellie on his knees, Zedd laughing, “Face it, you can’t beat me!!!”
“Heh… wasn’t trying to beat ya Zedd,” came his cough, arms around picking Ellie up, stumbling to stand though standing firm, blood dripping from his mouth and nose, a serious look on his face, soon followed by a smile, “Just trying to stall ya.”
“Stall me? Stall me for what!?” came his snap, a quick turn round glancing forward, eyes quickly filling with shock, “NO-!!!”
Ahead, visible by now, the final bridge, a large one filled to the brim with explosives tied around pillars, track, and wires. Standing on the sidelines around the bridge, dozens of people in robes and hoods.
“It’s the Black Guard, they wired the fucking bridge!!”
“What!?!” came the surprised howl of Jehkal, turning around, eyes wide, then quickly launching left, “FUCKING DAMMIT!!!” came his yell, leaping clean off the train and crashing down in the sands, tumbling back.
Both quickly rushing right and leaping, both flying through the air, twisting and turning, crashing down into the sand tumbling back, stopping with a jerk with sand piling up atop them both, coughing with the dust flying up.
“No, how did they know about this!?”
“It’s all thanks to Ellie. Remember earlier when she came back up to me and bent down? She left a little note in my pocket, one with the details of your grand master plan.”
“She sold you guys out before even leaving so we wired the church. I will say what they’re doing seems a little extreme but I guess it can’t be helped.”
“You wretch!”
“Zedd. While your instinct might have led you to winning our battle, even if fought a hundred times more, it also led to you being outsmarted. Goodbye Zedd, may we never meet again,” came Shawn’s chuckle with a smirk, holding to Ellie tightly before leaping off to the left, tucking his legs in and rolling once hitting the sand.
The train, quickly approaching, five seconds out, Zedd turning back around eyes wide, “DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!”
A flash of light, then the blasts, rows of several, explosions rocketing up with the train lurching to half speed, the front blowing to pieces torn quickly open, another set blowing up through the next car as it’d slide forward, cars behind detaching, the lurching of the cars forward and back sending Zedd up air born with the blasts coming straight back at him, his eyes wide, for once in his life, wide with fear, “GRYAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” came his roar, the flames engulfing him with cars spilling off the tracks, three sent buckling off the side, one sliding clean off and down into the ravine right below where the bridge was, the entire structure collapsing as more blasts flew off, shrieks heard with the howls of Darkling, the cars exploding, smoke flying.
Continuous explosions, seconds into minutes, Shawn glancing up, exhaustion striking, a wide grin and a slight laugh, “HAHA, YEAH!!!” at the sight, more cars flying forward, spilling off with the bridge downward into the ravine itself, blasts flying and flying and flying, cutting off at the count of eighty-three in just thirty-two seconds, smoke flying high into the air.
Shawn’s gaze going from the train, to seeing the robed figures rushing towards the cars with weapons drawn, several white robed and silver robed people rushing forward with them, dozens upon dozens, then those in gold with black approaching Shawn and the others though only a few with medics, a laugh coming from his mouth, a look back seeing Dawn and Revan stumbling forward, Dawn having to help Revan up covered in wounds, both smiling, then a look forward, seeing a shining ring in the sand right in front.
Looking down with a smile, grabbing the ring with his left hand and moving it over to Ellie, placing it upon her finger, jacket coming off, both looking to each other, smiling, “It’s finally over...”
“Well… there you have it. The story ended with a bang, as most do. Thanks to Ellie, we had alerted the Church in time to set up a defensive, though we had no idea they were going to fork out so many explosives with people from each of the main guards. Because of her effort, saving perhaps millions both now and in the future, the Church under demand from all of my squad and those who had heard the story, they were more than happy to grant Ellie immunity in exchange for all the intel she had. It was a struggle though we made sure it was done right.
Because of this, it became well known that the Darkling had evolved to the point of being able to use human form, even giving live birth to humanoid Darkling though, as stated, a still imperfect task. From this, the Church made several new moves, including the increase of security for their officials and stationing guards around the various Light Field control units and even the rails, seeing the threat in allowing the Darkling to continue operating in such a manner.
The Church also decided to make a new class of fighters, real elite that would go out into the field to do what they had to do, units at equal status and, while without the secrecy, all the perks of the Black Guard. We were known as many names though the official name is of course the Inquisition, each of us being Inquisitors tasked with training new Inquisitors for field work with Ellie’s guidance.
We could confirm the death of Zedd and somehow, I just knew that bothered Ellie a bit though not too much, meanwhile Jehkal managed to slip away somehow. It’s actually been a few months since then and she’s managed to fit in well, having a completely different tune though she’s still kind of a bad ass.
Anyways… we aren’t sure what they’ll plan next but I know this. So long as people are willing to fight for what they believe in, the war will never be lost. The old days of humanity drew to a close centuries ago and we need to move on from the mentality they all had back then that somehow still stuck with us. All sentient beings are capable of emotion, that’s what defines us as a single mass, not what we are, just how we are. I know that one day, there might be more like Ellie, and I welcome that day. In fact… I think it’s time for me to end this log with my final comments and to just say we have gotten rather close… really close… in fact the reason I’m ending it now is because if I’m not careful, I’ll be late to our wedding and I can’t have that now can I? Haha… well, this is Shawn, I guess, Inquisitor Shawn, signing off until next time.”