The sound of a crash the moment the four walked into a door, a large gymnasium and before them three dozen people, one standing atop the other, his hair long and black, a wide smirk on his face, his lips parted.
“Zedd, what the hell is wrong with you!?”
“You bumped me dumb ass, you should’ve apologized and yet you didn’t. It reflects poorly on me if I don’t take action, don’t you know?”
“What the hell is your problem!?”
“You, that’s what.”
“Zedd, enough...”
“Oh shut up Ellie.”
“ALL OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!” came the bark of Francis.
All of the students immediately turned towards Steven, Francis, Shawn, and Dawn, the eyes of both Ellie and Zedd traveling first and locking eyes with the both of them.
“Francis, hush. Alright, that’s enough of a ruckus everyone. We’ve brought two of our elites to show you how it’s done.”
Stepping aside as did Fancis, both unveiled Shawn and Dawn who stood observantly.
“These two are three year elites so pay close attention. Dawn here is an elite tactician for the battle field and Shawn an elite warrior of the church, both blood.”
“Bah, they don’t look like much,” Zedd chuckled.
“We’ll see… Francis, activate the puppet walkers if you would.”
“But Francis, exercise is healthy!”
With the groan, Francis then began to stomp off to the right towards the control panels, roaring the whole time while walking, Steven stepping back, “Step back students, the elite will show you quickly how it’s done.”
“Oh quiet down Francis.”
“I will deal with you later just turn on the thing.”
“Damn that guy is pissed,” came the muttering of Shawn.
“Well… he is Francis after all.”
Pressing several buttons, a noise generating from the panel, it began. On the ceiling to the far back of the gymnasium, lights began to turn on moving away from the others. One, two, three, four, and then with light number five several mechanical mixed wood monstrosities about the build of a human stood in the back. Wood plank feet, hands, joints, and a chest plate, the rest all metal.
Springing to life with their eyes glowing, four of the things launched from the wall, landing on their wooden feet, observing the area with their heads turning left, then to the right, then straight ahead to identify Shawn and Dawn as targets, all four ready to engage then and there rushing forward like an average running man.
“Now watch. The relation of a Tactician and any soldier is one of trust, trust in the soldier’s abilities. These also aren’t Darkling… though they are fairly tough. Watch as Shawn deals with them while Dawn gives him commands.”
“Shawn, the rightmost is shorter and the leftmost is taller, the two middles are faster and the short stack is-”
“I know sis, I’ll give it my best-”
Taking hold of a wood staff on his back, Shawn in turn began to step forward, breaking into a run.
First with a swing forward, the two middle leaped over as did the right most though that left one, easily swept in mid leap and sent crashing down with the pole slamming through its back and through a circuit board, shutting it off immediately. Flipping round…
Blocking and parrying each strike. Two coming at him at the same time, blocking both by pushing the staff forward as they struck it, to then step back and deflect the strikes of one and in turn the other working with, skidding under pulling with the staff to send both flopping forward, a swift left strike, then a right, and a shove, and smash through the head on the last one, deactivating it just as easily.
Behind, the two standing only for Shawn to whip around and bash another through the bottom, snapping the staff and jamming the half through the back of the other.
Applause broke out instantly as all of the students cheered, all but two that is… Ellie and Zedd. Ellie standing silent and bored, Zedd even more bored looking and snarky.
“Pft… you call that striking?” Zedd muttered.
“Now the rest of you will fight in groups of three against one set to hard mode… Francis if you would.”
“Thanks good buddy!”
Ten minutes into the exercise, both Shawn, Dawn, and Steven stood beside one another, immediately analyzing.
“Team B Seven seems a little slow...”
“Yeah but check out X Fifteen, they’re being knocked around like nothing.”
“Yeah but that one team looks to be wiping their asses...”
“What do… no, not going to ask him… I don’t know, what do you think, Shawn, Dawn?”
“Well… that one team there with the edgy kid we saw earlier… who are they?”
“What bro said.”
“They are three from the Southern Dome District… uh… the guy that flipped the kid earlier is Zedd, the leader. The girl is Ellie… and that last one, Jehkal, is their tactician.”
“Don’t they seem pretty impressive for a couple of third years?”
“Well… when you put it that way...”
“Definitely worth keeping your eyes on.”
Leaping up, Zedd slammed a staff through the cranium of the Puppet Walker, Ellie coming from behind slamming one through the back and out the chest, snapping the staff in half, then slamming it through the knee, both jumping away as the Walker collapsed, defeated, Ellie glancing left and turning her head towards the trio of Steven, Dawn, and Shawn, locking her gaze with Shawn’s, rage behind her eyes…