October 6th, 2032.
“The world was as it was any other day. Babbling in the streets about gun violence, talk of politics or the next football game, anything in general to talk about under the given sun was indeed talked about, no exception. No war, no starvation, no evil intent, we were all at peace for the first time in the history of our planet with terrorism struck down by President Donald Trump in his two terms as president.
The next day looked as bright as any other at that point in time, and for good reason. Talks of assisting a neighboring nation’s health care with America’s wealth, talks of the next olympics and how we’d knock it out of the park, who would go to the super bowl… but for whatever reason, of God or Satan imaginable, it had to end. Why this night, I may never know but what I do know is that it had to have been an act of God to push us this far, him saying we were not yet done growing… why or why did it turn out like this?
Three A.M. the next morning, October 7th… so many of us were awoken by sirens… so many of us with our smart devices, our TVs, we had to know what was so important until we all saw the sky turn red. Judgment day for some, a freak accident for others, devastation nonetheless as a massive comet descended from the heavens and smacked right into the middle of the Pacific, sending tsunamis out miles high from the force. The impact not only sent waves but also volcanoes around the pacific tectonic plates. A disaster…
Japan and Hawaii alike were swallowed, poetic in a way I guess considering that old war nonsense about Pearl Harbor though we had grown away from bothering to acknowledge it in the new era… or rather the old era as it now would be known.
With volcanoes erupting and tsunamis crashing into the coasts, all life along the Pacific was wiped out in a matter of days with the aftermath affecting the rest of us as well, such as the skies being clouded out by the eruptions dumping so much crap into our atmosphere. Who knew that the last time we’d see the sun would’ve been on such a normal day?
Two weeks after impact with about a third of the population of the planet dead, we thought it was finally the end of the worst of it… that is until some scientists and the US Navy found the impact crater. We don’t know how it happened but all of the water around the impact would not refill the area… they said it just danced around the impact point, as if some force were keeping it away? I don’t really know even now.
Deep below, the crater was visible due to some sort of sky blue glow coming off of the comet… that’s when they came. As if we had disturbed an ancient burial ground or something, or rather our troops, the spirits began to rise or at least it felt that way… actually, it was that way.
Once they found the meteor, strange worm hole looking things opened up in front I guess, this having been broadcast live. It was only because of the new technology to broadcast without satellites that we even had a chance when they came. Strange black human creatures… oh but not black as in race, I’m not meaning to sound like a racist man but… these things looked like our shadows given human form and their own life.
Whatever they were, they attacked the troops investigating and filled the ship with blood. They looked just like us only all black, an abyss of evil with the ability to turn their arms into long blades. Our troops shot and shot and shot but it was no use. They died immediately except for one, a priest who had gone aboard. In an attempt to stop them, he torched the ship but before the fire even touched many of them, they retreated screaming.
Our leaders figured that was the immediate weakness, natural light. Well, it gave humanity about a day to prepare as before we knew it, their worm holes began to appear on the coasts everywhere with those Black Creatures spilling out. Gun owners fired, soldiers fired, nothing worked and so many had to die because we weren’t ready.
World Leaders couldn’t do anything but watch as our world was taken from us in a matter of months, us being able to only prolong it. The technology wasn’t there thanks to the impact knocking out so many things. It was so hard to produce light unless in an explosion or from flamethrowers. Guns everywhere became useless unless used on one another but that did happen…
Human nature is self preservation and that’s exactly what happened. Humans everywhere began to riot, pillage, rape, the works. On top of fighting these Black Creatures, we were fighting ourselves it seemed. Oh man, what a load of shit, what would God say!? Or was this all his will?
No matter what though we eventually managed to hold the line after months though it wasn’t enough as our food supplies and water were targeted. They didn’t need either so they poisoned what we DID have. Man that sucked too.
August 22nd, 2035… hope by then was lost with less than a few million people left. Man how we wished to have had that beautiful sunshine back… but wait, we did!
August 22nd was a surprise for all, especially those Black Creatures as the clouds finally began to fade away and let sunlight peer into our world, burning away so many of those creatures. This was the chance! We did what we could to harvest natural sunlight everywhere while fighting them off. The war turned to our favor but only for so long as in weeks, they retreated though we all knew it wouldn’t be long till they found a way around it. We knew we had to act!
The Church at that point was the only ruling class left and had built a fair number of domed cities, domes harnessing the power of the sun to make a shield of some sort. By March of the next year, the Black Creatures had returned but by then, they could do nothing as we retreated into the domes.
Any that tried were killed. At that point, the Church waited, licking its wounds from the war that lasted so long. We all were grateful to the Church, a big mistake in the long run looking back on it.
Fifty years after, the church began scouting and trying to reclaim our home but to no avail as the Black Creatures, now known as Darkling, continued to push us to our breaking points. Eventually it was decided, we’re better off inside our dome cities, the few hundred thousand of us that remain. What, did I forget to mention? They domes couldn’t fit everyone plus the intensive labor, many more died. Had to happen.
Well… I’m in my ancient now and have no right to really complain anymore as the kids of today know not what we once had… probably the Church’s longterm goal to control. Ugh… god damn… well, I’m signing off for now… I’m sure there are other stories about Humanity’s struggle that sound just as good, ones better to listen to. Yeah… if only one day, things could go back to how they once were…”
“But that was almost seven hundred years ago… little brother, that is the story of our ancestor. He came from an era of fear but now, we can fight back with the help of the Church. There is no doubt in my mind that we can all accomplish this with the Church’s guidance!”
“Wow brother, that’s so cool! I can’t believe it, was he an elite too?”
“Haha, I’m not sure but maybe.”
“Gee Shawn though, if you go scouting again be careful. Those things sound so evil!”
“Don’t worry, nothing will happen to me bro nor to Dawn.”
“Shawn, hurry up, we’ll be late!”
“Coming! Already Ron, take care, Ms. Synthia will be here to watch you in five. Dawn and I need to get to the Church.”
“Alright Shawn, good luck and be safe!”