With that, Zedd shot up and came diving down yelling out, a single wood sword coming down atop in front of Ellie, swinging blindly and at near unimaginable speeds. Left left left right left right right left, all in two seconds, leaving Shawn to stumble back kicking his wood swords back into his hands to then try to block, much to Zedd’s delight as his rapid swings would continue, blocking both with a side thrust and then a lone punch to Shawn’s throat, a kick sending him flying back into a bar, head hitting it, and then rushing forward to swing the weapon into the side of Shawn’s head, breaking it with the impact.
Shawn groaning and yowling would collapse, leaving Zedd to laugh, foot atop Shawn’s back, “What great advice eh!?” Reaching down grabbing him by the throat, hauling him up, pinning him to the pole by the throat, sneering in his face, “I should just end this right now, what do you say!?” he’d laugh, pointing the broken would sword against Shawn’s throat, “Eh, eh!? Ready to die!?!?”
“Enough of that Zedd!” came the shout of Jehkal from the sideline, arms crossed, looking forward, “Leave him!”
“Grr… fine… but the next time you fuck with us, you die.”
Pulling him back and slamming him back into the pole, Zedd would then turn, walking away towards Ellie who held herself up by her arms, only to then receive a kick to the face sending her over before going up the steps, disappearing into the hallway. Struggling to stand, Shawn stumbled over, looking down at Ellie, “H-hey… you… you ok?”
She’d look up, standing and then shove Shawn, “Just leave me alone you creep!” she’d shout, turning and bolting away, also disappearing up the stairs, leaving Shawn alone to just watch… and once more… to just sigh.
A month had now passed since then… and yet again, another report of a city off the grid, the fourth one in that time. Suspecting now the potential for sabotage, he and Ellie were dispatched with John, Tim, and Emile who were half a day ahead, this time on foot with a portable light generator to keep Darkling away, though only capable for three people.
Dawn, Francis, and Steven dealing with the wrap up interviews of the incident. The decision to send them both, unknown, other than the fact that they were the only two available. Walking, Ellie ahead and Shawn hanging back, she’d be looking to the side and Shawn looking down, sighing.
“So… do anything for fun?”
“Are you talking to get a look at my ass when I turn back?”
“What? Hell no… just… trying to make small talk.”
“Look, don’t bother with me, I don’t want to befriend you, I don’t even want to know you.”
“What is it about me that you detest?”
“It isn’t just you, it’s most people. The human race is a cursed plague that should die out.”
“Hey… that’s a little extreme. I’ll agree that I don’t agree with everything the Church or others do but not all people are bad.”
“Heh… I’ve only seen the worse…”
“Well… you don’t even bother trying to get to know us so how would you know the better?”
“Look, we’re going to be comrades for the next four days… you could at least pretend to get along with me till we meet up with the others.”
“Oh whatever...”
The sound of running nearby, rapid running.
Ellie would look left, then right, “What’s that sound?”
“Huh?” Shawn murmured looking around, “What sound?”
“That… it sounds like running?”
Snarling could be heard, Shawn’s expression becoming serious looking forward, five wolves leaping up in front of Ellie from the sides and charging, surprising her quick as she grabbed a Light Staff, swinging forward only for the wolves to dodge.
One rushing forward to tackle as she swung, missing as it barreled right into her, shouting out as she fell back, hitting the ground, coughing. Standing, swinging again, the wolves surrounding three on one as two went at Shawn, his expression even more serious.
Running forward, Light Sword out he’d swing, cutting into the side of one wolf then kicking the other, rushing forward only to be stalled again by more, as the three would dash at Ellie. Yelping in surprise and swinging, taking a bite, she’d swing back only to be tackled again.
One charging again leaping up would then blow back, a wolf sent flying into the wolf, Shawn standing beside Ellie quick, “Hey, you alright?!”
“Hmph… I’m fine,” she’d mutter standing, “I… I’ve never dealt with these things before.”
“Heh… now who is the weak one,” Shawn then chuckled seeing her eyes light up, swinging the Light Sword as the other wolves in turn began to back away, snarling, then breaking off running.
“Wolves don’t like hard prey. If you look tough, they’ll leave you, you don’t have to fight them… now come on, we have a lot of walking to do if you’re alright yet.”
A lite smirk back and then walking forward, Ellie would look at him startled then grunt, walking forward.
“Ya know, you could say thank you.”
“I… oh fine… thank you, even though I could’ve handled it.”
“Ha… unexpected. Thank you for the thanks Ellie.”
A small smirk as she chuckled, “You’re such an odd ball.”
“Why thank you, I take delight in the compliment.”
“Compliment? Yeah, definitely weird.”
The two would then continued walking, the mood… better.