“Are you absolutely certain Timothy Bishop?”
“Yes sirs, we can confirm it. The Power Plant was left intact due to the self containment field in the event of emergency, yet people inside were found rotting dead and the systems were damaged. It was sabotage.”
“This… is unusual and unfortunate. Could it be that some humans are working with the Darkling somehow? Or have they learned something that we don’t know.”
“Leave us Mr. Bishop. We have much to discuss. Go to the front desk to file a report, then hand out the next investigation order within the hour. We feel that by the pattern if this is in fact the work of sabotage that this particular city is at risk. When the train returns in three hours, we want a team sent out immediately.”
With the door shutting, twenty-five men and women would look to one another, garbed with covers over their faces.
“This is getting out of hand.”
“If this continues it could lead to our downfall.”
“We must take action!”
“I agree.”
“Contact the Grand Church, we need our next orders.”
“HA, HA, HYAHH!!!”
The clacking of wood and the clanking of combat puppets, glass shattering with the smashing of wood, the sound of planks of wood exploding and then a crash. Boots running across a wood surface, wood feet across the same surface, the sound of something flying through the air then another smashing crash of wood on wood followed by yet another plank exploding.
“Come on Shawn, your back is wide open!” came the shout of Dawn, a smack of wood on his back and a grunt, then a collapse as many wood feet clanked and dropped, the puppets standing at attention.
“How long are you going to keep this up for brother?”
“Until I perfect it! After the last mission, I just need to keep at it till I won’t drop!”
“You’re pushing yourself too hard. Your body will give out on you eventually. Anyways, I have to report in, don’t stay at this for much longer,” came her mutter and footsteps walking away.
“I’ll get to that when I get to that. I need to keep going, like it or not.”
A sigh heard above him, a quick turn around and his eyes filled with shock, “Ellie?! How- how long were you there for?”
“Long enough. Look, I get it but your sister has a point.”
Hopping down, she’d soon land on the floor on both feet with her long hair flowing back, a few steps taken forward as it’d settle.
“The human body can only handle so much stress before it starts hurting itself when it comes to combat you know. Eventually you’ll make mistakes and get hit. It isn’t healthy to force yourself, unless you’re Zedd.”
“That guy? He’s an asshole.”
“That he is.”
“Wait, have you just come to insult me then or what?”
A bag tossed right at him, a brown burlap sack, quickly caught, his gaze down upon it then back up to her, “Lunch. Francis told me to bring it to you.”
“That guy...”
“Besides… I thought I’d formally thank you for the other day.”
“It’s part of the job you know, besides, I couldn’t just let you be hurt or worse.”
“Why? I’ve been nothing but rude to you.”
“Because we aren’t like the people you somehow know who sound like a bunch of bastards.”
“Heh… you have no idea.”
“You honestly at times sound hateful towards anything that’s human. Why?”
A sigh, her head shaking, “I told you why. It’s all human nature to sin. I’ve lost people I cared about because of it.”
“And do I or any of the rest of our squadmates seem like that?”
“No, I suppose not.”
“See. Look, Ellie, it might not seem obvious but we care a lot about our own, so much so that we’re willing to die to protect them. It’s how I reacted when you were at risk and, well, clearly how you are as well. Not all people are the same. I’d say you’re aware of that, otherwise why save me?”
“I- I mean- man you’re just a pain in the ass.”
“Hey, there you go insulting ME now!”
“Shut up Shawn.”
A smirk on his face and a small smile on hers, both sighing yet again.
“So long as you’re with us, I will protect you as necessary, that’s all there is to it you know so quit being-”
“-My my isn’t this cute!?”
Both looking left, a scowl from Shawn and a shocked look, Zedd standing in the doorway smirking, “I come by to pick up a pitch at my training and here I find you two being nice. Haha, how pathetic,” came his laugh walking forward.
“What’s wrong Shawn, sad to see me? Good.”
Stopping right in front of them, a smirk, then a crash. His fist, slammed right into Shawn’s gut, Shawn flying back and crashing on his back yelling out, “GAH!!”
“Stay down dog… and as for you, what the fuck are you thinking, talking kindly to this, this, this nobody!?”
“I was returning the favor for him helping me, that’s all!”
“Hmph, you’re fucking weak, just like the rest of them. Your compassion… IS A GOD DAMN WEAKNESS!”
His foot stomping down, kicking up a training staff, grabbing it with his right and swinging it down at Ellie’s head, her expression of shock.
Zedd’s eyes widening though still enraged; right in front of him, Shawn, his right hand holding the staff with the wood cracking a bit, “You’re a real bastard you know that?”
A growl, “How did he get up and block that so fast!?”
“Surprised? It’s called the will to protect those close to you, buddy.”
“Heh… maybe I should test that by cracking your skull open eh!?”
“Bring it!”
“With pleasure!”
Their fists drawn back, swinging forward, CLAP!!
Both looking forward shocked, Steven standing right in the middle of both, glancing back and forth at each, “That’s enough you two. We’ve just received our next mission from Mr. Bishop’s office. I suggest you quit that and hurry along.”