“Cadet fifty-seven o’ eight. HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-”
“Cadet nine o’ two five. Feast your eyes as I-”
“But I didn’t do anything!”
“Precisely cadet, too much fuzz before doing anything. The enemy won’t give you a chance, nor shall we. Now… NEXT!”
“Heh… I remember my first initiation into the Elite Corps...”
“Do you… do you really brother?”
“Yeah Dawn, I do, as if it were just yesterday… heh, I still remember Sergeant Man kicking me in the ass while forcing me to eat dirt. Disgusting.”
“Mine was easy because I passed my exams.”
“Pft… you’re only a tactical fighter, not an actual fighter. It’s rough on the rest of us.”
“Hey you two, I couldn’t help but hear you talking,” came the voice of a third walking up behind both Shawn and Dawn, of which both turned round slightly to get a look.
“Oh, Steven, Francis!”
“Hey guys, how’re the newbies?”
“They’re crap!”
“That bad?”
“Steven here’s gotta be Mr. Nice Guy while I just, HYA, NRGH, GAH, RAAAAWWW, ya know, just HRRRRRGH, and a HYA, and HURF. It’s like that you know?”
“What Francis said I guess. They don’t know how combat works… at least not with Darkling. Although there are at least three new guys that aren’t too bad from the Southern Dome District.”
“Oh really? Heh, just put them in front of Sergeant Man and I’m sure they’ll crack.”
“Mr. Man isn’t that scary Shawn… but then again...”
All four would turn back towards the training grounds and sigh, “Yeah he is,” they’d then all say.
“Anyways uh, Shawn, Dawn, question for you both. Francis and I were wondering if you two would like to come show the rookies how its done.”
“Doesn’t the Church have anyone to spare that’s actually fought a Darkling?”
“Would you believe me if I said we asked that same question only to be laughed at?”
“Bunch of bastards running the front of affairs here, GYAH!! It makes me angry!”
“I hear you Francis.”
“Actually we were talking about the Church earlier about some things related. Anyway, Shawn and I would be happy t o assist.”
“Perfect. Let’s go then and Francis, try not to scare them this time when we get back.”
“I know buddy, I know.”
“Is Francis going to be ok? He seems pretty upset...”
“Eh… he’s just being… Francis. Anyway, follow us I guess.”
The four would walk down a long hallway, multiple doors on each side, tiled floor, wood walls painted white but rather old looking, with a few cracks. The ceiling, definitely in need of repair with various holes and cracks, some plaster having actually fallen down. The smell of cooked rice also filled the air of this hallway as they moved forward.
“You know, I’m grateful for you two coming along to help. I’m sure Francis is too, if he’d only just admit it though.”
“Shut up Steven!”
“Sorry Francis, so sorry but it’s true, I think.”
“Shut it pretty boy.”
“Oh I’m not that pretty Francis but thanks for the compliment.”
“It was an insult dumb ass!”
“Ah that doesn’t matter to me. I’m not going to let insults or anything else bother me, I’m just going to remain the same old me no matter what!”
“You should take some examples from Steven, it might improve your lifestyle Francis.”
A single kick and FLING, forward Shawn went crashing into a pole face first, then onto the floor.
“Francis that was uncalled for!”
“HEY WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR YOU JERK!? I WAS TRYING TO BE HELPFUL!” Shawn then barked flailing his arms with a giant red line on his face from the impact.
“Keep your unneeded opinions to yourself like Steven should!”
“I’ll roll you into traffic with a single punch Francis, don’t screw with me!”
“Don’t screw with me!”
“Both of you shut up!” Dawn barked, turning red in the face.
Steven look from Francis to Shawn, puzzled as both turned a bit blue, getting small especially with their attitudes, “I need to learn how you do that Dawn, it seems like a nice skill.”
“It’s easy once you show them who the boss is Mr. Steven, take my word for it.”