Fire spreading, the tracks damaged, bodies of soldiers lying scattered, a train near, yet another attack. An entire group now surrounding the base near the train, sorrow flooding most of their faces, “How could this happen again..”
“It happened recently, some of these corpses are still in rigormortis.”
“Then there’s a chance the enemy is still here.”
“Or that they’re intelligent enough to have stopped us from reaching the main city.”
“I already wired a transmission to HQ, they’re dispatching another team while we investigate this. Spread out and look for survivors but be cautious. Darkling might still be present. Stay with your bunkmates!”
Quickly darting away, those remaining would be Shawn, Dawn, Erin, Ellie, Francis, and Steven alongside Revan.
“How could this happen Revan?”
“I don’t know but something fishy is definitely going on. You kids search the area. Francis, go with them. Steven, with me.”
“Shouldn’t we spread out more evenly?”
“Day is close. The area is small so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Move!”
Shawn nodding, looking to Ellie, both walking, followed by Dawn and Erin walking in a different direction, Francis yowling and doing the same, leaving both Steven and Raven to look across the area, “Man I just don’t know anymore, ya know man?”
“I’m not sure. This is a fresh scene so maybe we’ll find out.
“Hey, Steven, Revan, get the fuck over here!”
Both quickly rushing over to Francis, skidding to a halt in surprise, the daylight slowly climbing up over the area over a mountain of corpses, one twitching, an arm on fire severed, “A survivor!”
“Quick, Francis, get him out of there!”
Moving over, his hand out, Francis’s hand grabbing the man’s and quickly yanking though to his dismay, the arm tore right off, black liquid flying out though instead, a yowl heard followed by an explosion of flames from the body, igniting the entire pile as Francis stumbled back, collapsing on his ass, “WHAT THE FUCK!?”
“Was… was that a-”
“Oh no, the others!”
A foot stepping down, long handled ax in hand, a man smirking with his glasses shimmering, Shawn skidding back and stopping looking ahead, “Bastard. What are you doing!?”
“Is it not obvious? I’m here to kill you fucks!”
“Why… why help the Darkling, they’re our enemy!”
“Why?! HAHA, have you fucking twits seriously not realized it yet!? I AM A DARKLING!”
Bolting forward, the shimmering and then the crashing of the weapon, ax slamming down with Shawn launching backwards with a flip, skidding back again, “How!? How is that possible?!”
Ripping his weapon out, the man charging, Shawn’s eyes widening as before him flew another with twin daggers, Revan, blocking with both daggers as the blade came down, surprising the man, “Another one!?”
“Darkling, you’re mine!”
“Bring it!”
“Oh, don’t worry, WE will!”
A crackling, a flopping, an eye bulging out with an arrow sticking out, shot into the back of Revan’s skull and out the front, daggers and arms dropping with him falling, an archer stepping forward, both laughing staring upon Shawn.
“You see that!? Your people are no match for us!”
Both rushing forward, though for the ax-man to head first swinging wide, jabbing with the spiked end of his weapon, the Archer taking aim waiting, Shawn jumping back and moving side to side, staying within a set boundary, the Ax-man’s shadow.
“Hold still you bastard!”
“You’re the bastard!”
Dodging left, his hand slamming down grabbing upon the Ax’s poll, his grip solid looking forward at the Ax-man, “You two killed a great man. For that, I shall cast you both down!”
His fist flying slamming into the man’s face, sending him crashing down yelling, “Dammit!” though as he fell, a laugh could be heard, the Archer taking aim, “And I will cast you down, NINGEN!!”
The Archer stumbling black, his blood spraying from his torso with the bow and arrow both snapped in half, his eyes wide looking forward, Ellie there with a short sword having just cut through the Archer, “Wh-what the deuce, why-” he grunted, collapsing down bursting into flame, his black blood flying out also burning, a turn around, her eyes cold resting upon Shawn and then the Ax-man.
“Shawn, hold on!” came shouts, the Ax-man looking around, growling.
“So I am surrounded eh? Heh, well I will not be captured by a mere human!”
His left arm rising and resting upon his right hand, flinging out a gold ring off and dripping into the nearby river, immediately flames erupting around, yowling in pain as his body quickly burned away.
As the body collapsed, Francis, Steven, Dawn, and all the others would stop, all surprised.
“There were more.”
“Th-those guys, they were-”
“We know, Darkling that can walk in the daylight due to those rings.”
“Ellie, thank you. Had you not been here, I would’ve likely been badly hurt by that Archer guy.”
“You saved my brother? Th-thank you, Ellie.”
“It’s… it’s just in my nature.”
His eyes widening, Shawn looking upon her, then off to the side at Zedd, then to Erin and even back to Francis, “(Does that mean, the Conductor was killed from- no. One of my squadmates is a Darkling!? No… please, don’t let it be-!)”