“RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, you all suck!!!”960Please respect copyright.PENANAW7p3QijYcY
“Francis… hush. Congrats squad from the southern region. In response to your Class S combat skill and Class A intelligence, we’re assigning you under the care of a team that has already passed the academy to go into the field. Shawn and Dawn, please step forward.”
With a nod, steps following, to the left of Steven now stood Shawn… and to the right, Dawn.
“You’ll be paired up with these two and form a squad with a Captain, likely a field officer so… expect to go out into the field and do research.”
“Francis, hush, go drink your Mountain Dew or something.”
“Man he needs a hobby…”
Right as the sound of the iron door to the room slammed shut, Steven in turn began to speak again, “The rest of you will be reevaluated and in doing so, you might either move up or if you’re unlucky move down. Rhett, Link, and Mark will assist you however… as for the trio and the two elite, you’re being assigned to meet up with Kyndra to discuss who your captain… or captains… should be. Well, dismissed.”
“Steven, you uh… you sure we should partner up with them?”
“Absolutely not but hey, what do I know. Haha. Trust in yourselves and your peers, if you all wear smiles what can go wrong? I’ll see you two around.”
Walking away, the three began to approach with their steps echoing. On the left, his black hair fuzzy from the fighting with red eyes bright as any, a grand smirk on his face, about the shortest of the group at five foot six, Zedd. On the right, her blond hair flowing down her back as she moved forward, green emerald eyes shimmering, standing five foot ten, Ellie, with a cold stare towards both Shawn and Dawn. In the middle, brown hair covering his eyes and flowing down to his shoulders, scrawny-ish yet tall, Jehkal, at six foot four.
Their footsteps stopping, a gap as their shadows cast in front, Shawn and Dawn left to examine at a distance, his arms crossing as Zedd did the same, Ellie cold, and a glaring yet observant Jehkal. Dawn’s narrowed, eyes scanning, arms crossed as well while shooting a glare back to Zedd… and yet Shawn held a bit of a smile himself, looking at all three, “Hiya.”
“Listen punk, we don’t like you, we don’t care about you, you stay out of our way and we’ll all be happy.”
“Oh uh… alright… Zedd?”
“Are you questioning me Mr. Shawn? I’ll break your neck if you think it wise to do such.”
“How did someone as vulgar as you get into the church’s recruitment program?” Dawn mumbled.
“Oh uh, pft, as if you need to guess. I’m just that awesome, clearly. What’s your story Dawn girl, eh?”
“I studied and trained as hard as I could...”
“Ha, weak. The real goers are those they pass by beating the shit out of whatever is in their path to show all who oppose the church how it’s done.”
“That isn’t the way of God… that’s just vulgar, right Shawn?”
“Now Dawn, remember what Steven said...”
“Yes because God is totally here to help right?”
“Zedd, that’s enough, we’re not here to cause trouble,” came the voice of Jehkal.
All eyes turned to the tall male, who in turned sighed, breathing in slightly to continue speaking, “I apologize for Zedd’s… unnecessary personality. He’s what you might refer to as a rebel.”
“Quite alright… not much different from Francis on that note I guess?”
“What the hell did you just say!? I am nothing like that damn balloon man! How the bleeding hell is he even an officer!? And that other guy, he won’t amount to much more than shit either!”
“Hey, shut up! Steven went through a lot of hell. He and Francis used to weigh the same but then Steven started to lose the weight. I’d call that more of a success than what you’ve got going for you!”
“I’m sorry but did you just talk back to me Dawn!? I will slap you like a bitch!”
Standing in front of Dawn, gripping the wrist of Zedd, stood Shawn, a more serious look on his face, “I think that’s enough of that… don’t you?”
“Hell, so you think you’re man enough to take me on without a problem? Let’s test that shall we? Ellie, fight this jackass and show him who the superior force is!”
“Tch… why me?”
“Because I bet he can’t even beat the woman of our group now get to it!”
“You’re sooooooo going to owe me for this… alright little man, prove yourself so we can get this over with. You’re honestly not even worth my time.”
“Heh… we’ll see.”
Releasing Zedd, steps were then heard, Shawn and Ellie walking over to the sparring arena, he with a grin and mild amusement in his eyes, her with a cold dead stare.
“Let’s say… first to pin the other for ten seconds?”
“Works for me… you’ll be down before you know it, asshole.”
“Haha, we’ll see. Good luck to you and may the better combatant win.”
“Oh don’t worry… I will.”