The sound of a loud steam whistle immediately ringing out into the air, a large train with several cars docked in a large train station, people rushing about everywhere. Up stairs, down stairs, across boardwalks, up elevators, on and off various trains. Chattering, yelling, screaming, marching, rushing, stomping, so many various sounds, so loud and disruptive.
Mostly grown adults moving around, some dressed poorly, others dressed in fancy attire, then a plethora of soldiers marching around, several guards by the many trains and cars. No more than fourteen trains would be in operation here with plenty of tracks for spares if necessary, each hooked up with several cars and large guards on the front of each train, armed guards sitting on the top, looking around though relaxed.
This era, trains had become the best means of travel from city to city due to their fast speed, power, and above all… the ability to move practically undisturbed and transport vast quantities. Trucks and other such craft were no longer worth the trouble with the Darkling able to block roads on the outside during the night… not to mention, bandits at a time when there are no guards.
Of course that said, there also was no guarantee of train tracks being cleared though considering the difficulty it takes to stop a train these days, most Darkling are incapable even if they do sabotage by placing something upon the tracks. Old transport yet very effective in the wilderness…
By this method, people and cargo can be transported along the lines from city to city safely or from city to village if need be.
“What’s with the guards mommy, I thought shooting Darkling doesn’t work, and don’t trains only move when the Darkling can’t be outside?” a child would often ask at any given point.
The answer to this, the bandits that move during the day often as a means to make their lives easier.
“Alright gang, this is it, Platform Twenty-two B. We’ll be taking a passenger transport.”
“Seems decent Steven...”
“Oh… why thank you Francis. I did what I could to lock one in.”
“Beats those rickety old box cars we used to have to travel in.”
“Yes Shawn but times are changing. The Church is making transport more luxurious for the White Guard Corps.”
“What about the Silver Guard Corps?” Shawn questioned.
“Well Shawn… the Silver Guard still gets civilian travel arrangements since they just protect the cities. The Bronze Guard goes with the civilian trains and soldiers… and the Gold Guard gets the highest class for protecting high Church officials.”
Glancing to Steven, Jehkal’s mouth opened, asking forth, “And what about the Black Guard?”
“SHH!!!” Steven immediately snapped with a hiss, the entire group stopping in place, “The Black Guard isn’t to be discussed in public under any circumstances, even by Elite!”
“S-Steven?” Dawn murmured surprised.
“I… I’m sorry… we just can’t talk about them out in the open… all I can say is that the White Guard is viewed as the Holy Light of the Church, taking out external threats to society. The Metal Guards are the Holy Shields of the Church, protecting the people alongside troops… the Black Guard is the exact opposite of the Holy Light… they are the Holy Darkness and do the exact opposite. That’s all I’ll say.”
“So… you mean they… they-”
“That’s enough Shawn, there’s a reason why that information is kept under wraps. If they hear us talking about them, they’ll probably take us away for interrogation… now let’s just get on the damn train.”
“Uh, right, sorry.”
Stepping forward, the group of nine would near the train, a large old style steam train with five luxury train cars: a caboose for baggage, a dinning car, two cars for the White Guard with three rooms per car to accommodate for two people each, then the crew car and actual train & coal car.
While simplistic, the many cars boast luxurious design for second class travel, comfortable for the White Guard of the Church.
Once aboard in the third car down from the actual train, they would look, “Whoa.”
“The ocean design is incredible!”
“This is...”
“Haha, this’ll be great!”
The inside, painted ever so delicately, a true mobile home for those of second class if not borderline first class.
“Alright… you’ll be sleeping in assigned order. Cabin one will be Dawn and Erin. Cabin two will be Stevenson and me. Cabin three will be Francis’s. Ca-”
“Why does he get his own!?”
“Because… you just… you don’t want to know… Cabin four will be Zedd and Jehkal. Cabin five will be… out of order because we’re transporting a representative of the Church from the next city over. Cabin six I guess will have to be Ellie and Shawn so long as they don’t try anything funny.”
“Like, puhlease, I wouldn’t want to do anything with that loser!! Why am I stuck with him!?”
“No complaints here since she can just beat me up if anything happens.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“GYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, why can’t I have a woman in my cabin!?”
“Because Francis, the last girl you bunked with complained and we had to pay her several thousand gold pieces to stay quiet.”
“You and Shawn are being bunked up because I don’t have to worry about you two sharing a room. If he bugs you, you’d just beat him up. If you bug him, well he probably wouldn’t give a damn.”
“Ugh… why not stick him with his sister!?”
“Are you kidding me, what kind of sicko do you take me for!?”
“Oh come on Ellie, I’m not that bad. Plus, this’ll give us a chance to learn about our respective cities.”
“Just… don’t talk to me...”
“You might as well get your bags to your cabins, where we’re going is about three days of travel away.”