Capítulo 18: crying and lying
After mid-afternoon and the capital of the kingdom of Lion-O, was witnessed the advance of the feline tank that was getting closer and closer to the capital.
Several royal guards went to warn their young king of the return of the expedition, but several children stopped them.
“Don't worry! We will tell Lion-O that the generals are back," said Wilykit.
“Go and meet the expedition," said Wilykat, "soon we will go down with Lion-O.”
The guards saw no alternative and turned around.
“Are you sure this is what you want? asked Sebastian.
“Weren't you the ones most interested in the city of El Dara?” This time Jessie said.
“Yes, but Lion-O has been so good to us that we want to be the firsts to tell him the news," said Wilykit.
“Thanks to Lion-O, Mom looks happier," said Wilykat this time.
“...Now that you mention it," said Jessie, "Lion-O is very attentive to you.”
“And with Minino and Minina," agreed Sebastian, who fought to keep the two younger siblings quiet.
The children then decided and all together went to tell Lion-O about the arrival of their friends.
The guards made a formation to receive the generals, who would surely come out of the feline tank in a serius way, but when the vehicle doors were opened, Tygra ran out and laughed with a beating jaw, while being followed very closely by Cheetara.
“Hey, Lion-O, you gotta listen to this!” Tygra shouted as he laughed like a madman.
“Tygra, stop it!” Cheetara, who in her haste had forgotten to use her super-speed, told him, "You must respect the privacy of Pantro and Tara!”
Like a possessed man, Tygra rushed up to the bedroom of his younger brother and king, the need to tell Lion-O about the two sturdy adults was too much fun to pass up.
“Hey, Lion-O!” Tygra shouted when he saw Wilykat, Wilykit, Jessie, Sebastián, Minino and Minina at the entrance of the royal bedroom. They were all gawking at the inside of the room through the half-open doors, it seemed as if Mumm-ra had returned and was now having tea and chatting happily with Lion-O.
“Hey kids, what are you doing?" Tygra asked them and the children, still keeping their mouths open, turned their necks as if they were made of rusty metal joints.
“Tygra, I'm finally catching up with you!” Cheetara exclaimed at the time, “What is it, why are the children looking at us with their eyes so open?”
Tygra only raised his shoulders and he and Cheetara were the ones who spied on this time.
Inside the royal chamber was Lion-O, apparently not alone, but next to him was Leonore.... they were both kissing!
Unlike the kiss of Panthro and Tara, the kiss of Lion-O and Lion-Ore was more delicate and the caresses more gentle.
"Wiskers,wiskers, wiskers!" Cheetara and Tygra thought at the same time, and like the children, they opened their eyes like plates and opened their jaws.
After a couple of indeterminate and long seconds, the thundercat considered that it would be best to close the doors so that the children would no longer watch the show, but only made the situation worse.
As soon as the doors were closed, the children's brains reconnected and they were furious.
“Let us in, Cheetara!” shouted Wilykit.
“We want to go in!” shouted Wilykat in turn.
“Meow, I want in too!” exclaimed happily at the same time, Minino and Minina.
Of the group of children, only Jessie and Sebastian said nothing, but watched expectantly.
The Thundercats children began to struggle and Cheetara had to ask Tygra and the other children for help to contain the children.
In the royal chamber, the two thundercats continued their displays of affection, unaware of the chaotic scene unfolding just outside the doors.
“Leonore, I'm so happy that you accepted my feelings.”
“And how not to do that, Lion-O, you being so fair and good, it seems a miracle to me that you noticed someone as simple as me.”
“I am the lucky Leonore, I know that discounting the experiences of the war I am still a child, but I promise you that I will do everything I can to be the king and the man who is at your level.”
“I can't consider myself very mature either, Lion-O, I married very young and apart from being a mother, I don't know many things about life.”
“Then we don't have to worry so much, whatever comes next, we'll deal with it together.”
“That's right my love, if we remain together we will surely overcome any difficulty.”
“How will we tell your children?” Lion-O asked after a short but sweet kiss.
“They are still small, but I'm sure they'll understand us gladly.”
As soon as those words were spoken, the two doors opened suddenly and in a tangled web of arms, legs and tails, the two adult thundercats along with the six children fell to the ground.
“...Tygra, Cheetara, you were spying on us!?” wanted to know Lion-O, who was looking down at the scene.
“...Ah, this Lion-O... my king...” said Cheetara, who was as red as a tomato.
“I was coming to bring you the latest news. What was I supposed to tell you?” Tygra said with a dismayed gesture, as he scratched his nape nervously.
“...My children what were...”
“TRAITOR” Wilykit shouted with her tail bristling with fury.
“RAT" shouted Wilykat, who showed his fangs in a threatening manner.
“Mommy, Mommy, you were kissing Lion-O!” Minina shrieked happily.
“You kissed him, you kissed him!” Minino joined the mini-chorus, which, like his younger sister, found the situation very amusing.
“Wilykit, calm down!” said Sebastian, as he held his tail nervously.
“Wilykat, please!” Jessie begged, who stretched out her hand nervously without deciding whether or not to hold her boyfriend's shoulder.
This time Minino and Minina remained silent and saw their two older brothers who continued to insult Lion-O scared.
Lion-O remained silent, stoically enduring the insults, but when the insults grew in tone, Leonore had to intervene.
“Children, that's enough!”
Sure Wilykat and Wilykit didn't mean say what they said next, but anger brought out the worst in them against their mother.
The two Thundercats touched their cheeks where they were slapped and cried and ran out of the place.
Jessie and Sebastian went after their boyfriends. Lion-Ore, hurt and repentant, wanted to follow them, but Minino and Minina held on to their dress while they cried at the same time.
Leonore shed tears as she tried to calm her younger children. The other three thundercats remained silent and exchanged glances of sadness.
After a while Risu entered the royal bedchamber, he looked worried.
“Lion-O, you want to tell me what happened?”
“Wilykat and Wilykit, they didn't take my relationship with Leonore very well.”
“I'm sorry, Lion-O, but that's not what I came to ask you. Why did you order all the asistedroids to go to Mumm-ra's "pyramid"?”
“Oh, Yuubi asked me, he said he needed them urgently.”
“All of them?”
“Yes, he told me that he needed all of them because of an emission of toxic gases, he told me that it would not expose anyone's life.”
“Lion-O, did you know that he also took all the motorcycles with autocannons and all the feline tanks?”
“...What? I didn't order such a thing.”
The sound of several steps approached the place, it was the other thundercats and cathians of the expedition.
“Lion-O, all the feline tanks have left the kingdom!” shouted Panthro.
“Take it easy, Panthro," Lion-O said, "Yuubi asked me to mobilize the asistedroids, he must have had to carry them in the feline tanks.”
“Ok, and that wasn't enough for him, he also took the autocannon bikes," Tara said grimly. This time the young king was restless.
“Lion-O," said Bengali, "all the feline tanks left not only with the asistedroids, but also with all the ammunition and missiles, the same can be said of the Cathian motorcycles.”
“They also took some spare ammunition and other assault weapons, either laser or gunpowder," said Pumyra, "leaving the warehouses empty.”
“...But I didn't order any of that!” Lion-O said, worried this time.
“Not according to the guards my king," said Lynx-O, who held some papers, "I cannot see what is written here, but the guards say that these are your orders approving everything we inform you, approval made with your royal seal.”
Lion-O took the papers hard and read each one of them carefully this time, noticing how the blood was getting out of his body more and more.
“Why don't we communicate with Yuubi? Surely he have an explanation for all this," Rauri suggested.
All the adults agreed and went to the communications room, where Yuubi gave them his reasons.
“I know it sounds exaggerated but I had to take extra precautions, intelligence told me that several groups still loyal to Slithe and Ratar-O were planning to take over the asistedroids.”
“Was it necessary to empty the Thundera storehouses?” Risu asked.
“I'm sorry about that, I think I overreacted in the end, but don't worry, I'll send everything back tomorrow.”
“I'll be waiting for that Yuubi, and the same goes for King Lion-O.”
“Give my apologies to His Majesty, it was not my intention to overstep my bounds.”
“I'm sure it wasn't your intention," said Lion frowned, "I'll be waiting for you at Thundera, just like the feline tanks and everything else.”
“So be it, Your Majesty, and I reiterate my apologies.”
Though uncomfortable with Yuubi's excess, Lion-O breathed easier knowing that everything would return to normal tomorrow.
"Next time I won't be so lax about my duties as king.... now all that's left is the matter of Wilykat and Wilykit."
“My lord," said Lynx-O, "now that the matter of the asistedroids and so on has been cleared up, would you think we were going to the room of the sword of omens?”
Lion-O was surprised, but in response the old general showed him the star stone.
“Mumm-ra's last star stone, how you got it!”
“That's a long story," Tygra said with a smile, "I'll tell you along the way, as well as another not so long but much more amusing one.”
Tygra, you promised not to say anything! Cheetara scolded him, while the others in the audience looked away so they wouldn't see the embarrassing expressions of Panthro and Tara.
Lion-O was surprised by the behavior of his friends so he took the star stone and studied it more closely to conceal it.
“I thank all of you," said Lion-O, "the discovery of the stone is more than I expected from the expedition. There will be time for you to tell me about what you discovered, for now I would like to have a word with Pumyra.”
Everyone understood Lion-O's intentions and left the two thundercats alone to clarify their situation.
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