Capítulo 19: Laughter and betrayal
Pink and orange shades painted the clouds of the horizon, announcing the end of the day and making many servants walk the palace, ready to do their night work.
One room, however, remained silent and its only two occupants stood still and stared at each other nervously.
“I'm glad everything went well on the expedition," said Lion-O, who struggled to look Pumyra straight in the eye. What you told me about El Dara... well, I... I'm glad, I mean, I'm not glad that El Dara is in ruins, I'm glad that you've returned, that you've all returned safe and sound.”
“Yes... it was good that everything went smoothly... almost," said Pumyra, as her left arm held her other arm and turned her gaze to one side. “And everything went well here?”
“Almost the only thing was Yuubi's business. Well that and something else...”
“Something else?” Pumyra looked at Lion-O and looked away, “Emmm... if you want, you don't have to tell me.”
“I think I have to do it...”
“Well... I, I, I also have something else to tell you... About the expedition.”
“No... You, you start first.”
“Calm down, you better get started.”
“No! I mean, you better start.”
“Okay," said Lion-O with a grimace of sorrow, "Pumyra, you see, I... I... I mean, well I... I didn't want to. Well, yes I wanted to! No, I mean, it's not like I wanted it! No, what I mean is....! what I mean is...”
“Lion-O, Bengali and I kissed!” Suddenly Pumyra shouted as she closed her eyes and clenched her fists to his side.
“Eh, seriously!”
“Bengali and I kissed," said Pumyra as she bit her lip and looked scared.
“Eh, really?”
“Not that Bengali kissed me! We both kissed!”
“Eh, seriously, I mean, it's serious, it's true what you're telling me.”
Pumyra nodded in pain and then underneath her face waited for the screams or worse, the disappointed face of Lion-O.
“Forgive me, Lion-O... I, I...”
Pumyra looked up and saw Lion-O laughing as he held his ribs.
“Lion-O, Lion-O... What's wrong with you? Why are you laughing, I told you I made out with Bengali! revealed the stunned thundercat. Don't laugh, I'm serious! I... I love Bengali! I'm sorry Lion-O, but I can't reciprocate your feelings, I know it's hard but you have to keep going.... we can still be friends. Right?... Stop laughing!”
“Ouch my ribs," said Lion-O as he squatted as he took a deep breath and wiped away his tears, while raising his arms and letting the thundercat know that he didn't want to be interrupted. “Pumyra... what I wanted to tell you was that I... I made out with Leonore.”
“Eh, really?”
“Yes, I love Leonore.”
“Eh, seriously!”
“I didn't know how to tell you, I thought it would hurt you.”
“Eh, seriously.... You really are a fool, Lion-O," said Pumyra with a red face and dismay. “You let me say all that crap that we can just be friends, that you have to move on, etc, etc, etc.”
“Hey, that means when girls tell you that, they just say it out loud.”
“...Shut up!”
The two friends looked fixed and this time they both started laughing.
The two thundercats left the room and in the corridor, bathed in a strong orange colouring, due to the sunset, was Bengali.
“Pumyra is a great woman, don't lose her," said Lion-O, as he put his hand on the young general's shoulder and smiled sincerely at him.
“I know, don't worry, Lion-O, I'll always be there for her.”
“I know, my friend, I know.”
At night, a dinner was prepared for the members of the expedition, where they told Lion-O more about the discovery of El Dara and the star stone.
“Unbelievable," said Lion-O, who had not yet kept the stone with the others. “Too bad Wilykat and Wilykit aren't here to hear this... oh, sorry, Leonore.”
“Don't worry, it's my fault, I should have told them before what was going on between us... I slapped my children... I'm a bad mother.”
“Don't say that, Leonore," Cheetara reassured her, "you're a great mother.”
“I think so," said Tara, "and to raise these four little monsters alone is something to be admired.”
“You want more of the berbils' candy fruit, my love!” Panthro would interrupt, so his girlfriend wouldn't say any more indiscretions.
“You see, Panthro," Tygra said jokingly, "it's not so bad to show your feelings. Isn't that right?”
“These young people are so funny," laughed Lynx-O.
“Didn't you say you wouldn't remind him that anymore, Tygra?” Risu said of the incident between Pantro and his chief engineer.
“Oh Risu," Bengali interrupted, "we will remind him that for the rest of his life.”
“Lion-O, help me.” cried Panthro.
“You asked for this Panthro, remember how severe you were with Bengali, Tygra and me? You went too far with the training.”
“Really?” Tara said interested.
“Severe training is not bad," Cheetara sided with the muscular general, “I went through a rigorous training, much harder than yours.”
“Come and see! I never took it out on my mentor.”
“I don't know," Lynx-O said with a thoughtful gesture. “I remember you were very rebellious when you were young, you did a lot of foolish things. How about I share with you young people, some funny stories of your General Panthro when he was a rookie?”
Lion-O, Tygra and Bengali cheered as if they had seen the open sky, while Panthro sank into his chair and was comforted by Tara.
The anecdotes were hilarious and even the girls laughed, including Tara.
Minino and Minina, who were the only children present, started to nod and their loving mother told them it was time to go to bed.
“I wonder where Wilykat and Wilykit are?” Leonore was asking no one in particular.
“I wonder the same thing about Sebastian and Jessie," said Risu.
“I was the last to arrive," said Pumyra. “I saw them in the covered roundabout in the east garden, they were kissing those four.”
“Kissing? How sweet," said Cheetara and Tara.
“Well, I don't know," continued Pumyra, "they all opened their lips... and their tongues... and not to mention their caresses... fuck.”
Several people in attendance spat out their drinks or looked frightened. Then all went out in droves, Lion-Ore was at the head who in the hurry had forgotten Minino and Minina, who were very happy to fall asleep again resting their little heads on the table.
“Ara, ara," said Rauri, who along with Pumyra were the only adults present.
“Ja, with that those children will have punisment," said Pumyra, very happy with herself.
“That thing you said, was it serious?”
“No, I made it all up.”
“You're bad.”
“Am I bad?”
“You're bad.”
“Well, you know, Rauri, my dear... I am what I am," Pumyra finished and went to her room to sleep after hurrying her glass of wine.
Upon arriving where Pumyra indicated, the adults were frustrated that there was no sign of any of the children.
“Lion-O, we have to find those curious kids!” Leonore begged him.
“Curious?" said Lion-O.
“And what else could it be? My childrens are innocents and the other two only want to imitate what adults do," explained the young mother as she looked down on Panthro and Tara, as if they were to blame for the four children's behaviour.
“Hey, why are you looking at us ugly?” Tara asked her in an intimidating tone.
“I'll ask the gate guards to help us find your children!” Lion-O said suddenly, to avoid a fight.
Leonore thanked Lion-O and the adults split up to cover more ground.
After a while, Leonore found the boys. They were looking at the moon on one of the rooftops of the capital.
“Kids, please don't do anything crazy! You still have a long time ahead of you to experience love!” exclaimed Leonore, red as a tomato and with her eyes closed.
“What are you doing here, Mom?”
In the end, it turned out that the four children were not doing strange things, they were just looking at the moon that was in its fourth waning state.
“Damn Pumyra," sighed Leonore, seeing that her children were doing nothing wrong. The two little thundercats still saw her angry.
“Wilykat, Wilykit.... Can we talk about this?”
Jessie and Sebastian looked at their boyfriends and nodded their heads, so they took a little distance for mother and childrens to settle their situation.
“Why, Mom, why?” wanted to know Wilykit.
“Have you forgotten Daddy already?” said Wilykat in anguish.
“No, I haven't forgotten him, and I'm sure he's still looking after us from heaven.”
“Then why...?” was about to ask Wilykit.
“Because I'm sure your father doesn't want me to be left alone or for you to be left without a father.”
“We don't need a new dad, you're enough.”
“But I'm not happy like this. You want to see me alone for the rest of my life. What about your little brothers and sisters? They need a daddy. You want to see me force a smile the rest of my days?”
“No mom.... But were you suffering, Mommy?”
“My children," said Leonore as she hugged her children. “You are my joy, but you are becoming more and more independent, and your little brothers will soon follow in your footsteps, and in the end I will be alone.”
“We'd never leave you alone, Mom!”
“We promise never to leave you again! We'll be with you forever!”
“Wilykat, Wilykit, a mother does not raise her children to keep them safe and close to her forever. She raises them to be independent and to travel the world in search of their place in it. I only look for your happiness and I also look for mine because apart from mother I am a woman.... The woman who will love you the most in the world, Wilykit, and the woman who, together with your wife Wilykat, will love you forever.”
The three thundercats hugged each other and the Cathian children exchanged smiles.
“So Lion-O likes older women," said Sebastian.
“She's not that old, she's only five years older than Lion-O," said Jessie. “The one who is older is Cheetara, I think she's eight years older than the king. She's an old lady now.”
“Yeah, a truly old lady” his cousin agreed.
“What do you said!” Suddenly Cheetara shouted who was coming out the other side of the roof. She was furious as hell.
“Calm down, Cheetara," said Tygra. “Remember you used to say they were very sweet. Besides, if you keep this up, you'll get wrinkles. Ouch!”
Cheetara left the place outraged, as Tygra ran after her. The laughter of the children could be heard in the distance.
“Cheetara that was a joke, cheetara don't get angry!....! Hell, I think I can guess who's sleeping on the hard couch tonight. Cheetara come back!”
Taking advantage of the fact that the guards were looking for the children and neglecting their duties as a gate guards, a newly rebuilt hovercraft, once part of Slithe army, left the capital.
A person was driving the vehicle with an absent expression and gaze, behind which were gagged and tied up Minino and Minina, who were moaning and trying to free themselves from their restraints.
Rauri forced the engine of the hovercraft which was less and less illuminated by the waning moon that was slowly being covered by dark night clouds.
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