Capítulo 14: The temptation
Several birds that inhabited the icy fjord flew away fast as they noticed how the ground was vibrating and the roar of powerful engines was heard louder.
The feline tank stopped its advance at the edge of the fjord and the thundercats, together with the Cathians, went out to observe the landscape better.
“Is this the right route?” Tygra asked, as he clothed Cheetara in warmer clothes.
“I hope so," replied Cheetara, who was grateful for the attention of the thundercat, "it is fortunate that Linzo has a photographic memory and that in his youth (before becoming blind) he read the legend of the lost city of El Dara, not only the version that Wilykat and Wilykit had, but also the other versions.”
“It's true," said Tygra, who now rubbed Cheetara's arms to warm her up, "I read the story too, but I didn't imagine there were so many similar versions. Comparing them all, this is the best route we could take.”
“Why didn't we do this search using air fighters?” asked Pumyra, who was also clothed by the icy weather.
“Because we don't know where El Dara is," replied Pantro, "the fighters require a hundred times more fuel than the feline tank, and the fuel tanks don't grow on the trees.”
“We could have taken several reservations with us," Pumyra replied.
“And we take them with us," said Tara, "but the fighters need a runway to take off, which is not very safe to find in the open air. No, it's best not to have taken any fighters with us, it would only be dead weight.”
“Something I hope will not turn the feline tank," Risu said worriedly as he watched with binoculars the mountain range to which they would later head, “it will take us a long time to find a safe route for the feline tank to pass through.”
“Our thundranium reserves will be enough for us to cross the mountain range, the real problem will come later," said Bengali, "the glacier zone is a wasteland and it certainly has no thundranium deposits, if we are surprised by a group of storms there...”
“One problem at a time, my young General, one problem at a time," reassured old General Lynx-O with a smile, "I think it would be wiser for the moment to camp here and have a hot snack.”
“I think it's an excellent idea," Bengali agreed, and at that very moment Rauri was carrying some utensils to prepare the food.
“Something hot will make us feel wonderful," said the asistedroid gently, "and then we will be able to appreciate this beautiful landscape with better eyes.”
Everyone agreed and helped Rauri as much as they could, the funny comments came and went. The hearts rested as everyone knew that the journey would soon begin its most difficult stage.
Unlike the icy fjord where the Risu expedition was located, the capital of Thundera had a very pleasant temperate climate.
"I hope Pumyra and the others are doing well," Lion-O thought worried at the time, when his thoughts were interrupted by an approaching thundercat.
“King Lion-O, Your Majesty.”
“Oh, are you, uh...”
“Leonore, my name is Leonore, Your Majesty.”
“Oh yes, you are the mother of Wilykat and Wilykit.”
“That's right, my lord," said Leonore bowing, "I came because I wanted to thank you properly for taking care of Wilykat and Wilykit.”
“...No, that's not necessary.”
“But it is, I was so hurt and distressed. I didn't know what had happened to my two children and I couldn't go to Thundera because I had to take care of Minino and Minina... Thank you, my king, a thousand infinite thanks, thank you for having taken care of and protected my children!” Leonore thanked him in tears as she held Leono's hands and stared at him in adoration.
“...It was nothing," said Lion-O, while feeling guilty as he remembered just then how he had refused to give the two children help the first time they met.
"I was such a jerk," thought Lion-O. "How I'd like to redeem myself for what an idiot I was."
“...Emmm, Leonore," said Lion-O, "I heard that you and the children will return home... Well, now the situation is a bit difficult, I beg you to stay in the capital... I want you to stay in the palace, you will be my guests of honor.”
“But my king, I don't think that's appropriate.”
“I insist," said Leono, who this time held the woman's hands, “Besides, I don't want there to be so many formalities on your part. Wilykat and Wilykit call me by my name.”
“Hey, but that's not right.”
“You're wrong Leonore, it's the right thing to do, Wilykat and Wilykit, despite their youth are my friends and it would be an honor if you were too.”
Leonore was surprised but then nodded with a beautiful smile that made Lion-O blush.
"Hey, why am I so nervous?" thought Lion-O, alarmed.
“Here you were, Mom!” Suddenly Wilykit shouted, accompanied by Wilykat, Jessie and Sebastian, who led Minino and Minina by the hand.
When Leonore explained Lion-O's offer to the children, everyone cheered.
“I see that everyone is very happy," said Leonore, smiling, as she watched Wilykit and Sebastian hugging each other and jumping for joy. The same thing happened with Wilykat and Jessie, while Minino and Minina went from one side to the other excited.
“How nice, Jessie. Now we won't have to split up.” said Wilykat as he and the Cathiana held each other in their arms.
“This is the best thing that could have happened to us, Wilykit!” said radiant Sebastian, who also embraced her.
“Thank you very, very much, Lion-O!” This time said Jessie, who put her sweet arms around Wilykat's neck.
Minino and Minina were screaming out of the room with a loud scream of excitement and ran away with a lot of fun. The four children went after the two little ones and left the two young adults alone.
“I think my two older children are very attached to those two....”
“Well, it's no wonder, they're boyfriend and girlfriend after all.”
“Boyfriends! It can't be!”
“What is it, Leonore?”
“...That... well... it... it doesn't matter... fu,fu,fu. I was surprised for a moment, but then I realized that I had a boyfriend when I was very young, in fact, I married at the same age as Wilykit, I think I was even a year younger.”
“Really!” Lion-O said. “Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you look so young.”
“I know things are different in the capital.... Lion-O," said shy Leonore, "but in the countryside girls mature faster and marry at a younger age.”
“So... how old are you?” Lion-O asked nervously.
“I'm twenty-six. At fifteen I had Wilykat and Wilykit.”
“Wiskers!... I'm sorry!”
“Don't worry, Lion-O and how old are you?”
“I'm twenty-one... I'm only five years younger than you!”
“You look much older, Lion-O.”
“And you, you don't seem to be more than twenty... emmm... (Why am I so nervous)”
“How cute you are, Lion-O," said the young mother, but then she saw Lion-O frown.
“What's going on, Lion-O?”
“...I hate it when people call me that, I'm not a child to be called cute'. You see, there was a girl I liked a lot.... it was Cheetara, she also told me that I was cute, I misunderstood her attentions and it hurt me a lot when she chose my older brother Tygra as her partner.”
“I didn't know, I'm so sorry, Lion-O.”
“That wasn't the only time. There was also another girl, Pumyra, she also told me that I was cute, but in the end...”
Leonore hugged Lion-O, but then let him go.
“I'm sorry... I didn't mean... I don't want to treat you like another one of my children. You're a real man now.”
“Thank you, Leonore.”
“Don't worry, Lion-O, you told me you wanted me to be your friend. Whenever you have a problem you can tell me anything, so if the occasion calls for it, I will hug you hard to comfort you, not as a mother, but as a friend.”
The two thundercats stared at each other and then both shyly looked away as they realized that they were holding each other's arms without realizing it.
In the ancient fortress of Mumm-ra, the suffocating heat of the desert seeped into the inner corridors, yet a Cathian ignored the feeling of heat and tiredness.
Humm, Lynx-O and Bengali's reports were not lying, Mumm-ra's Mechs and ship factories were at their limit, with our participation it was only a matter of time before he lost the war, even if Rodent had not sabotaged the shipment of thundranium to this place.
The Cathian was doing his diligent work when he entered Mumm-ra's central chamber.
The semi-well that was surrounded by the statues of the ancient evil spirits was dry and was not the object of Yuubi's attention, who went to the monitor of Mumm-ra's "tomb" controls and vehicle to deactivate it.
“I wonder if what Mumm-ra achieved was immortality... for if that was the case, I wouldn't want to be immortal, at least not like him.”
Without Yuubi realizing it, Mumm-ra's semi-well was slowly filling up and a red glow flashed in the eyes of the statues.
“Do you desire immortality?” They uttered in unison voices from beyond the grave that made the catboy turn at lightning speed.
“Who is there, identify yourself!”
“You desire immortality!” the voices of outsiders returned.
“Many people want things they don't want," Yuubi said coldly, discovering the nature of his interlocutors.
“How about power, wealth, lust... knowledge!”
“I like the last part... except for one thing, I don't make deals with garbage!”
A strong wind hit the whole place but Yuubi stood firm like a rock, only his eyebrows were moving in tics that indicated that his anger was growing.
“If that's all you have to offer me.... I'm back on my mission.”
“You abandoned your mission long ago, Cathian," said the evildoers, and Yuubi stopped his march to the Mumm-ra capsule controls.
“If you are not interested in anything we have to offer.... maybe you are interested in something we have to offer to your planet.”
A strong light came out of the waters of the semi well and an image was projected above them.
Yuubi turned around this time and saw a kind of metal contraption, it looked like a kind of black rhombus or tetrahedron.
“What is this trap you are offering me for my downfall?” he ask with disgust.
“You are right, Cathian, it is a trap that will lead you to eternal perdition... but will save your planet. That's what soldiers are for, isn't it? In peace and war in the service of the country.”
Yuubi raised his arms in an attempt to grasp the illusion and his fists clenched into the void.
“War is the altar of sacrifice," Yuubi said with a serious gesture, "and if I must sacrifice so that Cathia does not bleed, so be it.... It will be Melmak and Dogisian who will feed the gluttony of war!”
Powerful thunderbolts echoed all over the outside of the pyramid, while a strong desert wind threw the sand from the dunes against the accursed structure from the void of space.
Author's final notes: nyajaja sure didn't expect this fanfic's plot to turn. Will there or will there not be romance between Lion-O and Leonore? How will Wilykat and Wilykit react if in the end there is more than just friendship between adults? What happens to Pumyra when she gets back?
Apart from the above, the plot is complicated with Yuubi.... wait for my next chapter and don't forget to comment.