Previous author's notes: thundercats and cathians join forces. Learning from the mistakes and that is that for those who saw the series, you surely noticed Claudus' tremendous blunders when he lost his kingdom and other various defensive deficiencies.
Chapter 7: Preliminary Preparations
In a chamber with a high vault of dark tones, black-hearted creatures waited for the words of an entity that, though emaciated in appearance, in no way diminished its innate evil, only its chaotic energy that bound him to this world.
“My all-powerful lord Mumm-ra, we fervently await your orders, for we your servants are eager to fulfill them promptly," said Pumyra, the thundercat who betrayed Lion-O in the avian city.
The thundercat, unlike Mumm-ra's other henchmen, had a bent knee and assumed a submissive stance of obedience to all tests.
“Thanks to your black betrayal Pumyra," said the mummy in a tired voice, "we got the stellar power gem that sustained the avian city.”
“I also helped Mumm-ra," interrupted Vultureman with his sharp, raspy, arrogant tone of voice.
“Silence, miserable Vultureman, if you had attacked Lion-O, I would now have the gem of star power from the sword of omens," said Mumm-ra, whose voice sounded drier and weaker.
“That's right, you better shut up, you pathetic bird!” Pumyra shouted, as she got up and turned around, she glared at the traitorous avian.
“But from what I hear, Mumm-ra asked that no one intervene in his fight with Lion-O, Yes?” said the malicious Slithe, while pretending innocence.
“Yes, that's true! Wuh, wuh wuh, wuh!” Monkian called out as he raised his muscular arms and looked at Pumyra and Mumm-ra with a mocking gesture.
“The great and powerful Mum-ra, he got the gem of the avians but in the end that's all!” laughed Jackalman.
“Wretches!” Pumyra shouted, “Let me punish them, my lord!”
“That's enough!” Mumm-ra ordered. Whose legs were beginning to shake, “the battle with Lion-O weakened me a lot, more than I could have imagined. The power of my dark gems was not enough to wipe out the tiny, inferior sword of omens. I don't know what the reason was, but now that doesn't matter, I must have the last of the stellar gems, that way my victory will be assured... but I can't do it alone. Pumyra, you will be in charge of locating the last gem and giving it to me, while I must rest in my capsule to replenish my strength.”
“I think I would be best suited for that task, my lord, yes?” said Slithe with a soft tone of voice, which tried to hide his immense contempt for the pathetic and diminished being in front of him.
“Ha, you've already proved your inefficiency, Slithe! I'd better leave that task in the hands of someone more loyal... and intelligent.”
Slithe's cold blood boiled at that moment as he listened to the words of the evil summoner, as well as the laughter of mockery behind his back from Monkian and jackalman, as well as the contemptuous smile on Pumyra's lips.
“It will be done as you wish, my all-powerful lord," said Slithe, in a perfect performance of submission, something in which the despicable one was very good.
Mumm-ra, gathering all the strength he had, went to his "sarcophagus" and could not show weakness in the face of Slithe, much less in the face of a couple of murderers and psychopaths like Monkian and Jackalman.
Pumyra frowned at no one in particular, she had no idea where the last star gem could be located, but she had to hurry. She did not trust that Monkian and Jackalman would not betray Mumm-ra in an outburst of brutality and madness so typical of them, besides Slithe and Vultureman were scum of another sack, but scum after all, ambitious scum.
Unknown to Mumm-ra's henchmen, a pair of feline eyes were lost in the twilight from one of the ventilation channels of the complex.
The agile silhouette ran through the ventilation channels with dazzling ease and her figure was fully visible when she emerged from the "pyramid" of evil.
"That Cathian Yuubi was right," Cheetara thought. "The best thing was to get as close to the enemy as possible and see what they were up to. Thanks to Llaga for my super-speed,and slow advance of Slithe army."
Cheetara printed her super speed by taking breaks when the body asked her to do so and then resuming the fast race at an impossible speed.
The thundercat arrived at the ruins of the avian city and was surprised that no one was idle in its absence.
The sloping city now lay perpendicular to the ground and not sloping as it had been before.
A double defensive wall surrounded the city and that was not the most surprising thing of all, when arriving where the place where the cathian ship crashed, another double defensive wall surrounded the whole structure and the same as the city avian, multitude of people were doing external repairs for the whole structure inside the wall.
“Good that you arrived Cheetara," said Tygra, who hurried off to embrace his bride.
“I' m glad to be back, though a little dizzy from the effort," recognized the thundercat and leaned on the man's left arm, which led her carefully to an improvised stool to sit down.
“I see things are going very well," said Cheetara after she took a break and kissed Tygra on the mouth.
“That's right. As soon as you left, Captain Risu arranged a planning and strategy meeting to see how we could help each other.”
“What did they decide?”
“It was Yuubi who carried the banner at the meeting. He asked the avians to fly and describe the landscape around this site and the avian ruins. So he decided that it was best not to move the ship to the avian city.”
“Why did he decide that? The most logical thing would be for the ship to be under the shelter of the protective wall that now protects the city avian.””
I and the others thought so, but Yuubi told us that the distance between the ship and the city, while not too great, was large enough to make any attack force split its forces in two and thus be a controllable threat because if a hostile faction fell, the other would fall immediately because it would be surrounded by two forces that would ambush it in an encircling movement.”
“Impressive, what a good stratagem.”
“That's nothing, the construction of a second defensive wall is already underway to destroy the outer wall in case it is taken over by the enemy.”
“That would have been of great help when Slithe entered Thundera from the outer wall to the royal palace, there were no other defenses.”
“Yuubi says that only a fool would trust his defence to an insurmountable line of defence, so defences and barracks will be erected outside the two defensive walls. All of these buildings will be connected to their city pairs by tunnels that will have automatic gates so that the enemy does not pass through them and ultimately have explosives so that they can be blocked in case they cannot defend themselves.”
“Everything seems to be very well planned, so all the forces will be out in the barracks and the outside defenses.”
“Not all of them, Yuubi decided that most of the defenders would stay either on the walls or behind them no matter what happened. Of course, the defenders abroad will have reinforcements, but he doesn't want the same thing to happen as in Thundera.”
“I remember, it was a disaster, until the last soldier came out of the outer wall and the whole capital was left defenseless at the mercy of Slithe who went out with his troops from that giant thundran rock that was actually hollow. However, there's one thing I don't understand, how will they build everything you told me before they attack us?”
“The cathians are helping us a lot with the technology, as are our friends the berbils and our recent allies the avians. As for labour, it is divided into two parts: firstly, there are our allies of various races, who will soon be reinforced by our compatriots whom we rescued from the thundran mines of Ratar-O; secondly, well, you better see for yourself, there were not only cathians in the ship of Risu.”
“Were there other races? Those belonging to that so-called "Imperial Conglomerate".”
“No, you'll see. Follow me.”
Cheetara followed Tygra who held her by the hand. Though she was a fighter, she could not help but blush when the thundercat gave her a seductive smile, though she could also see from the corner of her eye that Tygra was also blushing.
At the end they arrived at their destination and Cheetara could see a lot of cathian girls carrying very heavy loads and that they were very heavy.
“Do you notice anything different about these catgirls?” Tygra asked.
“...They have no tails, I can also see the joints in their articulations. They're asistedroids like Rauri!”
“They are actually biodroids for military use, although at the moment they are helping us as a workforce. They are very useful because they do not need to sleep or eat, and are tireless for this type of work because it is in their combat function where their structure is required to the maximum.”
“Of course, however, they are not like Rauri, I would say they have no personality, they are more like robots. From what Risu told me, it is the asistedroids for civil use that have personalities or rather have software that simulates a personality.”
“Just like Rauri.”
“Risu told me that Rauri is a special case, apparently because of a manufacturing defect, Rauri seems almost like a real person. If it weren't for her metal ears, lack of tail and visible joints in her articulations, she could pass for a real cathian.”
“Why are they all women?”
“I was told that it is to take advantage of the psychological effect against the enemy, it takes more seconds to react, an advantage taken advantage of by the combat asistedroids.”
Cheetara rested her head on Tygra's shoulder while smiling calmly, things seemed to be on track.
“I see you're back at last," Yuubi, who was apparently carrying several building plans, suddenly interrupted, "why didn't you report to me as soon as you returned?”
“Oh, I'm sorry Yuubi, Tygra was just giving me an update on all the preparations you planned.”
Cheetara's words seemed to calm Yuubi, who stopped frowning.
“Tell me Cheetara, did you put the surveillance cameras in the ventilation ducts?”
“So I did, there was no problem.”
“Well, we'll soon put the camouflaged antennas from here to Mumm-ra's ship and we'll be one step ahead, not several steps ahead of our enemies. In fact, when they're beginning the race, we'll be back.”
“With this we will have the advantage," agreed Cheetara.
“Claudus' reign fell due to the use of technology, well, it's time they tried some of their own medicine. We can't face the enemy yet, but we'll take the advantage in terms of intelligence work and soon we'll do it in logistics. The last step before the offensive will be to overcome them in terms of weapons technology, but first we must overcome the lizards in terms of troop training, once we do this, everything will be purring and sleeping," Yuubi concluded with a smile so cold that it made the two thundercats swallow spit.
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